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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. Unverified accounts won't be given away that easily.Probably in a giveaway or if Im in the mood to share some.
  2. Havent shared EUW accounts in a while so here they are This list includes accs with x6 Spirit Guard Udyr x3 UFO Corki couple Riot skins (Graves , Kayle , Nasus) and some random ones Accounts are Validated , you cant get full access . Have fun
  3. Έπαιξε μια μέρα με τους ογ και έφαγε πόδι Αν και αυτό έγινε πριν καμιά βδομάδα σχεδόν, νωρίς το θυμήθηκες kappa Btw υπάρχει και lol section
  4. Member Since 20 Dec 2006 :|
  5. allh istoria auto. Kai na pei kaneis tipota , tha ginei to idio pou egine kai me to hearthstone
  6. pigente spammarete tr http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203209-regarding-league-of-legends-section/?do=findComment&comment=2564071
  7. First of all , theres nowhere i could make this , so if im in the wrong place just move it , anyway. About a year ago when i was a mod , i made couple suggestions , which clearly never heard. In the past couple months , with couple topics i've created , there was a huge amount of new people joining everyday just for these topics. I understand that maxcheaters is all about lineage 2 but LoL can increase it's traffic more than 100%. Also i dont get it why you were asking for lol mods. You need people to chat more in the admins corner, or what? Theres noone who cares about this section anymore so , good luck finding one who does. For that last time , i'll make some suggestions , hoping for somethings gonna change. 1. The boards. As i said , last year , remove the Competetive Scene board. It's completly useless . No one checks it and noone ever will. The majority of people dont give a fuck about the competetive scene at all. Any topics about that can be made in the general discussion. In exchange , add a new board , Leaks & Tools , or whatever u wanna call it , regarding Scripts,bots,exploits,tools etc. This game is overflowed about bots and scripts ( in majority) and this what mostly everyone cares about . The first 2 topics i've created with cracked accounts got over 24k and 17k views respectivly ( which that never happened in any topic in that section.) 2. Tournaments For fucks sake , this is a competitive game. Organize some tournaments with some cool rewards ( which u will reward). I bet that more than 60% of this forum playing LoL and most of them or some new people would like a Free VIP or w/e. Wake up. 3. Guides & Strategies As well as tournaments , make some events regarding the best guide or smth like that. More than 50% of the people in this game are struggling and need a guide that will help em out. Anyway thats it. I'm not here to speak about myself or w/e. You can judge , spam or do whatever the fuck you want. I'm just giving this forum a last chance. Pming maxtor about this or any1 else wouldnt have a response , so thats why i decided to create this topic.
  8. Feel in every box in the link below Putting a password is optional Do not select the older maps (1,2,3,4,8 ) Click generate and go to custom -> tournament code c/p the code there and ur done Enjoy http://rolan.dk/
  9. Being trying recently to crack some low level accounts so i can get hextech annie so i got a shit ton of fresh cracked accs There are couple low and lvl 30 in there ( like 50) Have fun
  10. Υγεία Με το καλο παίρνω πτυχίο το σεπτέμβρη
  11. Όπου και να πας θα βρείς μαθηματικά. Από μιγαδικούς σε στατιστική και σε οικονομετρία. Μέχρι και στην διοίκηση.
  12. It is reported that it doesnt work so , yea. Lock it.
  13. you are the 2% who understand why i am sharing these accounts. Have fun
  14. To na poulas acc apagoreuete apo tn riot kai an fas report trwei ban to acc
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203135-ultra-rare-eune-account/ lockerino its too much to be around here
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