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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. It's all about copy paste. For example, your new buff add p def, some %, so you go to shield buff and copy the line, it also adds p atk, you go to might and copy its line. Gratz your new buff is done and rdy to use. The same with client, you copy some buff, change ID and done. You could try at least. It's very simple.
  2. You can easily create them on your own, it's simple xml and new/custom icons.
  3. Item check could work but it's bad, better to add new params. Follow the usage of exp, see methods used how it works and do similar.
  4. Find the consume life stone line and edit the count. You can search for 'stackable lifestones for frozen' and see the code example, as it also consumes all of them and the code has this edit.
  5. It's not Java, just python :p If you have other .py files in you pack, check the line, it could be different, like setState(State.STARTED) for example.
  6. You got there some not allowed characters at the beginning of the code. Happened to me once, dunno why. player.store() -> player.store(true) or player.storeMe() player.getClan().getClanId() -> player.getClan().getId()
  7. I'm sick of guys who can't even post in proper section, while he is NOT new here. He is here since long time, so there is no excuse for him. Stupidity is not an excuse. Looks like you didn't see much, didn't follow the section, as I was the one who was giving ready asnwers / codes. So your words making no sense. Are you serious? Firstly, I don't care that much, secondly, there is a report button, quietly. Sdw said it all, which backs to my statement about lazy people.
  8. Yeah, you are here not for so long, so I'mma tell you that 80% of my posts are at request help section, and no I don't have that much questions. Not useless, just lazy. That's why I don't give as much support as I used to. Especially when someone can't post in proper section or is too lazy to download whole datapack, 15mo instead of 1. Have a nice day, Mr Helpful.
  9. What about posting in proper section?
  10. You just hide the error. Once you use the feature related to that, you will end up with error, again. Otherwise ignore. L2PcInstance, line 16844, as error says, you have an unclosed connection.. Go to that line / method and add close.
  11. Not npc SQL :facepalm: coded misses tables code related.
  12. And the problem is? Even if the value is +-900, it's still < 1000, so it returns true.
  13. Even if you create the table with empty content wrong, missing columns you will most likely end up with errors. Simply gotta create proper SQL by checking the source, load process. Else, remove it from source the loading part.
  14. You should have a overridden method like onAttack and that would handle everything.
  15. Character, not characters. Plus, unclossed connection.
  16. Check usercommand, it could be renamed to /dance or even /scratchmyballs.
  17. lol, why you need it while you know nothing about working with sources.
  18. L2.ini, [CharacterDisplay] increase Dist value, to like 2000 or 3000.
  19. Shit happened when Maxtor upgraded from smf to ipb. Bugs, to be continued..
  20. After the update, it was ok, at least search by tags was working.
  21. https://pastebin.com/tfrUHegB
  22. Yeah, Lineage characters running on the field. Dwarf as goalkeeper obviously.
  23. Use Paint.net, save tga as 64b, then in unreal you have to set aplha texture - from memory.
  24. I don't know why PayPal is such a shit place when it comes to refund. Unauthorized access, s00re.. Even if that's true, why PayPal care. It's your own responsibility to keep your account safe. Hail PayPal.
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