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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. Sentry MBA is even worse for me ^^ even tho leaguecracker is old ( not bad ) still do the work , if you know how to use it properly This guy made this topic at 8th of May and the last time he was active was at 12th so yea..
  2. pes tou na mou steilei ena minima sto nulled thelw na rwtisw kati ^^
  3. Info: Decided to update LES (mainly for the Appear Offline mod which is very handy). All credits to Snowl, author of the tool. Included mods are Download USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
  4. It didn't let me for some reason to update the main topic so here is a Video tutorial
  5. You will be able to change: Division Tier Level Normal Wins Ranked Wins Mastery Points Playing Champ League Name Screenshot: To do that simply insert the following commands in the status msg box (case sensitive): /tier = Change tier Example: /tier CHALLENGER Note: Put anything you want, but remember that this is case sensitive /level = Change level Example: /level 30 Options are: 0-999 /ranked = Set ranked stats (useful for fixing your player stats) Note: You might want to use this command if you are below level 30 /reset = Reset your stats /league = Change league Example: /league X Options are: Endless~ /mastery = Change mastery value Example: /mastery 9999 Options are: From 0 to Endless~ /wins = Change wins Example: /wins 5400 Options are: From 0 to Endless~ /rwins = Change Ranked wins Example: /rwins 5400 Options are: From 0 to Endless~ /skin = Change the "Playing with XXX" champion with a desired one Example: /skin Bard Note: Use this command while in game (not ingame chat). Use ALT+TAB to switch to the clint /name = Change LeagueName Example: /name LulusRunemasters Note: You can find many more names if you dig here \Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\0.0.X.XXX\deploy\mod\lsi\assets\leagueNames\Your_Language\LeagueNames.properties Note2: You can find your client language right here: \Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\0.0.X.XXX\deploy\locale.properties /preset = A preset to use for lazy people like me Case sensitive Download In order to install this mod you need LES FAQ I don't see any changes If your level is lower than 30 try to use the /ranked command first and then the rest Weird stuff happends and varius crash and/or doesn't work 1) Try to remove all LES modifications 2) Install only Fake Stats Did that but doesn't work and I have to uninstall all the mods The mod is ment to be working alone, any other mod might make your client buggy. One last solution: 1) Install all mods except Fake Stats, 2) Untick all mods and then install FakeStats I don't see any virus scans, omg virus Files like .asasm are like .txt How can I change my Ranked wins? Try /rwins 999 (or any other value) first, or To change the default ranked wins you will have to modify the file named Ranked.asasm. When you open the file, scroll down until you see 5000 replace the numbers with a desired win count, save and finally you can patch How about customization? You can custominze every command inside patch1.asasm I've also added some extra commands inside patch1.asasm, find them! How do I install this thing? To install the mod: First go here --> https://www.dropbox....TvdIwpa9Ja?dl=0 Then Right click the folder "Fake Stats" and download it Then move the folder you downloaded inside the mods folder (inside the main LES folder) Always USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! Credits
  6. even if you add the word Fuck ull be banned :P still tho its fun
  7. yup i got banned after 3 days kappa also this + fake stats = op
  8. IT ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE EVERY SINGLE NAME YOU WANT (Except for a name that includes the word "Riot" in it or a name that has already been chosen) Instructions: -Copy ALL the .swf files to the following Directory: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\0.0. 1.118\deploy\assets\locale\App and replace the existing ones. Its recommended to make a backup! -(your version may be different than mine) -see more instructions in the "Regions explained.txt" file inside "All resources.zip" -PROOF AND FILES BELOW! Virustotal Download Last time reported as working was at 5/25/2016 Use it at your own risk.
  9. thelei kaneis invite gia to joduska?
  10. Σου στέλνω ένα pm για τα περαιτέρω. Μπορεί να κλειδωθεί.
  11. Δεν πιάνει αυτό πια. Θέλει CVV Κάνα refund αλλιώς ριπ
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/froggen
  13. nope ti egine bgikes apo to silver telika i @@?
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/202900-lol-account-cracking-tutorial-how-to-scrap-crack-check-and-more/
  15. pare alla 5k gia na goustareis http://cryptb.in/Kj1#e36f26da16e73e48066eb7fae1aee7d6 mono gia EUW
  16. Έγινες και ρουφιάνος τώρα ?
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