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Kara last won the day on November 24 2022

Kara had the most liked content!

About Kara

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  1. I'm sick (again). I prefer to stay in bed and watch Hayate Army abusing little girls.
  2. Only first episode that he was anal his sister. So cool but she didnt enjoy it so i stopped it went back to bdsm
  3. At least i dont make relationship with my own first cousin like you had when you were 24
  4. Not this time. I was laying on my chair thinking of my existence and how i became master in java and i got confused too
  5. Ah mistaken. Opposite. CharInfo broadcast to others, UserInfo to self. Stop hate me rabbit boy.
  6. Neves i wish you were female so we can hang out and make love all night. Your shares are good
  7. CharInfo is for your self, UserInfo is what broadcast to others, edit that one.
  8. He still talk more human than your ex tho
  9. You were late only 3 years to answer
  10. Optional.ofNullable(Williams.getMother()).ifPresent(Mother::doClean()); Now GTFO.
  11. Don't be retard. The error cleary says that java tries to run and he has no space at his room. He must clean his room first to allocate some space so java can run around freely. final Mother mother = Williams.getMother(); mother.doClean(Williams.getRooms(RoomType.BEDROOM));
  12. Williams. Let me give you a hand -> OutOfMemoryError
  13. Λογικα θελει οταν σκοτωνει κατι να παιρνει item αναλογος με την armor που εχει? Αν ναι ειναι 2 γραμμες κωδικα ουσιαστικα armorset check και reward στο doDie() του L2PcInstance.java
  14. This has nothing to do with client. Basically server telling you it run out of ram. Edit gameserver.bat to add more ram
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