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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. Config.java + public static int BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_X; + public static int BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_Y; + public static int BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_Z; + BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_X = Integer.parseInt(conquista.getProperty("BossRespawnX", "83374")); + BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_Y = Integer.parseInt(conquista.getProperty("BossRespawnY", "148081")); + BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_Z = Integer.parseInt(conquista.getProperty("BossRespawnZ", "-3407")); BossEvent.ini + # Respawn Personaje + BossRespawnX = 83374 + BossRespawnY = 148081 + BossRespawnZ = -3407 BossEvent.java public void teleToTown() { for (Player p : eventPlayers) { - p.teleToLocation(new Location(83374, 148081, -3407)); + p.teleToLocation(new Location(Config.BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_X, Config.BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_Y, Config.BOSS_EVENT_RESPAWN_Z)); } setState(EventState.INACTIVE); } <npc id="50010" idTemplate="30519" name="JoneeBeats" title="BossEvent Manager"> <set name="usingServerSideName" val="true"/> <set name="usingServerSideTitle" val="true"/> <set name="level" val="70"/> <set name="radius" val="7"/> <set name="height" val="18"/> <set name="rHand" val="0"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="BossEventNpc"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="0"/> <set name="hp" val="2444.46819"/> <set name="mp" val="1345.8"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="7.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2.7"/> <set name="pAtk" val="688.86373"/> <set name="pDef" val="295.91597"/> <set name="mAtk" val="470.40463"/> <set name="mDef" val="216.53847"/> <set name="crit" val="4"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="30"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="50"/> <set name="runSpd" val="120"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <ai type="DEFAULT" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="18"/> </skills> </npc> # Id of registration NPC RegisterNpcID = 50010
  2. Hi bro, This event engine is based on another language and not on java . How to adapt it to acis or frozen among others, because I never did it. The previous version works without problems but this one is very difficult for me.
  3. Hola , es mas facil utilizar el Engine de Fissban . Alli podes usar un un balanceador de pasivos . Lo que hace en si , es poner todos los Mage , Warrior , Fighter en el mismo level . Algo asi . DontAcumulativeSkills = 231,\ 232,\ 253,\ 259,\ 227,\ 233,\ 236,\ 252,\ 258,\ 465,\ 234,\ 235,\ 251,\
  4. Hey friend. I'm asking you a question. You should add a (player instanceof Fakeplayers) in the register function in the TvT.java Check , players.add(player); .
  5. You can solve this by creating the hexid by hand in the database. Then you create the hexid.txt file in the config folder.
  6. Hi, Friends! I'm making modifications on the L2JRoboto. Which I'm implementing a method where if the character dies I will revive him in a city. Class : FakePlayerAI protected void toVillageOnDeath() { Location location = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getLocationToTeleport((Creature)this._fakePlayer, MapRegionTable.TeleportType.TOWN); if (this._fakePlayer.isDead() && !this._fakePlayer.isInsideZone(ZoneId.FLAG) && !Config.FAKE_PLAYER_RETURNS_TO_FARM_ZONE) this._fakePlayer.doRevive(); this._fakePlayer.getFakeAi().teleportToLocation(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), 20); } protected void rebuffAfterDeathAndTeleportBack() { switch (this._fakePlayer.getClassId()) { case ARCHMAGE: case SOULTAKER: case HIEROPHANT: case ARCANA_LORD: case CARDINAL: case MYSTIC_MUSE: case ELEMENTAL_MASTER: case EVAS_SAINT: case STORM_SCREAMER: case SPECTRAL_MASTER: case SHILLIEN_SAINT: case DOMINATOR: case DOOMCRYER: this._fakePlayer.getFakeAi().applyDefaultBuffs(); break; case DUELIST: case DREADNOUGHT: case PHOENIX_KNIGHT: case SWORD_MUSE: case HELL_KNIGHT: case SPECTRAL_DANCER: case EVAS_TEMPLAR: case SHILLIEN_TEMPLAR: case TITAN: case MAESTRO: case SAGGITARIUS: case ADVENTURER: case WIND_RIDER: case MOONLIGHT_SENTINEL: case GHOST_HUNTER: case GHOST_SENTINEL: case FORTUNE_SEEKER: case GRAND_KHAVATARI: this._fakePlayer.getFakeAi().applyDefaultBuffs(); break; } teleportBackFarmzone(); } static int[] spawnloc2 = Config.SPAWN_FAKE_LOC2; static int[] spawnloc1 = Config.SPAWN_FAKE_LOC1; static int radius = 10000; protected void teleportBackFarmzone() { if (spawnloc2[0] >= spawnloc1[0]) spawnloc2[0] = spawnloc1[0] - 100; if (spawnloc2[1] >= spawnloc1[1]) spawnloc2[1] = spawnloc1[1] - 100; if (spawnloc1[2] >= spawnloc2[2]) spawnloc1[2] = spawnloc2[2] - 100; int x = Rnd.get(spawnloc2[0], spawnloc1[0]); int y = Rnd.get(spawnloc2[1], spawnloc1[1]); int z = Rnd.get(spawnloc1[2] + 20, spawnloc2[2] + 20); this._fakePlayer.getFakeAi().teleportToLocation(x, y, z, 20); } Config.java public static boolean FAKE_PLAYER_RETURNS_TO_FARM_ZONE; public static int[] SPAWN_FAKE_LOC2; public static int[] SPAWN_FAKE_LOC1; FAKE_PLAYER_RETURNS_TO_FARM_ZONE = fakeplayer.getProperty("FakePlayerReturnFarmzone", true); SPAWN_FAKE_LOC1 = fakeplayer.getProperty("FakeSpawnLocation1", new int[] { 148989, -168447, 2008 }); SPAWN_FAKE_LOC2 = fakeplayer.getProperty("FakeSpawnLocation2", new int[] { 147208, -171816, 2248 }); What happens to me is that the characters, when they die, come back to life all the time in the area but repeated as the image shows. http://prntscr.com/r5ploz Could you help me to see the error? Thank you.
