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high five [L2J] L2Raze


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It looks really nice but feels really wrong; no freedom of choice and everything seems meaningless



instant pvp servers r so boring, no farm = no fun.

Edited by kavvadi
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long worked project, time to be out for everyone, gl vamp, also partnership with l2tales = success as always 


Reminds me of...




I read all those commends from previous pages, "omg pvp server will die in 1 month" and "what server doesent after 1 month?" this managed to die in the exactly same time as TITANIC 1 max 2 days.

Payment for votes in tops doesent help servers dear Stalone, also fake advertising like 5000+ expecting for start, get serious :D only monkeys will believe that afterall :) you failed this now gl with Cartel and Innova cooperation shit u do there :D this time u will write 10.000+ on start if u didnt already wrote it... who knows after that one fails u will write direct connection with NCSoft.

Edited by Stereotype
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Indeed success as always.


Non players will never make the perfect gameplay because they dont know what community wants, and exactly the opposite

Players will never make the perfect gameplay because they dont have the knowledge to do it.


Its sad, but i told it on first place that server will not last more than 1 week.

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good luck vampir, the server has potential but community is r****, you need lot of money spend on campaigns and ru tops to pull this off with all kids around. 


Also bring down the competition to force the players play! this is ultimate solution for success.

Profit on high-rate is 350-400% lower than a midrate because i know from experience. If you still have the passion for the game you will success anyway


Regards and Good Luck


Now i read this top retarded romanian guy :)))))

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Now i read this top retarded romanian guy :)))))


Yep and he pulled, he got over 500 online, the fail is not my problem




yep youre part of that retarded community

Congratulations, you have something to be proud in life for  :happyforever:


L2 died with trashes ppl like you...

No more svs for you homos, go back to trash aeron

Edited by Karasu
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wrong vlad lickballz axel faggot


The players leave server when they get bored. Is the community fault and wiping the server wont bring the kids back.

Thats why is necessary new projects, to GET ALL THE PLAYERS BACK


You want me to keep sv with 20 online 1 year? gtfo you do it and spend money on dedi  :y u no?:  ,fag who never opened a server or donated to even consider crying/complaining/hating ,shit kid with no future ROFL  :not bad:  ,keep me entertained , i like it.

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