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Everything posted by aneos

  1. nothing - everything
  2. o.O pretty good and useful i have to admit! it took me ages to find a group for ring of blood when I had first done it! and there was a lvl 80 alliance (I am horde) and he was doing this quest... If i knew it I would have done it this way...! :P BTW is there anything to solo Amphitheater of Anguish too? :P
  3. I want to share a guide that I use, that is REALLY good... it has EVERYTHING... it's in-game, so you don't have to alt-tab to see it, it's in WoW... it has class quests it tells you how to do each each quest, and where to go to do it... it's an addon... unzip the file that you download, and then copy the folders and paste them to you WoW addons folder... *NEW LINKS ADDED SUPPORTING 4.0.3a* This is the latest version of Zygor's Guide (V3.0.1732), updated on 23rd of January, 2011 by aneos Sino for Maxcheaters.com Also has : 1.) Zygor Talent Advisor 2.)Archaeology Guide 3.)Guild Leveling Benefits ..........................................................Click meh!! (Rapidshare).................................................................................................. ..........................................................Click meh!! (Megaupload)......................Thanks to HackMeUpReturns for this version!................................................................ Password aneossino If you liked it, leave a comment and keep the thread alive! If links go down for any reason, pm me and I'll restore them. I have not tested this. If you use it, and it doesn't work, pm me and I'll remove it. Note: If There are any more updates, pm me and I'll update the topic as well.
  4. it must have taken a lot of time to make this guide, so good job m8 ;) although I think that you can lvl up much faster using quests... you also get good items from quests, and more money... reputation too...
  5. well guys, my main is a warlock... warlocks simply OWN if played right... I'm currently lvling up now (since WOTLK was released) and I have respecced to demonology/destruction to lvl up easier... lvling up is easy as hell!!! the felguard keeps aggro no matter what, and I can kill 10 mobs together since the pet tanks, and i heal the pet for 1k per second pvp as affliction was also great... especially on battlegrounds... I spent all my mana casting DOTs to random enemies, sat down to drink and then simply received LOTS of honor...! :P and pve as destruction is imba dps :P generally warlocks are pretty good!
  6. o.O easy mount! :P nice job m8 keep it up!!!
  7. lol that's really good! I hope it still works ^^
  8. lol you can't die with a permanent presence of mind! :P anyway, with the MP regen of mages, you can rule! :P gz m8 :)
  9. xaxa, lol pretty nice!! :P ppl will think i'm a shaman and a warlock together ^^
  10. well, you can use it to farm mobs for money :P
  11. nice share m8 :) it can be generally used for many events, like "Love is in the Air" when you click on the NPCs (when you're not adored) you can use the autoclicker to click so many times that you can get 2 or even 3 gifts of adoration! :P
  12. o.O gj m8 :) gotta try and destroy a private server sometime soon ^^
  13. Atlas (shows what can drop from instance bosses) Cartographer (map mod, reaaaly useful) Titan Panel (adds a panel, with many useful stuff) Ark Inventory (makes your bags 1 bag, and you can also make it sort things in categories [e.g.:put the equipment on another place than consumables etc...] ... ) HealBot (great mod for healing) Omen (threat meter) Ark Inventory is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
  14. I was playing L2, then got addicted to DotA and then I saw a friend of mine playing WoW... I started it, but got bored at lvl 9... then after a while I started it again and i got addicted :P
  15. my suggestion is that you should look for a blacksmithing guide and a jewelcrafting guide, then make a list of all the mats required... get mining, and farm ALL the mats it needs (it sounds boring, but it's worth it!) then drop mining and get jewelcrafting and blacksmithing get them to 440, and then just enjoy...!
  16. with the latest patches, every class is balanced! even rogues and paladins!
  17. o.OO pretty nice :) it's really good to use, and it won't make you a God, it will simply make you a little better, and the rest in there won't get suspicious :D
  18. that's got everything inside m8 gj !! :)
  19. yeah guys, I don't speak russian but I downloaded it just fine! :D nice share btw
  20. pretty good share thx :)
  21. nice share m8, i'll try it :D
  22. lol really nice m8, it's got everything inside :)
  23. it's working, but i hope this virus you mentioned doesn't destroy my PC :P
  24. well honestly, EVERYONE knows it... even a newbie, on his first day can find it... :/ but it's generally useful
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