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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. Talking about an IL server, Freya IL L2Npc ----------> L2NpcInstance L2NpcInstance ---> L2FolkInstance When ppl will understand helpers need a minimum infos, perhaps you will have help...
  2. Take care, some privates are even crappier than some publics. Don't believe their marketing, and ask to test if possible.
  3. Your error just happened to me helping another guy. It's eclipse error. Go on Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JRE, and check the other case in case you got multiple JRE/JDK. The best way would be to delete the JRE, for info it's included in the JDK. Regards, Tk.
  4. Chronicle, pack, critical error, and gs error (if you got). Verify too if the client is the good one...
  5. You have to stop to move in order to see others ppls and npcs. It came when I refactored L2Character positioning, and it's not a report from anyone, I commited it knowing the issue (I prefer to say instead of hear "failed pack"). From the moment you have the control of what you are doing, there is no real problems. The real problem would be to discover a bug and you have no idea where to search in the code in order to correct it (like packets issues, which are pretty hard to handle because of the lack of infos and possibilities of debug). This is definitively not the case. I didn't bother until now, but it will have to be corrected before or around skills refactor end. By the way, Rev 65 is out.
  6. o_o I thought the time of static content was ended, but you just show me I was wrong. He can use variables in order server retreive itself those infos... Just check "zone_check" command, it gives dynamic result based on a static htm according to where you are. Such examples are numerous, I just give this one because I added it not so long time ago lol.
  7. To got some followers, it has to work. And to work, it needs followers :). I agree with you on this point : people won't bother with project until it isn't live-able. This is the bad part, as I need feedbacks now, and not after all is done and working well. Just think more about your words. Words can hit harder than swords. The memory footprint is a fast appreciation, and as I said higher, "it doesn't mean many things".
  8. Hiho all, I see my topic is spammed so :D. To answer to Intrepid, as he seems to know all on all, currently my server is the lightest on ram use at begin from current & old free IL projects (didn't test privates, so I don't talk about). Well that doesn't mean many things, still 50mo ram is 50mo (depending on pack, difference can go to 100mo). About the guy doing his own pc specs thread in my own topic :P. Your computer is pretty old, and as intrepid said, result will be low, whatever chronicle or pack used (whatever says Intrepid, I don't think L2Emu can handle 100 ppls with such hardware). I'm more optimistic than Intrepid, I would say until 40 players could play, but quality of play can be hurt. You should add at least 1 giga ram, imho. There is no servers using aCis atm, and it's better like that. Pack stopped to got live statut from the moment I begun skills refactors. The live statut will be available around the end of skills refactor, and the correction of 1 critical issue. You won't have any problem to launch pvp type servers. For your own information, skills aren't only players skills. They're NPC skills, augments, items effects, SAs... Some skills even use others skills (signets, active augments). If we talk about players' skills, they're done. Others are under refactoring. Intrepid, "keep your poison in your mouth", I already collected your card. http://lotrtcgdb.com/images/LOTR04154.jpg Once more, don't post saying negative things for nothing. I guess you didn't even read timeline or checkout project.
  9. Adapt a shared NPC pvp viewer to see the good variable. Such NPC is shared, just search through MxC.
  10. Check your windows environnement variables. Your JAVA_HOME variable points to the wrong location.
  11. Just change protocol version in your gameserver configs. And it's good section, as it's a GS config error, not a client issue.
  12. Well I don't want to play the "man in the middle with a white flag", but question is resolved by Intrepid, which pointed a Debian article. To remember, question was "how to make my login/game server to auto run after server machine restart ?". About if the guy is wrong or right restarting his server, his problem, and you haven't to bitch yourself about it. I don't got popcorn anymore so it's not funny anymore to read your sentences. Peace.
  13. Check CAREFULLY those variables (L2PcInstance): UPDATE_CHARACTER RESTORE_CHARACTER Count numbers of columns and of ",?" if necessary. Than check where those 2 variables are used. Basically, you have to add things here too. On IL, it's storeCharBase() && restore(int objectId) Give full error aswell to analyze it. More and less, use Laikeriz faction engine, it's far more advanced.
