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L2Jsunrise Datapack

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  • If you are not the owner of the share, please add the proper credits, else you will be smitted
  • Badly coded shares will be locked for the sake of java

Rules are rules, give Credits and then lock this.

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This is L2J + copy paste, there is no credits to give to these guys seriously.


Plus if you compare the feature list vs the actual code, this is an obvious scam and their sell topic should get deleted.

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This is L2J + copy paste, there is no credits to give to these guys seriously.


Plus if you compare the feature list vs the actual code, this is an obvious scam and their sell topic should get deleted.

same as L2jOfficial  :forever alone like a boss:

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This is L2J + copy paste, there is no credits to give to these guys seriously.


Plus if you compare the feature list vs the actual code, this is an obvious scam and their sell topic should get deleted.

I actually was sarcastic about it, maxtor added hes pack long time ago in the project section but was actually private selling project

he was asked to add hellas long before acis added there but (wheird) things have their own way of doing in this L2World. :D

if you want my opinion its most likely we all get punished and this project continue i guess

Edited by Nightw0lf
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Its compiled version, so there is not even a share, the tag is wrong and the source's are not included on any link. Topic should have been locked but mods maybe they dont know their own rules.


About all trashtalkers i will not even bother reply...


first of all its statements w/o arguments and second if sone1 check's my sales topic will see that its the same accounts that was talking and spammed like jealous guys again and again!


l2jsunrise is going great and no1 can do a shit ;) we still have upgraded users and we still updating!

cheers !

Edited by `NeverMore
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Topic should have been locked but mods maybe they dont know their own rules.

If it is Compiled free version by your site, then I do not see any reason for lock..

I agree with you, but is the free version.


However, this topic is somewhat wrong. He must give and the website of project.

Give 2-3 infos about the project or something..


l2jsunrise is going great and no1 can do a shit ;) we still have upgraded users and we still updating!

cheers !

That's nice...

I hope the best for you. ;)


Όταν κάποιος ζητάει για H5, το δικό σου προτείνω. ;)

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Its compiled version, so there is not even a share, the tag is wrong and the source's are not included on any link. Topic should have been locked but mods maybe they dont know their own rules.


About all trashtalkers i will not even bother reply...


first of all its statements w/o arguments and second if sone1 check's my sales topic will see that its the same accounts that was talking and spammed like jealous guys again and again!


l2jsunrise is going great and no1 can do a shit ;) we still have upgraded users and we still updating!

cheers !

Of course, when it's about your project, it should be locked :lol:


But let me remind you something from the topic for the APC manager:

exactly, thats how it works... 

but a community which depends on shares and tuts, wouldnt be able to surive w/o this kind of topics/shares !


l2jserver is a thousand times better than this or any other paid pack and I don't see any reason for someone to use this instead of the original l2jserver project :P

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Of course, when it's about your project, it should be locked :lol:


But let me remind you something from the topic for the APC manager:


l2jserver is a thousand times better than this or any other paid pack and I don't see any reason for someone to use this instead of the original l2jserver project :P

but its not about the share, its about the rules that this topic does not follow. What i said there is true.

Its almost the 5th time sharing my project and in all russian forums and spanish one's you can find also copies.

I quess in your hard try to be smartass you confused yourself.


about l2jserver yes thanks for you opinion, on your next h5 server use l2jserver!














































it gonna success!

... like all of your projects ....


Edited by `NeverMore
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If it is Compiled free version by your site, then I do not see any reason for lock..

I agree with you, but is the free version.


However, this topic is somewhat wrong. He must give and the website of project.

Give 2-3 infos about the project or something..


That's nice...

I hope the best for you. ;)


Όταν κάποιος ζητάει για H5, το δικό σου προτείνω. ;)

γλειψε και αλλο, slurp slurp

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Its compiled version, so there is not even a share, the tag is wrong and the source's are not included on any link. Topic should have been locked but mods maybe they dont know their own rules.


About all trashtalkers i will not even bother reply...


first of all its statements w/o arguments and second if sone1 check's my sales topic will see that its the same accounts that was talking and spammed like jealous guys again and again!


l2jsunrise is going great and no1 can do a shit ;) we still have upgraded users and we still updating!

cheers !


Damn, you can't be serious.


First of all, this version isn't the free. It includes most shit.


For argument, let's see :




  • All high five quests are working including Seven Signs series


The SSQ are copied from whatever pack this is with a few adjustements to make it on L2J.


This is the same as L2JEuropa or Mobius


Just check for yourself, from a small part of it :


L2JSR : https://gist.github.com/Sdw-/a21b767d87112f60703a

Mobius : https://code.google.com/p/mobius-source/source/browse/trunk/dist/gameserver/data/scripts/quests/Q10295_SevenSignsSolinasTomb.java?r=546#252


It's the same for all missing L2J quests. It's SLIGHTLY rewritten, again.




  • Reworked resist formulas to work 99% retail like


Yeaaaah right. You still use the old L2J skill system with broken formula. For instance, all your glad skills use Formulas#calcPhyDam where L2J have EnergyAttack, this formula has been RCE from L2Server, and that's the very first skill in xml.


And I just spend 5 min doing this, not more, it's kinda ridiculous.


But I'm sure, you don't even have the recent features done on L2J (karma, exp penalty reduction effect, ...)

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