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Everything posted by StarSCreams

  1. i already finish this :D, i make a new skillType, and add on thinkcast() check if skilltype true if any need this i share it.
  2. hi thanks my function: public void Cast(Skill skill, Creature target, boolean forceUse, boolean dontMove) when learn some class and funcions, i reached the conclusion need make a new skillType to check if... My idea is when use FireWorks the character dont stop movement.. FireWork item_id =6407 (skill_id=2025) this skill 2025 is skillType="HOT" i check on source skillType="HOT" but this is linked with Continuous.class any suggests? i use fandc files.. freya high five
  3. you can guide me where start search?, i searching on AbastracAI //setIntention
  4. hi its possible do not stop movement when using skill? i search on skill but only find nextAction .
  5. thanks very much bro!, you can explain how to decompile LineageSkillEffect be my self? for future?
  6. i downloaded L2Editor from lordofdest and get this error when i add in UT2003.ini EditPackages=LineageSkillEffect (Encrypted and Decrypted) or any can decompile for me? https://www.mediafire.com/file/213hho55evyg4qe/LineageSkillEffect.u/file The files is from: Lineage 2 - [] - TCT 2.6 - Freya High Five Part 5 [System][273NA][Win10]
  7. i download from this post LineageSkillEffect folder and install clean UE and compile without touch anything, but ingame some effects like soulshots and spirit shots dissapear.. only ear sounds..
  8. i find a bug, all soulshots effects disapear only sounds.. you can explain how to decompile (FREYA HIGH FIVE)
  9. hi, i need help to unpack LineageSkillEffects.u i try use WOTgrealExporter but here is my result: Results empty *.uc file: any can helpme¡?
  10. i have fandc files, you can review or create mini guide? in this files not have loginserverthread.java for example. thanks bro
  11. Hi! i have a idea for my test server.. have a column on characters and store some information of character.. i need add or show this information on CharInfo in client Example ADD Mobs Hunted on Karma side: i need create some script or something in interface.xdat? any suggestions? thanks in advance
  12. really good work elfo!, one day i used this maybe.. thanks!! downloaded!
  13. hey bro the int numbers are only example, but i learn if need 0 at the begging thank you =)
  14. if any have this idea, i solved with this.. int[] arr = new int[] {0254,0156,0641,0974,0112}; String[] arr2 = new String[] {"A","B","C","D","E"}; for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ html.append("<td width=30><img src=\"icon.customtex_" + arr[i] + "\" width=32 height=32></td>"); html.append("<td align=\"center\" width=290>" + arr2[i] + "</td>"); } locked.
  15. hi, any can help me with this? have this code int[] arr = new int[] {0254,0156,0641,0974,0112}; html.append("<table border=1 valign=\"center\" width=270 height=30 background=\"L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Drawer_Bg\">"); html.append("<tr>"); for(int i:arr){ html.append("<td width=30><img src=\"icon.customtex_" + i + "\" width=32 height=32></td>"); html.append("<td align=\"center\" width=290>Name 1!</td>"); } html.append("</tr>"); html.append("</table>"); i need loop for 5 differents names.. but i no have idea how to make this.. thanks
  16. its simple, if my Wind Walk is in reuse, Berserker Spirit can't cast. only if cooldown of windwalk has been finished can use
  17. Hi, i have a questions... its posible disable skill for example Berserker Spirit if WindWalk reusedelay > 1 thanks
  18. really nice and thank so much bro, now i can made some emotes like league of legends hehehe look https://imgur.com/eaqqerk thanks!!!!!!!
  19. so close hehehe https://imgur.com/KKMkklH now have others warning.. Heading: --------------------Lineage2Effects - Release-------------------- Warning: Failed to load 'Lineage2Effects.u': Can't find file 'Lineage2Effects.u' Warning: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'Lineage2Effects.u' Log: Analyzing... Log: FactoryCreateText: Class with ClassFactoryUC (0 1 ..\Lineage2Effects\Classes\br_s_u002_ca.uc) Log: Class: br_s_u002_ca extends Emitter Log: Imported: Class Lineage2Effects.br_s_u002_ca Log: FactoryCreateText: Class with ClassFactoryUC (0 1 ..\Lineage2Effects\Classes\br_s_u006_lose.uc) Log: Class: br_s_u006_lose extends Emitter Log: Imported: Class Lineage2Effects.br_s_u006_lose Log: Parsing br_s_u002_ca Log: Parsing br_s_u006_lose Log: Compiling br_s_u002_ca Log: Compiling br_s_u006_lose Log: Importing Defaults for br_s_u002_ca Log: Importing Defaults for br_s_u006_lose Warning: Failed to load 'FX_E_T': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'DropItemsTex': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'BranchSys': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'Texture BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_t00': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Error: ObjectProperty Engine.ParticleEmitter.Texture: unresolved reference to 'Texture'BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_t00'' Warning: Failed to load 'FX_E_T': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'DropItemsTex': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'BranchSys': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'Texture BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_frame_t00': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Error: ObjectProperty Engine.ParticleEmitter.Texture: unresolved reference to 'Texture'BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_frame_t00'' Warning: Failed to load 'FX_E_T': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'DropItemsTex': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'BranchSys': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'Texture BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_frame_t00': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Error: ObjectProperty Engine.ParticleEmitter.Texture: unresolved reference to 'Texture'BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_frame_t00'' Warning: Failed to load 'FX_E_T': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'DropItemsTex': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'BranchSys': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'Texture BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_t02': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Error: ObjectProperty Engine.ParticleEmitter.Texture: unresolved reference to 'Texture'BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_t02'' Warning: Failed to load 'FX_E_T': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'DropItemsTex': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'BranchSys': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Warning: Failed to load 'Texture BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_t02': Can't find file for package 'FX_E_T' Error: ObjectProperty Engine.ParticleEmitter.Texture: unresolved reference to 'Texture'BranchSys.Effect.br_pumkin_t02'' Log: Success: Compiled 6 line(s), 2 statement(s). really thanks for reply and where make the texture like you shared?
  20. ok look i decrypt from original textures and copy in Textures folder LineageEffectsTextures.utx CubeMaps.utx BranchSys.utx and now get this LOG https://pastebin.com/VuRt39zf thanks for the L2PE tip
  21. in this zip have Lineage2Effects.u LineageSkillEffect.u UCC.log http://www.mediafire.com/file/uuokb34tv6hjot7/System.zip/file
  22. the effect in this skill is br_014 23096 1 0 0 0 500 0 0.00000000 0 br_014 icon.skill0000 0 0 0 a,none\0 0 -1 11 0 a,none\0 and because try to make emotes with this effects, i dont like Mastery Yogi effects.. in a moment upload the effects and logs in one little folder.
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