  14. http://www22.verizon.com/residentialhelp/highspeed/networking/setup/questionsthree/99175.htm Read godamn manual.
  15. Dude just use sources or use another project, it's pointless to "code" in .jar. Decompile is only good to see what the guy did (reverse engineering), another thing is just useless/pointless/dumb. At best it bugs, at worst it bugs.
  16. Rev 63 is out. AdminCommands && L2Party refactors L2Party - Position is now broadcasted using a task, which send position of everyone every 10 seconds. Position code in clientpackets dissapeared; - Many null checks added, both for party and CommandChannel; - add of some retail messages (party and CC); - the update of partyleader icon is now fine; - the pending invitation formula have been changed. Now, only one invitation can be sent. You have to wait this invitation ends to send another one. Before you could spam invitations, so it was ugly. AdminTeleport - added //sendhome && //instant_move (alt+G panel); - cleaned commands I judged useless (gonorth/south/west, etc). //walk, what a joke command... - "//teleto" renamed for "//runmod". //runmod port you once, //runmod tele port you anytime, //runmod norm stop the porting state. Why a rename, it's simple : too many commands begins with "//tele" and it's hard to remember them all. AdminMenu - drop of 80% of code. All those commands are already existing in another files, and as they are outdated in this one, it's stupid to have same methods twice. So HTMs use updated commands. HTM admin part - drop of castles and towns positions HTMs. Only one port for each (to simplify). - esthetic of many files. - merge of move.htm & teleports.htm, drop of useless parts. Misc - CW karma is now 9999999. I know, I know... - some packets typos & spring clean.
  17. It's the "How to make money in 5 minutes" question. Get first a decent level of programmation. Get a decent knowledge of the game itself. Easiest way is using XMLs to balance skills themselves. Read that )> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=48331.0 ---- If NcSoft can't balance classes from one chronicle to another, I don't think you will be capable of it. More, with 0 knowledge and using IL, which is the less ended chronicle. What do you want to balance if you haven't even signets, meditation, and such.
  18. Remove the column, and learn how to add it properly if you don't know what to do with. Check how others mods add columns in characters table (their core support...). It's only related to L2PcInstance, and adding a column without core support will end to frozen character. It's not Mickey Mouse paradise.
  19. Search yourself using patchnotes. It's postIL. http://www.lineage2.com/news/kamael_01.html
  20. TIP : The important word is "used". I didn't say to analyze this part of code, but to analyze how it is used on different parts of your pack. Another thing, when happens your error ? When you try to pickup the flag ?
  21. If you want to desactivate ingame, you have to add configs, which basically do the same than Chr.Trance says. ClanHallManager.getInstance(); if (!Config.DISABLE_SIEGES) { // CH sieges FortressOfResistance.getInstance(); DevastatedCastle.getInstance(); BanditStrongholdSiege.getInstance(); // Siege engine SiegeManager.getInstance().getSieges(); FortSiegeManager.getInstance(); TerritoryWarManager.getInstance(); } AuctionManager.getInstance(); And add code in config aswell, and in the good .properties. I'm not even sure you can do it properly, it will surely bug in many places. All those codes are so imbricated than you will surely have to do big rework... Another solution, more simple, is to delete sieges content in sql...
  22. isOnline is boolean postIL. So it becomes !player.isOnline() for 0, and player.isOnline() for 1. Your first problem is due to the fact you try to unequip in a slot which is out of current possibilities. Aka you try to use an non-registered slot. I invite you to check how unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord() method is used in your current pack.
  23. From what I understand, this is your .bat which ask for an unknown command "find". Here some ways : As said others, use navicat or phpmyadmin to install your database. Just run content of each sql via queries. You can create your own db installer aswell, or modify existing one to avoid to use the unknown command. As Intrepid says it's your windows variables which are buggy. I have no clue what to add. Google it with your problem. Easiest solution is number 1. Solutions 1 & 2 don't solve problem, it just avoids it. Reinstalling won't help, except if it creates variables.
  24. Kamael logo and IL background, congrats you just fail at customize your client.
  25. Revision 62 is out. Fishing refactor, commands refactor, 6 skills XMLs rewritten and many many others :D.
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