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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. For those who watch One Punch Man , i would like to invite you to my new fb page about this anime. I will upload some funny images and will keep posting about news of this anime : https://www.facebook.com/Saitama-1873069756252681/
  2. nop i never took an answer from them to work in their team of warfares , but as you said i am looking for something interesting to play as same as you...and of course if there will be any op donations/corrupt i will just exit game
  3. if i was gm i would do some advertise too but i didnt do any advertise as you can see... i have comment in many other bad servers in mxc topics that means i was gm there too ? :D just want really to play some good pvp server so why not to try this one
  4. 1 day left , i wish you the best
  5. could you please make a tutorial for adrenaline too ?
  6. Hello lovely community of l2Massacre are you interested in what does Venetis menu have for you ? let me tour you around ! Plenty Actives plenty passives Crazy stats +100 weapons +100 jewels some "gifts" more gifts.. if you are interested i can make a second tour TO THE BUG LAND !
  7. Clan GlobalAbuse will be there and we hope to see some good enemies too , gl to all !
  8. Worst projects by Venetis + Gevorakos , full corrupted as always
  9. kai egw pou nomiza oti eixate 10k :(
  10. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  11. first of all e-global was 4 months online , till 3 months in every epic there were more than 150/200 people , the 4th month there were about 80/100 people in every epic and then 0 online , how this could be a crap project i really don't know. On topic: Team of the fake e-global has nothing to do with this project and of course this is not the real elixir , if this server ever opens it will not have more than 15 online .
  12. very bad gameplay on server , it is almost impossible for me to not like a server , but this one gosh so bad already 3 rr in 1 hour and in the start it had full lag
  13. Hello guys , i need someone who is really good at IPS for a project , the payment will be pretty good , of course it depends from his skills and how fast he is able to finish the tasks that he will have to do. If here is anyone who thinks he can work for a such project. Please message me anywhere you want ( mxc pm/skype/fb)with the below informations : 1) how much time do you already work with IPS 2) show me your work of other IPS forums 3) how many hours per day are you willing to work for this project skype: alexmanakos fb : https://www.facebook.com/alex.alexman.1
  14. list of prices for social media booster has been updated : Twitter Followers: 3000 - 2€ ReTweets: 1,000 - 2€ Facebook Fanpage Likes: 1000 - 10€ Post Likes: 3000 - 2€ Comments custom or not: 100 - 2€ Share Posts: 400 - 10€ 5 Star Page Review: 500 - 10€ YouTube Normal Views: 1000 - 2€ Likes: 160 - 2€ Subscribers: 100 - 2€ Dislikes: 50-2€ Instagram Followers: 1000 - 2€ Likes: 2000 - 2€ Vine: Followers 2,500 -10€ Likes 2,500 -10€ Revines 2,500 -10€ Soundcloud Soundcloud Plays 25000 - 2€
  15. gia auto to logo legete "social media BOOSTER " gt polu apla kanw boost tpt allo first of all you thought that with my advertise your SEO of your l2 page would be in rank 1 on Google while there are plenty of other servers [plus facebook has nothing to do with Google's SEO ]? Did you think that with 5 euro of advertise your server would be everywhere ? If you call me a scammer please tell me your server and i will run again an advertise campaign for your server to show proofs
  16. again max 100 on... you guys really don't know how to bring community
  17. small preview of what's going on the server :
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