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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. This (the second) code itself is not enough, it calls another package named com.protect
  2. That. It's only good to "steal" "locked" content, or features. Don't hope you have nothing to do except a decompile and recompile action, lol.
  3. dapatack side, it's in stats.armor. There is not anymore tables for armor/weapon/etcitems since some months now.
  4. // Create and Init the L2ItemInstance corresponding to the Item Identifier L2ItemInstance item = new L2ItemInstance(IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(), itemId, itemId); if (process.equalsIgnoreCase("loot") && ((!Config.AUTO_LOOT && itemId != 57 && itemId != 5575 && itemId < 6360 && itemId > 6362) || (!Config.AUTO_LOOT_ADENA && (itemId == 57 || itemId == 5575 || itemId >= 6360 && itemId <= 6362)))) { ScheduledFuture<?> itemLootShedule; long delay = 0; // if in CommandChannel and was killing a World/RaidBoss if (reference instanceof L2BossInstance) { if (((L2Attackable) reference).getFirstCommandChannelAttacked() != null && ((L2Attackable) reference).getFirstCommandChannelAttacked().meetRaidWarCondition(reference)) { item.setOwnerId(((L2Attackable) reference).getFirstCommandChannelAttacked().getChannelLeader().getObjectId()); delay = 300000; } else { delay = 15000; item.setOwnerId(actor.getObjectId()); } } else { item.setOwnerId(actor.getObjectId()); delay = 15000; } itemLootShedule = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ResetOwner(item), delay); item.setItemLootShedule(itemLootShedule); } if (Config.DEBUG) _log.warning("ItemTable: Item created oid:" + item.getObjectId() + " itemid:" + itemId); Should correct 3 errors (L2Boss => L2BossInstance, and the debug message). For the 2 last, one is simple : you forget to add a internal class named ResetOwner. The ItemInstance bad constructor is surely simple, but I let you search else it's not funny. Open L2ItemInstance and see how the constructor is made. The number/types of arguments you ask (3 integers) don't fit with L2J. So perhaps there are 2 arguements only, perhaps it's not 3 integers but 2 integers and one strong, blablabla :).
  5. The only thing you have to do is to create a normal buffer with buffs you want, and to popup/depopup it once a match occurs. Such popup system already exists for 7signs, the blacksmiths of mammon and cabals buffers act the same. Remember you have to popup them in the good stadium (as there are many stadiums). ---- About an already-made code, that doesn't exist. Some people sell their coding services, so if you're lazy you know what to do.
  6. You can bump (aka post if no one posted in your topic) your topic only each day, so stop to bump it every 5min or you will be banned. I send you link on my 4shared L2Jmods with Laikeriz mod (as, from what I rem, the link is dead), you can find more infos about features using search button over MxC. About applying it, no one can "teach you". If you got a problem applying it, like a compilation error, just post your problem, but else, I invite you to stop L2J dev, and learn a little by your own first BEFORE all things. Try to dev crescendo : - first learn how to checkout, - then to compile, - then to apply a little mod (over MxC, 5 lines codes are usual), - and finally, how to install your server. Before all those others actions, installing a faction server is like thinking you can survive jumping from a 128th stage window building. (Now you can answer).
  7. This is a pretty basic mod, in network.clientpackets.EnterWorld.java, search for showClanNotice. Check on a last Freya revision. Those commands, such as .divorce and .engage for wedding mod, can be found on datapack side, search for handlers.voicedcommandhandlers. If you want to use /command, you have to touch to client in order to add your own command and related button ID (found in commandname-e.dat, client side). The commands themselves can be found in handlers.usercommandhandlers
  8. Open a new topic, it's another question :P. Quests are datapack side, but the difference comes with chronicle (there are 2 quests engine, IL and postIL).
  9. Enjoy Google first answer : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2263765/non-existent-jar-resources-in-java-eclipse
  10. Reward has to be benefical to the whole side. This is an important battle, so both "factions" have to be behind the leader, hoping he succeeds. After all, he is elected/voted by players themselves. So I guess it can decreases/increases the total amount of points of a faction. Reward has to be global in any way. ---- Add more religions, like matriarcat types (only females can be voted), race-based religions, "pray a creature" religions,... It's look like Black & White ! Haha.
