Guys I just did it on Official and earned 1000g (I only had 700g at the beginning so...)
here's a simple way to do it.
1st create an account with a username "sdfgjsffsafk" or something similar.
2nd tell a friend of yours to log this account, create a char and log in.
then he must log in YOUR character and get all the money.
3rd he buys anything he needs from the AH
4th then he can sell them at a more expensive price! :D
5th wait a few hours.
6th log in and tell a GM that someone hacked you, and stole your money
7th wait for the GM to give you the money!
the thing here is that since someone logged in with an accout like fjjafjasjfjsaf he will
understand that it's a scammer.
and since your friend will have logged from a different IP the GM could think that it's a hacker or someone who saw your account password anyway.
so he will refund you, but he won't get the items back from the other account.