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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. This is like the last file ppl have to touch/touch, so don't expect too much. Plus you use a fork of L2J, and they have perhaps modify something. As you said yourself, if (Rnd.get(100) <= expi.getChance()) is the place where the check is made. L2ExtractableProduct is supposed to give the good chance, according to the item registered. So except if the code is (really) messed, which should make something "tilt" in your brain (like : change of fork), it's a datapack problem. It takes in consideration you search in the good place too, lol. I would like to give more infos, but for the moment, I didn't update my pack with that and didn't bother about to know "what's going on".
  2. The share can be found under "biohazard" name, from what I rem. About a server using this system (if you never tested), I think L2Infinite was the first to propose it (on european server, I was the unique Fortune Seeker, name NinjaLoot :)). Dunno if they got it on the USA on, but surely.
  3. Rev 77 is out Ty for the 25 pages thread and the 10k views :). Edit : Rev 79 is out, btw. Rev 80 adds 2 skills XMLs :o
  4. I finally corrected it for him on TV6 2 days ago (I asked him to make an answer but he made nothing), it was a non-existing handler who was called on Gameserver.java (as you perhaps don't know, IL got its handlers on Gameserver.java). So basically he was calling a handler which wasn't existing/imported (was for event engine). ----- The funny/sad part (depending of pov) is he got between 2-4 others bugs, not related to this one, and before to be able to logon (so, possible more once logged).
  5. This is a troll topic, anyway. Any project is an "hobby", we do that on our spare time. About "my pack is better than your", Frozen got a good popularity, better than aCis in term of size/forum access readers, and the main reason is the fact Shyla propose many "activate2play" features. Both packs got pros / cons, both packs got their own bugs, and both packs won't never be finished. There is all time something to change, to add, to repair. Don't give too much credits about my own work aswell, you know the story about the funny guy with wings, bee hoax and sun (and finally bloobloo in the sea), I would like to avoid that feeling :). There are a lot of speakers, but not so many actions. Help both packs. ---- You can even remove Brasil, they didn't update their timeline since 2 months. aCis and L2JFrozen remain :).
  6. Patches only work if the current numbers and types of lines of your pack matched with the pack where the patch have been made, aka you got near 0 luck to use a diff patch normally. Still, it got all infos to be able to patch it manually, aka copy/paste lines.
  7. As SkyNet said, ask for a Moderator to move your topic in good section, you won't have help from here (got no mod online to use report button w_w). It's client related, and it asks reverse-engineering. you will have surely to pay a lot, or to find a kind && very skilled client mod. Currently, I think your luck is near 0 for such request, but you can try.
  8. Ofc there is, you got no handlers to load but engine try to load. So null error as there is nothing to load. Make something load or delete the whole adminCommandHandler if you don't need it anymore. --- It's not because it compiles fine that you didn't break your whole server. You can delete a whole thing on eclipse, with some luck it can compile fine directly, but ingame or at server loading, you will cry all tears out of your body. I was right saying that :
  9. Well, he wants direct access to svn without I even know if he is good or not. He is stubborn, I'm stubborn, but I got the lead so he has to follow rules. Basically he doesn't want to share diff patches, but to commit directly without I check. So I still got no clue if he is good or no (well from what I saw for the moment, he is better than the common MxC lvl, no offense intended :P), and for the moment it's on a dead point on this subject :).
  10. Use code tags then I will see your code next time :D. And red, you're wrong. About the fact it doesn't works, verify if your lovely config is set to True and not False. It has no reason to don't work. The broadcastUserInfo has to be put in the increaseNoblekills() method aswell. It's called anytime else.
  11. First it should be public void increaseNoblekills() { if ((getPvpKills() == (Config.PVPNOBLE)) && (getPkKills() == (Config.PKNOBLE))); { setNoble(true); sendMessage("Congratulations you Reached "+ Config.PVPNOBLE +" PvPs and "+ Config.PKNOBLE +" PKs and Recived Nobless"); } } ----- Second, your code means : if you get 100 pvp and 100 pks, go noble. You think it's good but it's not. Your code doesn't think about if one value is higher than that. Your condition can be fill ONLY IF BOTH PVP/PKKILLS = 100, which is nearly impossible to do. So rethink your idea better cause it's crappy atm :). Instead of == use >= for both pks and pvp stuff. public void increaseNoblekills() { if ((getPvpKills() >= (Config.PVPNOBLE)) && (getPkKills() >= (Config.PKNOBLE))); { setNoble(true); sendMessage("Congratulations, you reached "+ Config.PVPNOBLE +" PvPs and "+ Config.PKNOBLE +" PKs and received Noblesse status."); } } ----- Third you don't need to do that : increaseNoblekills(int i), as i is never used. Clean both increaseNoblekills(getPvpKills()); for increaseNoblekills();
  12. http://www.java-forums.org/eclipse/312-exception_access_violation-0xc0000005.html The problem is the environnement where you launch your system, not the system (pack) itself. This can be confirmed when you say you were using L2JFree and now another pack, and both got errors. So reinstall JDK properly and clean the left keys aswell with CCleaner or such. ---- I don't think those 2 particulars projects got the same errors, EXCEPT IF your new project is based on L2JFree. Taht would means L2JFree is unstable, and surely make cry Intrepid :D. And use godamn Google, there are more and more threads about this issue.
