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About II337

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  1. hahah fuck this sh1t, again trash server like l2divine,l2jax,l2fabulous,l2undone gg :D
  2. I gave this server a try, but its a very big fail! Gms and admins are like kids they dont know to fix or balance things they just make it even worser. Today I saw the 9vs9 Event which was a big fail, Admin killed enemys team and gave them debuffs so that they loosed. Those kids dont even know to use % for the announce they used the trade char where everybody was spaming shit. The sad thing is that they using x3 online to improve people that the server is full which is not. This server is full of corruption.
  3. l2jax previous server was l2divine was got hacked by l2undone haha so its gonna start again with the same shit:D
  4. When i check l2divine's website (forum) , it said "Check l2jax.info we will opening soon" so thats the proof for me they're all the same just saying u will see then.
  5. The thing is that the l2jax owner the same is like from l2divine and l2divine got hacked by armenian people which is opening l2undone soon thats why its gonna to fail anyway. Dont waste your time.
  6. After l2divine.net failed now is the next fail coming. Dont know whats up with this features cause alrdy 5 other server brought the same shit and all failed. For example: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192858-l2jlineage-2-fabulous/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/193445-l2j-l2undone/ Its all fake and waste of time.
  7. This is the standard one, are there any else?
  8. Where can I see the layout of different button styles for html? There are some like Interlude and some are green and stuff. Where can I find these values. For example this button with this value back="L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Wind" fore="L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Wind.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Wind_bg" Looks like this
  9. Antharas is now to 0 up to 200 in the newer scripts. But I still can not join Valakas
  10. How can I change that NPCs dont turn their faces/direction while talking to them?
  11. Does someone has a preconfigured or a basic buffer with java? I got some problems with YANBuffer, the new H5 stable is not adapted to it, can someone help me to fix it,cause those method names are still based on the newer H5 builds. ---------- 1. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 51) public final class YANBuffer ^^^^^^^^^ The public type YANBuffer must be defined in its own file ---------- 2. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 96) return YANBufferData.GET_INSTANCE().getBufferNpc(npc.getNpcId()); ^^^^^^^^ The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type L2Npc ---------- 3. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 125) activeChar.clearBypass(); ^^^^^^^^^^^ The method clearBypass() is undefined for the type L2PcInstance ---------- 4. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 149) activeChar.addBypass2(html.substring(start, finish2).trim()); ^^^^^^^^^^ The method addBypass2(String) is undefined for the type L2PcInstance ---------- 5. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 153) activeChar.addBypass(html.substring(start, finish).trim()); ^^^^^^^^^ The method addBypass(String) is undefined for the type L2PcInstance ---------- 6. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 197) Long amount = items.get(item.getValue().item.getItemId()); ^^^^^^^^^ The method getItemId() is undefined for the type L2Item ---------- 7. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 202) items.put(item.getValue().item.getItemId(), amount + item.getValue().amo unt); ^^^^^^^^^ The method getItemId() is undefined for the type L2Item ---------- 8. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 208) buff.skill.getEffects(playable, playable); ^^^^^^^^^^ L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type ---------- ---------- 9. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANBu ffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 43) import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable cannot be resolved ---------- 10. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 44) import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable cannot be resolved ---------- 11. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 47) import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill cannot be resolved ---------- 12. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 57) protected final L2Skill skill; ^^^^^^^ L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 13. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 62) protected Buff(String ident, L2Skill skill, Element elem) ^^^^^^^ L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 14. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 65) this.skill = skill; ^^^^^^^^^^ L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 15. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 388) L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLevel); ^^^^^^^ L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 16. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 388) L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLevel); ^^^^^^^^^^ SkillTable cannot be resolved ---------- 17. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 432) L2NpcTemplate npc = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId); ^^^^^^^^ NpcTable cannot be resolved ---------- 18. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 439) _bufferNpcs.put(npc.getNpcId(), new BufferNpc(npc, curElem)); ^^^^^^^^ The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type L2NpcTemplate ---------- ---------- 19. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\util \ItemRequirement.java (at line 38) this.placeholder.addChild("id", String.valueOf(item.getItemId())).addChi ld("icon", item.getIcon()).addChild("name", item.getName()).addChild("amount", S tring.valueOf(amount)); ^^^^^^^^^ The method getItemId() is undefined for the type L2Item ---------- ---------- 20. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB uffer\NpcAI.java (at line 49) String specificNpcHtml = npc.getNpcId() + ".html"; ^^^^^^^^ The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type L2Npc ---------- 20 problems (20 errors) The public type YANBuffer must be defined in its own file L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable cannot be resolved The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable cannot be resolved The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill cannot be resolved The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.a ctor.L2Npc The method clearBypass() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.mode l.actor.instance.L2PcInstance The method addBypass2(java.lang.String) is undefined for the type com.l2jserver. gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance The method addBypass(java.lang.String) is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.g ameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance The method getItemId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model. items.L2Item The method getItemId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model. items.L2Item L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type SkillTable cannot be resolved NpcTable cannot be resolved The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.a ctor.templates.L2NpcTemplate The method getItemId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model. items.L2Item The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.a ctor.L2Npc
  12. Alright thanks atleast, I think the leader will know more about it. Error on: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\custom\555_NPCBUFFER\__init__.py.error.log Line: -1 - Column: -1 Traceback (innermost last): File "custom/555_NPCBUFFER/__init__.py", line 7, in ? ImportError: no module named jython jython is not supported anymore or what?
