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Everything posted by KruMix

  1. best way is to take duals and after to paste the images and others from deggers to duals
  2. Gl with your server bro looks very good . !!
  3. Hello , My personal thinking about what is the best for a server is : *Frist of all should be the disscusion with players , with the server comunnity, Regarding the server futures * another thing will be to add uninique things in server gameplay but not to make it to much customs * Take Care about comunnity needs speacking with them(i know those days to much ppls play l2 just for pvp and they forget the most important thing of l2 thats the sad thing) * Avoid high rate servers this is a total unbalance of game i notice that on my own experience you will never achive the perfect balance Thats all what was in my mind right now . And Pleasee excuse my english Thake care Ps : You will nerver achive to please all players
  4. why ppl wont spend time trying new things? ...if a server is midrate x50 for example no custom in mypoint has not future . we all know mid no custom server have a life of 1-2 months maybe more but still why ppl run so much about custom servers? For exemple i would give a try to every server ... its true nowdays are lots off bad servers ..even so if some one want to make somthing good ppl wont help becouse they are greedy .......
  5. Acis for sure ...and its clean stable but still miss some things (quests rewrite skil formul and refactor movment ..)
  6. just those are effects
  7. i think this is the efect lineageEffect.ra_boss_halo_a_ca or this LineageEffect.p_u002_a try them both
  8. of all you need texture adaption for each custom you want to add . you need also System File edit
  9. hehehhe lvl 20 in 5 min nice game :O
  10. LF Dinasty Armor Quest Recipes info / video/
  11. GL Bro . PPL Will Join For Sure . Server Looks Really Nice
  12. tryto take the effect from hero aura ..;)
  13. has the same problem with fists?
  14. pm me so we can discuss
  15. check your pms : No Answer
  16. Sorry for 2 post . any one got any ideea how to fix it ? i can pay for it ofc
  17. How i can fix this shit. i think the gloves from set are bugged . As i test when i remove the gloves Fists fitts perfect ...when i equip agin the gloves fists hand place is decaled
  18. one question: how i cand add the icon attack in pets action ?its messing now.... what i must do ? any hint? clue? like here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VT1TZgaoj4
  19. problem solved lock it
  20. I know the svn link i know how to use eclipse but i cannot take the source using my phone internet. Thats the internet i just got. Can some one help me?
  21. Hello as my title says i need acis 320 clean source if someone could shar it i would be greatefull
  22. Whats the point to move java to c++ when u can try to transfer l2c++files that are almost perfect to java ....or better try to merge them ...create a kind of hibrid i mean to to keep off files but to try to make them run more easy and to use lease rams
  23. Yes im not able to download then links are ded
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