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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Indeed, it's throwing crit error. So, no idea rly.. Mby the file should be at first encrypted somehow or so :P
  2. Have you L2Encdec and dat batch command ? Yday I had similar problem like "nothing happens" and the problem was missing L2Encdec :P Also, if im not wrong, to make clean l2.ini you need a decrypter :) http://www.4shared.com/zip/zolrepIW/l2decrypt.html
  3. You can do it via Unreal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLfqXSvNjjw
  4. Use usercommand instead, not big deal. :P
  5. EnterWorld.java activeChar.sendMessage(getText("VGhpcyBTZXJ2ZXIgdXNlcyBMMkosIGEgUHJvamVjdCBmb3VuZGVkIGJ5IEwyQ2hlZg==" + Config.EOL)); activeChar.sendMessage(getText("YW5kIGRldmVsb3BlZCBieSB0aGUgTDJKIERldiBUZWFtIGF0IHd3dy5sMmpzZXJ2ZXIuY29t" + Config.EOL)); if (Config.DISPLAY_SERVER_VERSION) { if (Config.SERVER_VERSION != null) { activeChar.sendMessage(getText("TDJKIFNlcnZlciBWZXJzaW9uOg==") + " " + Config.SERVER_VERSION); } if (Config.DATAPACK_VERSION != null) { activeChar.sendMessage(getText("TDJKIERhdGFQYWNrIFZlcnNpb246") + " " + Config.DATAPACK_VERSION); } } activeChar.sendMessage(getText("Q29weXJpZ2h0IDIwMDQtMjAxMg==" + Config.EOL));
  6. Paste here your ram settings for GS :P
  7. Use [ code ] tag. From my pov, it's shit code. It's way better to change manually the skill power's and so on :D Anyway thanks.
  8. Retards everywhere, damn.. Use Report Section for that matter. Also, remember one thing.. if someone claim he has some "good" and "cheap" packs which costs a lot from real owner, just don't buy it - scam detected. Dunno how ppl can fool so often :poker face: About that thing from right to left, it's somwhere at Say2.java as I remember.
  9. How much are you willing to pay for it ? :P
  10. Bcs it's parsing it from the right side huehue :D
  11. 102 multisell. Q: How did I find it ?? A: Htm patch for olympiad manager, html/olympiad obviously, I found the proper htm (noble_14) which display "I want to buy.." and I checked it's bypass. <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_OlympiadNoble 7"> So, now it's time to search for the bypass => OlympiadNoble 7 Eclipse -> Search over project -> Result L2OlympiadManagerInstance if (command.startsWith("OlympiadNoble")) and now, we must find the number 7, which is case 7 case 7: // Rewards L2Multisell.getInstance().separateAndSend(102, player, false, getCastle().getTaxRate()); break; voila :P
  12. Umm, exactly what that mean.. For example, your text is white, you put <font color=red> let's say, fack that hex</font>, after that the text is still white or it's colorized but not "red" as you wanted ? :D
  13. The color is not working at all, or the color is other than what you wanted ? If the 2nd one, just type the color hex from right to left, for example. If the code is FF0000, write it like 0000FF :P Last time I used this site and as I said, just write it from right to left. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp
  14. It's help section, almost none check dat board. Try inside Client Section or Marketplace :P Basically, you just must know how to create a new image. There is a guide @ Client Section, on even 2. iAndre and FighterBoss(?) did them :P
  15. What the fack are you talking about, lol.. Everything related to armors/weapons is inside xml folder.
  16. Is that even possible ? Since, how can it charge while it's charged - normal hits doesn't use spiritshots, so it's charged one time.. It's kinda impossible, but may happen with shiet code :D
  17. Overall, the design looks nice, but dat dark elf doesn't fit at all and the texture from menu could be other :P
  18. A strong man doesn't need to read the future... he makes his own.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SweeTs


      Come one Sidoo, the only "small" person here is YOU :P

    3. Sido


      i'm 1.86, that argument is not valid

    4. Katherine
  19. Don't look, just use magical "Search" option, you know.
  20. When you stuck with such methods, just use search over the project to find the example of the used method.. L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values())
  21. To be deleted, the same topic has been created in proper section. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/175891-help-sub-class-bug/
  22. Any preview of website, forum design that you did? :P Good luck ;)
  23. Hahaha, made my day.. 100% balance and fully working, yes right.. :D
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