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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. it is different when that is from the server with knowing that only you can see it :D
  2. Duelist with cro*cro duals and apella heavy is so sick !!! sad that max is +15 if it was +16 with orange color as in Gold would be awesome :D
  3. guys i really cant understand why you cry everywhere about bots , you still haven't understand that there are no servers without bots ?
  4. as you wish i think Russians will hardly find their own blood in the clan section because they dont know english :D
  5. you made section for ru community but redirect them to post their ru clans in the main clan section ? why you do that? let them post in their section wtf !
  6. i see that you are the only one who is spamming here thanks <3
  7. Just buy AdWords there is no such an advertise who is able to do such a work
  8. just do the same with me : right click on his name > Remove from Contacts izi pizi lemon squzi !
  9. i love how mature some people are
  10. that's why i love you <3
  11. no one is able to be a good troller as you :D
  12. can i have your skype to talk about it ?
  13. 1 clan per ally ???? and only 2 castles in server? ????? it will be a bit f@ed up...
  14. :O it wasnt that bad come on..
  15. you are the admin we found out your little secret ! axaxaax
  16. yep , if you pay 20 euro
  17. mlka phga na pesw apo tn karekla 8eos ! axaxxaaxaxaaxaxax
  18. So AchYle is admin of cyan and Celestine owner of the games ranker :not bad:
  19. i even dont have account in their forum
  20. dude you can see that i got post in which i sell videos and advertise wtf
  21. it is amazing that you really think this is my server axxaxaaxxaxaxa yes yes it is my please dont join !
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