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SweeTs last won the day on October 1 2020

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About SweeTs

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  1. Compile both packs using java 11 and enjoy. There is no reason to use java 8 while you can 11 easily.
  2. @StinkyMadness Then, I got another idea. Make a thread pool for each 1min, even 1min and add a new variable flag. Like boolean updateRequested. As long as it's false, there is no update. Once player visit community board set flag to true and on next loop, update the link. So, you got control for "unnecessary connections" and "update on demand". You eat cookie and still got cookie.
  3. @StinkyMadnessofc 1h delay is NOT a shit, you could even make it update once a day. Its like saying olympiad ranking is shit bcs it updates only once, at the end. Plus, there is shit load of connections happening here and there and you care for one more, mhm, okay
  4. Umm, I didn't look into the code, just read some posts and it seems like the PLAYER, actually, is "triggering" the update? If so, that's plain stupid, lol. I would simply put the update under the thread pool and update list each X time. I see no reason for any timestamps and so on.. Thread pool updating itself. It could not be simpler.
  5. Exactly. You can't have high quality with sponge (Bob) inside. @melronrofl.
  6. Fatal error. Access denied.
  7. Pointless. Raptor wins.
  8. That guy is funny.. He needs more attention than Kara his time..
  9. https://tenor.com/KjVL.gif
  10. Are you retarded or what? It's NOT about "does it work or there are bugs", "how good the features are". It's all about the code aspect. So.. crawl back to your hole and don't talk as you are not a developer, just an admin. Admins and players pov in this subject... doesn't matter. Read the topic once again. ---- Yoo fellas. @Kara,╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
  11. More like, if you want a ready to go server, take Lucera. Otherwise, aCis, yet you will have to implement all what you need and fix potential issues. People are using Lucera since ages and say it's good enough, no major bugs and have shitload of customs. Everything depends what you really want. A project to worn on or you want to open a ready to use server. -------- Btw, hello fellas. Long time no see*. * - not coming back, no time for mxc bullshits, just saying hello
  12. Simplest solution. Before you do revive, make a zone check.. Sounds obvious, right. Whatever you like. Could be assigned to some method, variable as suggested. But it's not like it's a must, nor the whole code is super duper. Keep it simple stupid.
  13. I already told you what to do. Not my fault you don't listen.
  14. Most likely bcs you remove player from party and then loop party, which doesn't exists anymore for that player. Move it above, first do check for members count and teleport them ALL and then remove player from party. Also, this is funny public boolean isInsidePartyZone() { return isInsidePartyZone(); }
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