  7. Make This Please! https://www.madhouse.it/files/Madhouse_Files/Foto/53692_356686.JPG
  8. Hola cabezon . Te paso esta solucion : Remplazar XXXXXXXX por el ID de la crest . CharInfo.java if(_inSpecialEvent) { writeD(0); writeD(0); writeD(0); writeD(0); } else { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(_activeChar.getClanCrestId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); } if(_activeChar.factionId == 1) { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(XXXXXXXX); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); } else if(_activeChar.factionId == 2) { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(XXXXXXXX); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); } else { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(_activeChar.getClanCrestId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); } UserInfo.java if(_activeChar.factionId == 1) { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(268436170); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); } else if(_activeChar.factionId == 2) { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(XXXXXXXX); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); } else { writeD(_activeChar.getClanId()); writeD(_activeChar.getClanCrestId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyId()); writeD(_activeChar.getAllyCrestId()); // ally crest id } // 0x40 leader rights // siege flags: attacker - 0x180 sword over name, defender - 0x80 shield, 0xC0 crown (|leader), 0x1C0 flag (|leader) writeD(_relation); Esto lo saque de : http://l2devsadmins.net/l2devsAdmins2-0-11/index.php?topic=13689.msg69486#new
  9. Use That : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/217614-datapack-faction-custom-mods/
  10. L2FactionEngine Creado por Jeriko90 . Mods : - StartingAdena - Announce Online Players. - Announce Faction Players. - Announce Castle Lords. - Announce Olimpiad Days. - Duration Skill Config . - Custom Spawn Zone. - Expertise Penality - Player Items to Spawn - PVP - PK Custom Title - Subclass Everywhere on Magister. - New Character Title Custom - Command .Buff (Buff List). - Party Teleport Mod - Animation PVP System Config. - Custom Global Drop . Events : - Faction Engine - TVT - Kill The Boss Event - Random Fight Event (4 Configurables Zones). - DeathMatch Event. Security : Anti-PHX Anti-Bots Prevention Captcha. NPC : - Party Teleport - Siege Manager - Faction Manager - Buffer - GK Global Cooming Soon : - CTF - Clan War - Hitman Event Download : http://www.mediafire.com/file/i10p0zw6mqwfptb/L2JFactionEngine.zip Original Post : http://l2devsadmins.net/l2devsAdmins2-0-11/index.php?topic=9533.0 Credits : Jeriko90
  11. Create a diff, we are in the year 2017! Thank you!
  12. Αν θέλετε να δοκιμάσετε μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να προσαρμόσουν τον κινητήρα σε ΕΔΣ 367 phoenix. Οι ερωτήσεις μπορούν να μιλήσουν ιδιωτικά. Χαιρετισμούς!
  13. 1 - Tenes que crear un SVN. 2 - Usar una rev limpia (recomiendo acis). 3 - Revisar bugs. 4 - Crear los mods necesarios. 5 - Si necesitas ayuda podes contactarme.
  14. 1 - I commented that it is not a site made by template. 2 - It is not just copy and paste, it is own development. 3 - I want to see them doing the same thing. 4 - The images were selected by the owner of the server. 5 - Greetings!
  15. Good to All, I comment that I am offering my work as a web master. In this case I come to show you one of my latest designs. Description: Code: It is a web made in PHP, HTML and JS. I offer: It has a web intro with a time that you want. Description: We have a web with 6 Items in the top menu. Includes a PVP Ranking, Castle, Heroes. Includes registration system adapted to your datapack. Extra: It is 100% responsive, ie adapted to all smart and devices. Page to try it: http://www.l2cyrux.com/ Without saying goodbye, any query contact me by MP. Here I leave the images.
  16. Chronicle: Interlude Java: 8 Rev: Estable (Beta o Alpha , agree on your proyect to dev.) Contact: rumble@stalkers.com.ar Pack: Source + Compilated Datapack : Acis Custom: Faction Mod (include guard) , Phoenix Engine , and customs (discution before contact). Access: Updates & Custom Modifications. ALWAYS To Source.
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