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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. What if you actually tried to download everything i've posted and see that there are full credits in everything + from where i got them?
  2. 700? Way too much imo. Anyway , read the rules and update the topic with some pictures of your account/skins ( dont forget to hide your summoners name) Good luck.
  3. Nah , not really. A board would be just fine.
  4. Τι έγινε, τον έκλεισες ?
  5. It's an auto queue bot , and check the features to see what it can do. In order to use it , check the configs folder is not that hard.
  6. Easy and simple Hold windows key + R Type cmd Type (for NA) : ping riot.ca -d Type (for EU) : ping riot.de -d
  7. Luxbot is the safest way to autoqueue in league , compared to volibot,bananabot etc. It's a pixel queuer rather than an autoqueue bot. To use this you need LeagueSharp and Autosharp script It might work with elobuddy as well , but i didnt test it. Instructions: 1. Start LeagueSharp 2. Tick Autosharp 3. Run this 4. Start league 5. Login 6. ??? Ok so basically it will only work for ARAM and only if you have your client in english. But you can replace the images with anything you like. Anything at all. To add a new image simply increment the number of the last one in the folder. Starting from 1.png you should have 2.png, 3.png and so on to infinity (well, not really infinity)! They have to be .PNG, you can make them using paint Note: It's still experimental so you might get some errors now and then . Download Author: Imsosharp Use it at your own risk.
  8. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day.
  9. Features: Auto join/accept queue. Wait for leave buster. You can easy change lol version at config file. Configuration to max bot that you want. Max level for botting configurable. Replace game config Random spells at champion select or not. Regions are JP, NA, EUW, EUNE, LAN, LAS, OCE, TR, BR, RU and KR Queue types are BOT_3x3, INTRO_BOT, BEGINNER_BOT, MEDIUM_BOT, NORMAL_3x3, NORMAL_5x5 and ARAM. Use it at your own risk.
  10. Γεια χαρά το Tools & Leaks * board μάντεψε ποιος το αιτήθηκε. Όσο για bots η κρακαρισμενα acc έχει γεμίσει ο τόπος :|
  11. Didnt say that your stupid or smth. I havent test it since the 6.11 patch so prolly it doesnt work anymore. Anyway , thanks for the report! :) Locked.
  12. Note that you can't put a name that already exists or the word Riot
  13. what did u try to do and it didnt work?
  14. As title says , WTB adena in classic.club x3 for in EUNE/EUW
  15. Maybe. It looks like that its based on it tho , judging by characters , appearances and armors. Still it looks cool ^^
  16. That feeling when l2 has better graphics in mobile official website: http://tt2.woniu.com/
  17. League of Legends Leaks & Tools Section Rules In this section you are able to create a new topic about LoL Leaks & Tools. All you have to do before posting, is to read the following simple rules. - In this board you can use only the English Language. If you want to speak any other one use the proper tag ( [GR], [RO], [GER]) - If you are willing to create a new topic, then make sure to include the proper prefix at your topic's title. - Authors are obligated to inform about any risks their script/tool/mod/share contains. - Topics that contain Viruses/Trojans/Malwares etc. will be immediately junked/deleted and the author will be punished! - If you share with us anything that has not been made by you, then make sure to include the proper credits at your topic. You have to respect other people's work. In case you claim a share to be yours while it isn't, you will be punished. With appreciation, MaxCheaters® Staff.
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