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About kkqqbb

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  1. Well, I solved this problem.. But there's another one.. In game when i type //admin ( same problem with few other programs ) it says the following: -MISSING TEXT: \data\html\admin\gmshop.htm In game it says HMT but in the folder those files are HTML.. I have read somewhere that i need to change them but I wasn't sure..
  2. I have started my own server and got some problems with the "htm".. When i type //admin ( same prob with most of the commands ) it tells me the following: Missing Text: data\html\admin.htm I was wondering if you guys could help me. Thanks in advance, kkqqbb.
  3. I set up my own Server.. And i logged in and wanted to make a character.. All goes fine until i press the little arrow to choose the Race - Crt error. I can't get rid of this and hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance.
  4. Well, I got my files configurated. Now, I tried to login and the window stays like it was before. My thought is that there is no connection between the game and the Database. It would be very nice if anyone could explain me how to establish one if that's the problem, thanks in advance.
  5. btw, i know that already.. I ment the ini file.. Should i insert the port from loginserver or gameserver into the ini file?
  6. Thanks for the link! Now, one more favor if you got time for it.. Could you explain me where to insert the local IP etc? I have really no clue about that.. :/
  7. Fact is that I'm not even able to open it.. It's a clean Interlude Client (official - without any patches).. Also I got another L2 Client with a Private Server patch.. The l2.ini file there can be opened.. In fact I just need a detailed explained Guide how to connect to the game.. Do you have any Messenger or something? Talkng via Forums is kinda slow and I really want to fix that now. Thanks once again.
  8. Hello, I have checked Matim's topic but I still have no clue how to connect.. Maybe you, matim, or anyone could give me an detailed explanation how to connect to it.. I got a clean L2 Interlude Client and tried to Encrypt the L2.ini file with the Filedit but all I get is this message: SOME FILE NOT FOUND! Maybe this file not crypt. Thanks in advance.
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