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Everything posted by KruMix

  1. Don't like, don't spam, please.
  2. www.l2esen.com, you can try it in BETA STAGE wich will be on 5 April. :D
  3. It's smth like Recall, right?
  4. :y u no?:
  5. Website is down, why?
  6. Useless 'share', I don't understand nothing from your topic, kiddo!
  7. First, you're in wrong section. Two, use 'Search' button.
  8. None, just an idiot!
  9. Great news, keep up!
  10. You must hava java on your PC (www.java.com)!
  11. No, isn't Edit: Ok, as I said, your project your decision! Good Luck with it and do not forget to sticky it! Cheers
  12. Elfocrash just do not give SVN access to everyone cuz a lot of kids without any knowledge will start to open fail servers. Would be good if you think for a system or smth like. It's just my opinon. Cheers!
  13. Your project, your decision anyway I will start to made an server based on L2jEsios to see how good is it! Cheers,
  14. This topic should be stickied!
  15. Good Luck bro you will have fun for sure ^^
  16. Just tell me why to choose you and not to choose an professional developer?
  17. C3, C4, C5 and C6 aka Interlude
  18. Remove Quote!
  19. Yes but hidden! You are also an kid, bye!
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