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MasterToma last won the day on May 23 2020

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  1. This is just a build log, which was leaked dozen years ago. But there is no actual files leaks, even of L2NPC.exe. The only files, which were leaked - network stack, IOCP queues, and few headers with main classes, and WinMain.cpp. But even those leaks are like from some beta or alpha code. Some of them were shared many years ago. Here is re-share from 2019 on Chineese code oceans (with gazillions of other leaks). Original share was removed or expired, at least I can't find it any more there. This is only smal part of leaks, which are available in public. But if you will search more on Chineese web-sites, you will find this log, which was published here in 1st post. Exactly the same.
  2. Sorry for necro-posting, but maybe it will help someone - problem is in weird bug in density map. Mobs think, there is no players near them, and them switch to sleep mode, so no reaction. To disable it - simply disable sleep mode in L2NPC.exe:
  3. So, why all your accounts were banned, if it works?
  4. Antharas pwned on C3 (100+ players, 2+ hours):
  5. Recapturing of Aden by second side, 1100+ online
  6. 940 online during newbie event "Dion Invasion"
  7. 820 online, new record! Guys, if you like classic experience, join to feel the history again!
  8. You need to edit npcgrp.dat skillgrp.dat skillname-e.dat Take a look at those files, and see how skills are described there (e.g. x2 skill, which you can see into the mob's description). I believe, there are should be some tools for this.
  9. Add new pet to the category strider, here category_define_begin name=[strider] category={@wind_strider;@star_strider;@twilight_strider} category_define_end
  10. I didn't say anything about GF. C1/C4 don't use Global namespace. Here is shared memory names from C4.
  11. That is the key. It works for different users (windows sessions), because NCSoft didn't use global names for shared memory (they didn't use Global\). So, all depends on privileges and OS settings.
  12. You need to use python 2.7, and looks like you are using python 3.+
  13. Today we migrated to real C3 client :) Join guys, to feel history again.
  14. Here is the list of NPC AI C4 functions on each class: https://pastebin.com/EA42BDnG
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