  11. 1 - agree 2 - recommended 3 - from first link : L2jPortugal trabalha com Cliente Lineage 2 Freya (so based on L2J Freya). ---- Personal point of view : change of mascot, this one is scary, it looks like he wants to eat me (like clowns, you think they're funny but instead they got big teeths and eat little children). And basically give more infos aswell. What goals you aim, etc.
  12. Try with Synchronize. I invite you to keep first a copy of your work in security. http://help.eclipse.org/helios/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/tasks-115.htm
  13. The next goal is to ressurect a post of 2006 with 1/2 line code. Go go.
  14. Add 2 massive creatures which would be sort of NPC gods, and you will have to protect them. You can call them "avatars" if you prefer. Gain "fervour" (ferveur in french) praying your gods (skill to use everyday). Once going to some states, you can unleash the power of your God. The NPC/god/avatar could act from itself. Need IA rework, + L2NPCWalker stuff. You can change of religion, but you become heretic during a short time, and can be hunt by anyone. But in another hand, you can hunt anyone aswell. Hunt others religions launching crusades. Crusades have to been approved by the majority of clans (voting system). During crusades, a counter is launched, and you can steal chests (recycled treasures boxes) stored in enemy town. I got a lot like that :D. If you need help aswell, you can contact me by msn :).
  15. It's cool for you. But wait... Where is the question ? ::) And second point, what chronicle are you using. Answer changes according to chronicle (IL / postIL).
  16. Giving a number would be... "stupid", for me this type of dev never ends. Even in 1 year, and if I still work on the pack, there would have things to correct. That would be rev... 500 ? Lol. Frozen would be around rev 4000.
  17. And me when I type //interlude, I want it compiles a full interlude pack with all retail stuff and values.
  18. As said higher, setHero have been made in link with the Hero table, it put hero ppl in this table, but only for the play's session time. Matim's solutions are fine. The b) has the advantage to don't touch to L2PcInstance, when the a) is simplier to do (when you know what to do).
  19. Simply that. To be more accurate there is a problem using L2Boss / L2GrandBoss, try to see others GrandBosses AIs to get an idea.
  20. Considering retail features, except some minor things, it hasn't advanced at all compared to normal L2J IL. I'm busy to give a solid base refactoring existing stuff. Will you create a house in a tree which rotten roots ? As me, you won't, cause in future you will surely die because of the fall of the tree if you made your house too fast. To give a fast overview of what have be made : geoengine, zone manager, castles, friendlist, skill engine, recipes,... Except RaidBossPointsManager, nothing have been "added". aCis got a couple of major bugs aswell. The majority comes from the refactoring ; one part of rewritten code need another part somewhere, which need itself another refactor,... Until you didn't refactor the entire cycle, it's broken in one or another part. Care, I didn't say all reworked features are 101% retail-like. But they have been rewritten, which means they're easier to debug, and got better performance aswell.
  21. Stop to say aCis developement is slow. Compared to L2JFrozen, the amount of code changes is FAR higher, in near any revision I made. The only thing which can make you say is slow, it's the low number of revs. Which basically means nothing. Project is running using L2J IL files untouched, when L2JFrozen uses a known pack with many (fixes & bugs) added. I could do "number" as Frozen does, but it's not the goal of a timeline to make people happy thinking "this project got many updates, so it's very well supported". Check the past 10 days their timeline carely, you will see funny things for sure (added things, removed and added back (3 commits for 4 lines), removed things added (2 commits for 1 line), etc). I don't blame Nefer nor Shyla, but just that increment their number revisions virtually (well I don't even think it's their goal), basically removing 15 revs on 30, that will change nothing to current content. So you think they work, but they just mess and repair their mess. And that means what they commit isn't tested before. I PMed Shyla about it, but that continue and I didn't even deserve a PM back. ---- I'm happy to say L2Ruby currently uses aCis file, and bugs reports are numerous. What a player tests, an admin never does.
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