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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. the previous khaos was from the same owners of l2network/avellan they didnt care at all for the project took money and closed it... i dont know about this khaos what will happen but let's see
  2. so what are you waiting for and just posting 1 text ?
  3. D1) A website represents your project you want to have a free website ? that's ok but don't think that too many players will take your project seriously D3) so if you had other servers and you still trying to "fix" your pack and balance i can imagine how bad this project is going to be.. after a whole fucking year still need beta ,fucking unbelievable ! D4) read D3 D5) 200-10 ,where are the rest 190 ? D6) wiiiiiiiiiii let's feed for more stats ! D9) I think you don't know what you are writing , if a clan got a castle only the member of this clan can get the STR or WIT so it is imposible to have them at the same time -.-" and it is very stupid to compare INT , you are making unbalanced things you think +1 str or +1 int is nothing but you are extremaly wrong and this shows that you guys are not so professional on making servers
  4. B1) so why you already haven't done something ? B2) 200 euro , while having just 1 clan in the clan section ( which i think it is a fake clan ) and this guy is from this forum.... -.-" B3) as i can see forum was created 1 month ago , so on what exactly are you working all this time ? or you first opened forum/site/made few topics and then decided to start working on the pack? B4) i will agree that the hardest part of each server is the balance , but if you are more than 2 people in the project you should already have been finished with the balance B5) i would like to see where exactly did you put the 200 euro B6) i didnt speak about oly balance i spoke about full feeding in all classes just to take extra stats from the hero weapons, in few words your olympiad will be a total shit due to feeding B7) about this you are right didn't know B8) if mage is doing 300-400 dmg i dont think the x4 will be something amazing for him B9) i really find this pathetic , you will make strong players stronger so what's the point of that ? B10) good luck with that
  5. do you know to read or not ? I didn't say server has bugs , i clearly said " I THINK THERE WILL BE MANY BUGS " and none of my 10 points was to show any bug . Please read carefully
  6. my opinion if it is worth of trying or not.. 1) Free website and forum 2) 0 advertise 3) you even haven't set Grand Opening which means your pack must be fucked up 4) you are looking for "testers" to check your balance , which means you haven't worked on balance at all 5) you have a dead forum , 0 activity 6) you have added custom stats to hero weapons so there will be a shitty feeded olympiad 7) you have pvp rewards so there will be extremely many pvp feeders 8) full buffed server so mages will be 0 another just F1 server 9) giving only str to giran castle and only int to aden castle is extremely pathetic 10) in few words checking your futures i think there will be many bugs in my opinion it is not worth of trying at all, of course as an admin you would say "i believe it is worth of try " anyway good luck with your server
  7. these features of killing and taking cp/hp reg or whatever sounds so retarded to me , don't know why...could you imagine a paladin with actives like d.m/cele/b roar , start farming pvps in pvp zone ? he will never ever die
  9. so and so same with the previous
  10. GlobalAbuse will test this server , good luck
  11. i really hope it will get people cause seems the most promosing till now..
  12. " depends on your style dude" there is no such thing , so because a server is hard for you , you will even call it low rate ? ok then gold/elite/pride are low rate servers and the russians pvp servers ( they are really hard to be full of items ) are mid rate servers and what are the x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 ////// x80 x90 for you ? because you didnt mention them at all
  13. i would like to know what does mean for you "mid features" from what i know mid is a CRAFT SERVER BETWEEN X10 AND X25 ALL THE OTHER PROJECTS ARE EITHER LOW OR HIGH RATE , you even said "farming" in mid and "get items" in pvp ( which is exactly the same farming=get items ) so from that i can understand you really don't know the difference between low/mid/high rate. I am not bithcing arround just trying to make things clear THIS IS HIGH RATE SERVER OR JUST PVP SERVER
  14. IT IS NOT MID omfg you cant put "mid-pvp" #fuckmylife #iamoutofhere it is high rate or just pvp
  15. i really cant understand how you people can put the word "mid" in a x75
  16. first of all you are not a european server and of course there were other off projects too
  17. Hello and welcome to our ULTIMATE SOCIAL BOOST SERVICES ! We provide the best prices and the best support team , if you can find better prices please send me proofs and we will make even lower prices !!! Send me in skype : alexmanakos Send me in Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/alex.alexman.1 Payments are via PayPal or bank Social Media Booster,
  18. even though i didnt play at aaron , if it is the aaron why you make such a pointless scene ? you don't know that servers can't be opened forever because of us ? we want something stable and good bla bla bla bla BUT we are the shitty community ( including me ) who just change servers each day / week / month so stop crying if it is the aaron just dont join
  19. 7 pages??? wtf spam OP :D , btw how the fuck can you call x75 "mid server" ??????
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