  13. Its the newest H5 stable build from l2j. Where can I find out the method name?
  14. [25/11 15:30:52] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game \data\scripts\custom\555_NPCBUFFER\__init__.py. See __init__.py.error.log for de tails. ---------- 1. ERROR in \custom\Services\Services.java (at line 294) statement.setInt(2, player.getClan().getClanId()); ^^^^^^^^^ The method getClanId() is undefined for the type L2Clan ---------- 2. ERROR in \custom\Services\Services.java (at line 367) player.store(); ^^^^^ The method store(boolean) in the type L2PcInstance is not applicable for the arg uments () ---------- 3. ERROR in \custom\Services\Services.java (at line 490) statement.setInt(2, player.getClan().getClanId()); ^^^^^^^^^ The method getClanId() is undefined for the type L2Clan ---------- 3 problems (3 errors) The method getClanId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model. L2Clan The method store(boolean) in the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.insta nce.L2PcInstance is not applicable for the arguments () The method getClanId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model. L2Clan Thats my current error how can I fix them?
  15. My custom NPCs are not spawning. I setup custom NPCs and stuff but they seem not to work. # Option to save GM spawn only in the custom table. # Default: False SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = True # Default: False CustomNpcData = True # Default: False CustomTeleportTable = True # Default: False CustomNpcBufferTables = False # Default: False CustomSkillsLoad = True # Default: False CustomItemsLoad = False # Default: False CustomMultisellLoad = False # Default: False CustomBuyListLoad = True <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../xsd/npcs.xsd"> <npc id="50007" displayId="31324" name="Andromeda" usingServerSideName="true" title="Wedding Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc"> <collision> <radius normal="8" /> <height normal="23" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="70010" displayId="31606" name="Catrina" usingServerSideName="true" title="TvT Event Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc"> <collision> <radius normal="8" /> <height normal="15" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="900100" displayId="20432" level="1" name="Elpy" type="L2EventMonster"> <stats str="40" int="21" dex="30" wit="20" con="43" men="20"> <vitals hp="40" hpRegen="3" mp="36" mpRegen="1" /> <attack physical="8" magical="7" /> <defence physical="25" magical="40" /> </stats> <status undying="false" /> <collision> <radius normal="5" /> <height normal="4.5" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="900101" displayId="32365" name="Snowden" usingServerSideName="true" title="Event Manager"> <collision> <radius normal="5" /> <height normal="12.5" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="900102" displayId="13098" level="80" name="Event Treasure Chest" type="L2Monster"> <stats str="40" int="21" dex="30" wit="20" con="43" men="20"> <vitals hp="2880" mp="1524" /> <defence physical="1499" magical="1035.28" /> </stats> <collision> <radius normal="8.5" /> <height normal="8.5" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="900103" displayId="32365" name="Start" usingServerSideName="true" title="Event Manager"> <collision> <radius normal="5" /> <height normal="12.5" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="100" displayId="31646" name="Server Information" usingServerSideName="true" title="L2Aria" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Merchant"> <collision> <radius normal="8" /> <height normal="23" /> </collision> </npc> </npc> <npc id="555" displayId="32226" name="Shiela" usingServerSideName="true" title="Scheme Buffer" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc"> <collision> <radius normal="11" /> <height normal="22.25" /> </collision> </npc> </npc> <npc id="36604" displayId="32163" name="Euphemia" usingServerSideName="true" title="Global Gatekeeper" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Teleporter"> <collision> <radius normal="13" /> <height normal="23.5" /> </collision> </npc> </npc> <npc id="10002" displayId="30767" name="Lilly" usingServerSideName="true" title="GMShop" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Merchant"> <collision> <radius normal="8" /> <height normal="22" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="10003" displayId="31740" name="Caradine" usingServerSideName="true" title="Service Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc"> <collision> <radius normal="7" /> <height normal="21.2" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="36600" displayId="13079" name="Simorgh" usingServerSideName="true" title="Augmenter" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Trainer"> <collision> <radius normal="22" /> <height normal="26" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="36605" displayId="32478" name="Raphael" usingServerSideName="true" title="Warehouse Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Warehouse"> <collision> <radius normal="10" /> <height normal="24" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="900104" displayId="32365" name="Finish" usingServerSideName="true" title="Event Manager"> <collision> <radius normal="5" /> <height normal="12.5" /> </collision> </npc> <npc id="1000003" displayId="32226" name="Shiela" usingServerSideName="true" title="L2J NPC Buffer" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2NpcBuffer"> <collision> <radius normal="11" /> <height normal="22.25" /> </collision> </npc> </list>
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