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Everything posted by seasoned

  1. Trusted seller. Excellent feedback!
  2. I'm going to try out too. See you there. Hope it's good
  3. xaxaxaxaxax epic comment
  4. Thanks for the info guys. Although I don't even go to hopzone, but ehrr, good to know.
  5. Trusted seller! Thanks for the keys!
  6. Welcome to mxc! get rekt too.
  7. Still 16h random spawn for baium? I saw your topic on the forum and there is only one vote, to keep the same random respawn times for epics. WTF ppl have no life 2k17?
  8. Achylek level of humour > 9000
  9. Gm shop will be up to S grade? or? what about this? "S-Grade equipment custom upgrades to extend end-game" Give us more info please. Also about farming zones you mentioned, there will be another currency than adena?
  10. Yeah, I would like to know activity too. Someone should also move this server to Private servers topic as this server is no longer for "preview".
  11. In case of numbers or letters, where you are asked to type smth, is there any solution?
  12. Hello friends. I'm looking for an auto-captcha script (any server). I just want to see the string attached. Not the captcha alarm, but captcha auto - answering. It would be great if someone could help me out. Thanks
  13. I can't disagree with you on that, but you are giving ppl good reasons not to want to play on mid. I really don't care about giving items/money on big sides, that should be done and is acceptable. I don't even care if you are selling items. But there are more than that. Just to mention one, at baium you really messed the server up. Suddenly all SEL parties ported inside and baium spawned 75 level (like wtf?). Most of vagabonds left the server instant after that. One side less. You banned Treshak (for reasons, right or wrong is meaningless for what I'm talking about). That action made 95% of Gangland to leave server. One more side less. Your beloved SEL now can play solo and sell the epics they get for the rest of the days that left on mid... That's it.
  14. Skylord, old players know that you are corrupted af. I've come back to your server too many times, and donated most of them, with the hope that your server will last. This time was the last one. Previous mid servers were lasting about a month or so, nowadays l2 mid last 2 weeks, w full corruption etc. I'd better not play again lineage II instead of playing your server.
  15. Seems very intresting. I'm gonna give it a try.
  16. What about that: Baium / Level increased to Lv. 80 / Respawn = 72 hours + Random respawn +- 8 hoursAntharas / Respawn = 120 hours + Random respawn +- 12 hoursValakas / Respawn = 168 hours + Random respawn +- 12 hours Baium will have 16 hours random spawn? Valakas and Antharas will have 24 hours random spawn? LMAO It must be a typo... Even though, 8 hours random or 12 hours for valakas/antharas are too many.. What about drop chances?
  17. That means only VIPs are going to speak in global chat? Whatever..
  18. Shadith spawn: https://prnt.sc/hbcg8j https://prnt.sc/hbcgdy https://prnt.sc/hbcfl2 https://prnt.sc/hbcfcg
  19. How can we dispute donations on l2 mid? :D
  20. Already sold 1 acc full on l2 mid. I still have: First account: Main Class: Cardinal (lvl:79) Subclasses: Archmage (lvl: 78), Necromancer (lvl:75), Ghost Sentinel (lvl:77) Noblesse: Yes Buff Book (all buffs/ressists) - Only from donate, can't be traded. Second account: Main Class: Mystic Muse (sps) (lvl:80) Subclasses: Dont remember xD Noblesse: Yes Alliance level: 5 with ketra orcs Third account: Main Class Mystic Muse (sps) (lvl:78) Subclasses: Don't remeber, for sure has summoner as 1 sub for summoning for low etc. Noblesse: Yes Spare Items: Arcana Mace (Acumen) Draconic Bow (x2- no Sa) Tateossian Sets (x3) Dark Crystal Robe Sets (x3) Tallum Robe Set Zombie shield (Donate only) Others: Sin eater, 2 bogs, strider, eas, 400+ pollen, 200 lucky silver, red soul crystals lvl:12, ma gloves+boots, accesories (hats, etc.) For prices pm me your offer. Payment only via paypal! Payment first - accounts/items then. Don't bother if you want items first. I've sold too many items/chars over the years. Middle man from MXC can be used if needed (buyer pays the fee). We don't care playing anymore in L2 mid so you have nothing to be afraid of (changing passes via email etc.)
  21. Very nice features but with those Vip status etc you are going to fail. Just delete it. I just told in my ts3 the features and everyone laught at vips..
  22. Welcome Tony!
  23. *server is up. some1 move this on the right section. Server is really nice. A bad thing is that there are not too many ppl online. Maybe this is cause of the server's last fail, but as it seems atm, it's running smoothly! Seven Signs are opening this Monday, and the validation period starts at Friday, that means till Friday noone is going to have even A grades.. You can really jump into BnB whenever you like ;)
  24. I hope everything is set, and there will be no DDoS. Let's pray!
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