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MaxCheaters - An 'International' Cheating Forum or maybe not?


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I think the whole language thing is a bullsh it you have something personal with universe he may deleted one of your post or he ate your coconut,

i dont know but in my opinion this is not something about the language and maxcheaters forum bon.


From this we went even further and we lost the real point or what topic starter wants to say.

Yellow people lock this topic instead quoting until gmods or maxtor check it, your job is to calm people not

set more fire.

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From this we went even further and we lost the real point or what topic starter wants to say.

Yellow people lock this topic instead quoting until gmods or maxtor check it, your job is to calm people not

set more fire.


are You sure what U write?

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JaharakaL you look like a hater,blaming Universe and agreeing for his demotion.


I remember when everyone was blaming you and asking for your demotion you felt good?

Well well well.You are to a house and all are blaming you what you will do?Leaving the house or staying there?
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From this we went even further and we lost the real point or what topic starter wants to say.

Yellow people lock this topic instead quoting until gmods or maxtor check it, your job is to calm people not

set more fire.


dont even go there, all gold members or ex gold members who got promoted to COADMIN JUSTICE are kind of useless, they are real reason why this forum goes down, they are just spammers who wants attention by reporting every single topic a gazillion times until someone says in the staff section "but hes soooo active" and at that point hes gold member :D

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Locked temporary.

Waiting zake or justice to reply at this.

Locked? For what reason? Let the people discuss. You need to face the truth in this topic. It's not a hate speech or anything like that. You just don't fit for this position. The sooner you get it, the better it is for you brother.

Anyway, I don't have anything personal against the forum nor Maxtor but so far this forum looks like an wrecking ball as Bruce Springsteen says. Radical changes must be done in order to change forum's current situation. Re-opening the L2MxC server won't have much of an impact on forum's activity. Maxtor uses this forum to make his living, to make more and more money and this is why (I believe) tries to open a the Lineage server too. It's not only that the forum doesn't seem as International. As Elfo stated a page ago, look at the header & tell me where the heck all these 'cheats' are. 

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Locked? For what reason? Let the people discuss. You need to face the truth in this topic. It's not a hate speech or anything like that. You just don't fit for this position. The sooner you get it, the better it is for you brother


they know the truth, to be honest every single "older" member here knows whats the truth but it cant get across to the higher level mods because of their shown ignorance sadly so why trying?

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