  13. Those tables are handled in XMLs. And it's like that since some weeks (months) already, lol. eKo already asked, use search function next time.
  14. Well, you should post on Frozen forums, they're supposed to know their pack better than MxC users, and could tell you if it's possible or no. With some lucks, they could even replace their buffer by the one you link, if they judge it's better.
  15. It was a 3 lines answer, hard to miss it :P. A tip you surely won't follow, but don't begin a pack if you fail correcting that already. I know it's "cool" to be the leader of a project, making it private you can make a lot of $$$ selling crap... Well, the last argument doesn't deserve my speech. Bha. --- PS : a forum is a forum. If solution (or at least the "logic approach of the problem") can be seen by all, it helps the community. Fixing your error via TeamViewer will lead to 2 things : this topic will be useless for community, as solution won't never be given ; and second is if I correct, you won't be able to correct things by your own, and finally ask help anytime you're blocked. I'm blocked too deving my own stuff, but I manage to find solutions by my own. Thinking another way will lead to the death of your project. That doesn't mean I can't help you. But try to think one, two or more times and don't hesitate to re-read what people write. Tk.
  16. It currently misses all htms and SQL structure (well the last thing can be find easily looking the charschemetable). I don't know russian and don't want to translate the whole topic, so ask to the guy directly PMing on the forum for missing files, or read the whole topic if he shared missing stuff.
  17. Follow all steps : Move of your chair, Turn 7 times around you in left, Then 7 times around you in right, Jump on one feet, Sit down anew, Repeat the magical sentence "Where, in my current pack, I could find exemples of what I want to do". Ok, only last part is useful but hey it could be actually funny to think you made all steps. ---- So you got a //nokarma admin command, and you can check how are made NPCs "orders". Use CTRL+H to find easily things.
  18. This is a minor issue for me right now, lol. From what I know of it, 3 packets, a couple of htms, and quest fix. Don't expect all is corrected after 74 revisions and 3,5 months :). And another part, nothing constraint you to share missing parts of code. But you're right, and I know the issue already. Edit : rev 75 is out.
  19. Just lol, when I saw the code I was like "wtf, where comes this getKnowledge()", lol. AND YOU GOT MISTAKE IT CANT COMPILE MENGZ. About topic itself, well I'm gonna quote myself : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=205095.msg1742340#msg1742340 Search through MxC for events, adapt them, if you got error just reports them but don't ask for premade stuffs witch can't exist. "You ask the moon", as we say in France.
  20. It's probably a missing handler, or more accurately an handler which got no content/miss contents so you can initialize it but when it comes time to load -poof-. In AdminCommandHandler, search the line 67, and correct content of the handler. Post both line and eventually the file itself :P.
  21. Np, the best practices at first times is surely to copy paste codes you find all over MxC, analyze them (aka, know why you copy that here, and what does it do), and do experiences all over with it (change messages, add things and such). Once you understand the principe, try to merge different part of codes to make a single, unificate mod. In the same way, you can begin to ask you "how could I ameliorate it to use less codes/use existing stuff), if it is possible ofc. You will have an overview of main parts of codes && you will work your logic like that. To get others parts, you have to train, and train, and train :). Be original in the mods you take, try to know where is located things like clans, cursed weapons, etc etc. Touch to all. You can't know all in one time. As I said, each pack got his unique "code". To give an exemple, my own IL pack can't use L2J "checkouted" IL skills, as it can't use Freya skills. There are homemade skills, made only for my pack, which won't work "like that" on another pack. I decided to keep some parts of IL and leave some parts of Freya to do a unique combination. Would be pointless to make a wiki about changes. And imagine now if someone base his pack on my own pack, and decide to change something on skills... Documentation will be obsolete after a couple of days. Hope you get the point :). Really often, people deving know the stuff, and don't need javadoc anymore. So when old devs stop, young devs lack of infos. Nothing can be done to correct that, as imrpoving the documentation cut in your developement time. Plus, the pack based problem I related sooner. L2J got the good thing to be pretty logical in both structure&& variables naming. You can often find your paradise simply using the Eclipse's Search tool. You search for freightman stuff, just type "freight", you will find like 200 occurences at maximum. On 1300 files, it finishes to give you only 50 files, so it's pretty accurate if you think of good keywords.
  22. Just search how autoannouncements are made, but instead of using the instance which broadcast announcement, clone it and replace the announcement part for trade one.
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