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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. Okey , i got it. I'll be active from now on.
  2. του έβαλες και τόνο
  3. Μου βγήκε ο φράπες από την μύτη.
  4. I have to clean my messages every 2-3 days ;p I feel you.
  5. my name is jafar I come from afar there's a bomb in my car allahu akbar
  6. Μετά την δωδεκάτη μεσημβρινή λέμε καλησπέρα.
  7. Its your account? If yes , just send a support ticket to riot and ull get it
  8. Introduction Jungling.For me , this is the most important role in the game.You have the opportunity to affect the whole gaming phase from the very beggining.What do i mean by that? Being a smart jungler , making good decisions , is undoubtably the best way to climb the rank because you can asure your teammates some early kills , turrets , dragons or pretty much make them suck less. Bans. 1)Over-powered junglers. Yea , deal with it. In every patch some champs get nerfed while some others get boosted , so do not expect a balance in this game. At the moment , sated devourer junglers are my way to go , which are the following: Master yi ,Shyvana, Xin Zhao, Trundle, Jax 2)Junglers that counter you. For example , if you pick Amumu , you should know that he is weak on dueling in presix , so you might want to ban lee sin who has great dueling potentional in early phase of the game. Choosing Your Jungler. Junglers are divided in 3 different types. Tanks , Damage dealers or both. Note that picking a jungler type depends on what your team needs. For example , If the enemy team has high poke champs you should pick a hard engage jungler , such as , Sejuani or Amumu. Also if the enemy team is full of damage dealers , you might want to go for a high cc jungler , such as , Skarner or Vi List of Junglers. Here is the list of tanky/cc junglers Here is the list of damage/tanky junglers Early Jungling In the lower elo, people are really struggling in jungle ( sometimes they even die). Before further explation , lets talk about starting items. Struggling + + x3 It's not wise , if you struggling through the jungle to go for Hunters Talisman because it gives you 150% mana regen (which is good for AP junglers) , instead of Hunters talisman who gives you 8% life steal vs monsters which means you will better sustain in jungle. How to Gank This is the most important think to understand as a jungler. Ganking is all about decision making. As a jungler you dont require to have mechanic skills , but good decision making. Everything will be explainied in the following screen. BLUE lines , if you are in the blue team. RED lines , if you are in the red team. The picture is in the spoiler because it too big. Things of NOT to do. Please , just avoid doing those things. 1)Do NOT farm on the enemy jungle without vision , your teammates near you, or if you dont know where the enemy jungler/team is 2)Do NOT dive with a squishy champion or Do NOT dive if your are not sure that your able to take those kills or if they are even worth it. 3)Do NOT go for Smite/teleport , Smite/ghost with champions without escping compability 4)Do NOT stay on your jungle 24/7 . Farming isnt the best thing to do. Do not forget that they are human beings behind on the screen waiting in lane for a gank. And most importantly DO NOT FLAME YOUR TEAM Remember. You are the playmaker of this game. If some lanes are losing the chances of losing the game become higher BUT everything changes on mid and late game. So , stay positive until the end. This guide is created by me , Sanctus , and it belongs to Maxcheaters.com.If you find any mistakes on this guide comment or just pm me , to fix them. Thank you.
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