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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. first of all you need that google search then take a look here next is google then is google then import project aCis 382 on eclipse setup the jdk environment build successfully the project run the build files to your question on apply patch 1) right click on project 2) hover menu team 3) click on apply patch 4) select the .diff file 5) follow the wizzard if you fail come back here if you success congrats
  2. short answer you cant since you miss all previous revisions
  3. Hidden Content. You need to become Premium Member in order to view this. respect the forum !
  4. for me that is fast bug fixing congrats and good luck
  5. https://prnt.sc/15q1qrx change this links will fix your ssl issues in your ucp section
  6. no that would make the pack worth money. BTW how much for yours? 0.05cents deal?
  7. just build datapack with java whatever too. also in java is hardcoded too the version of the build in script engine java-engine.jar also need to be updated for some packs
  8. thank you for share, a couple of things the first file i've open didnt tell me much about the pack and the developer public static void unspawn() { NpcData table = NpcData.getInstance(); try (Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_HIGH_RATE); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { while (rs.next()) { int pointer = 1; int npcId = rs.getInt(pointer++); int locX = rs.getInt(pointer++); int locY = rs.getInt(pointer++); int locZ = rs.getInt(pointer++); int heading = rs.getInt("heading"); respawnTime = rs.getInt("respawn_delay"); NpcTemplate tp = table.getTemplate(npcId); if (tp != null) { _npcSpawn1 = new Spawn(tp); _npcSpawn1.setLoc(locX, locY, locZ, heading); _npcSpawn1.setRespawnState(true); _npcSpawn1.setRespawnRandom(Config.DUNGEON_NPC_DOSPAWN); Npc npc = _npcSpawn1.doSpawn(false); if (npc instanceof Monster) npc.setInstanceId(InstanceMap.HighRateInstanceId, true); else { // err } } } ps.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { error } random static access public static void Finish_Event() { desSpawn(); unspawnNpc2(); _started = false; _finish = true; if (!AdminDungeon._bestfarm_manual) InicialDungeon.getInstance().StartCalculationOfNextEventTime(); else AdminDungeon._bestfarm_manual = false; for (Player player : World.getInstance().getPlayers()) { if (player != null && player.isOnline()) { CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(player.getObjectId(), SayType.HERO_VOICE, "", ("Next Dungeon: " + InicialDungeon.getInstance().getNextTime()) + " (GMT-3)."); // 8D player.sendPacket(cs); } } } con.close, wheird stuff when using try/catch with resources protected static void desSpawn() { NpcData table = NpcData.getInstance(); try (Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_HIGH_RATE); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { while (rs.next()) { int pointer = 1; int npcId = rs.getInt(pointer++); NpcTemplate tp = table.getTemplate(npcId); if (tp != null) { if (_npcSpawn1 == null) return; _npcSpawn1.getNpc().deleteMe(); _npcSpawn1.setRespawnState(false); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_npcSpawn1, false); } } con.close(); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // teleport players back, cleanup everything else world.destroy(); world = null; } overall bad coded customs, also i am not sure if this is a version of acis that can be shared but if not thank you
  9. you need to build project with java 1.6 compliance its not hard you just select the version to build it from project settings https://prnt.sc/15733il
  10. trusted guy and i work with him for years he delivers always
  11. i've actually added quite a few just to have them sad they expire soon tho so people pick em fast i did 1200 euro checkout :'D
  12. are you looking somebody for free or?
  13. bro are any of those stuff that i reported fixed? anything i mean mostly the code leaks are a serious problem because 100 leaks multiply per player in most cases and server will crush/lag
  14. :notbadn:

    1. Ugleethyn
    2. Destorion


      psonistike o trelos hahahahahahaha...!!!! Megies megies 😄 

  15. just put a cloudflare "infront" of your host and you are gg, in the hosts i mention you can add a cloudflare with 2 clicks from cpanel
  16. now take all this developers including kara throw em in the trash bin, empty trash bin, select indian freelancer put him to work with 5 dolars per week, success, $$$$$$$.
  17. is like asking if the cat loves to play a mouse? or its rhetorical question?
  18. i know atleast 5 developers in this forum who can try.
  19. you add in in eclipse inside folder with other libraries then go in gameserver.java and import it, its a small patch that does that. do you know how to apply a patch? if not send me a message i will make it with teamviewer
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