Scroll down the chat ? :troll:
There is 'no way' it's not working only for yourself, else you messed the code. Make sure shout is ticked and you see actual msg, sounds kinda obvious, but well.
store() is missing argument - true/false
getClanId - what chronicle it is? Since actual l2j method name is the same, so probably at your sources the name is kinda different.
Changeset 333 GameTimeController, Misc GameTimeController - Apply latest L2J version, fixing the moonwalk issue. Keep the DE passive skill system. Misc - Fix one NPE vulnerability on L2Buffer getScheme() method. - Add the "banned" effect on character selection if a character access is <= -100. Ty RooT. - Fix setNewLeader( duplicate entries (coming with rev 311). Ty SweeTs. - Fix database_installer.bat entries. Ty RooT && Fronex.
Shared cloaks are bugged, you won't find fully working one, I guess. Else on some br/ru forum, who knows.
But as far as I know, they are not - visible bugs/holes and such :)
frozen or l2j, it's the same as aCis .. The code, line, is the same in each pack.
There is something like newChar.setTitle(" ");
Write w/e you want.
lol, sorry but that's pathetic .. Why you ever opened a server w/o a ddos protection ? Such servers shouldn't exist, you just increase "the flow" on the l2 market.
Anyway .. No matter how many times you change your IP, it's poinltess. NO matter what :P
Just take a dedi / ddos prot from hyperfilter and enjoy.
lmao .. You don't know a single thing about what I'm talking about and you 'attack' me in such a way .. ? Get real .. Since as you said there is no unique ideas .. ;) So once again, if you know shit, keep it for yourself.
com.l2jserver... Ummm :P Well, if you set like I said and you still have problems, no idea then. I'm not l2jserver user, never tried set those IPs and such, but that error about ipconfig.xml lol :D