There is a cofig Developer = false by defaul, when you activate it you will have "all" info on your GS console --> mod it to sendMessage() to a player instead of console
An example from
if (Config.DEVELOPER)
final StringBuilder stat = new StringBuilder(140);
StringUtil.append(stat, "calcSkillSuccess(): Name:", skill.getName(), " type:", skill.getSkillType().toString(), " power:", String.valueOf(baseChance), " statMod:", String.format("%1.2f", statModifier), " skillMod:", String.format("%1.2f", skillModifier), " mAtkMod:", String.format("%1.2f", mAtkModifier), " lvlMod:", String.format("%1.2f", lvlModifier), " total:", String.format("%1.2f", rate), "%");
final String result = stat.toString();;
calcSkillSuccess(): Name:Hex type:DEBUFF power:80.0 statMod:0,90 skillMod:1,01 mAtkMod:21,08 lvlMod:1,38 total:99,00%
You can mod it to fit your needs :P Also if I'm not wrong, looong time ago it was working for players on aCis or frozen, I don't remember. But for sure I saw it working ;)