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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. meta to last patch exei gamithei o dias perimene na deis sto next patch an diorthothei
  2. As everone mentioned above its a pack with shared things which a newbie with basic knowledge could easily create. But if anyone is bored enough or w/e , yea he could buy it. And please , do not compare this to l2smiles.
  3. This happened a lot in the past too. Dunno , i thought they fixed it. You cant do anything about it i suppose , get over it , blame rito 24/7 and continue
  4. The way to 'succsess' Anyway , good job.
  5. Hello and welcome. About the trade , use a MM ( MiddleMan) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/187276-middle-man-services/
  6. You searched mendrion on the search bar you c/p your older topic but the yellow marks remain :troll:
  7. nicuh btw , ekei pou perneis to link , uparxei kai to link mazi me to decryption key :P ( an to kanes esi upload)
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/200118-champion-reveal-ao-shin-aurelion-sol/ rip
  9. dont get cocky. my comment was before this video came out. Besides reddit was full of different perspectives. Pantheon rework , new champ , new mod , even a new taric skin. That's why i've added 'most likely" infront (in case you didnt see) As about that dragon , riot announced it 14 days ago ( which i doubt you knew about it) that he will arrive in the mid of this season. This is why , my chances were more closely to a pantheon rework( which he is on the trailer video) And don't forget that before you edited that post , u wrote something completly irrelevant.
  10. Gifting You dont actually "get the rp" literally You can gift some things to yourself ( + some skins that may be on sale can be below 400 rp)
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