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Everything posted by aneos

  1. ...Paladin is not noob-friendly? :// till lvl 60 all you do is use a seal (which lasts 30 minutes...) then use a buff (which lasts 10 minutes) and when you see a mob use Judgement and Auto-attack... after lvl 60, you got 2 more skills to use... What's so difficult? >.< I quit my pala at lvl 55 just 'cause he was BORING... :P
  2. lol really b*tchy! :P though ppl will avoid partying with you ever again! :P BTW does this work on official realms?
  3. are you sure this is going to reduce lag? I mean doesn't lag depend on your internet connection...??
  4. when you unzip it, it's got 2 zip files and 2 texts you unzip the one you want (let's say horde) and it's 3 folders then you just copy the 3 folders (as they are) to the AddOns folder and enable them from inside WoW and play. :) EDIT: The link had expired so here it is, I reuploaded it... If it expires again just PM me or write it here New Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/218493206/Zygor_s_Horde_and_Alliance_1-80_in-game_Leveling_Guide.rar.html
  5. yeah but it was worth not playing for 2 days right? :P >.< did you take some good screenshots? :P
  6. lol ppl won't be able to see you in the water! :P >.< really nice armor gj :)
  7. nice swords!! But I think it would be better if they had a different color... (I mean, one purple and one blue or something like that...)
  8. you should add some horns :P It'd be more hell-like! :D
  9. LOL hahaha!!! imagine a server full of naked ppl!! :P
  10. lol really nice armor !!! ppl will respect you in that suit! :P
  11. lol can you make a golden one? >.< :P BTW, only you can see it edited right?
  12. Simple thing... If you are in the middle of Dalaran, unarmed, and use Fan of Knives, it will give you a skill-up to unarmed... If you wear a weapon (e.g.:Fist) and use Fan of Knives, it will give you a skill-up on fists... So generally, just choose what skill you want to raise, and spam Fan of knives... >.< (btw, it's like doing 1 hit, so don't expect it to give you a point EVERY time...) -->Don't know if it still works, so if somebody tries it and it doesn't work, tell it pls...
  13. This is pretty easy to use exploit. All you need is [traveler's Tundra Mammoth] and a rare mount like Headless Horseman / BLizzcon bear / Death Knight's Flying mount, didn't see any others work. First you mount the [traveler's Tundra Mammoth] then you just use an other mount like 1 of the 2 above (again doesn't work with most mounts) and then you get something like Also works with passenger seat of Mechano-Hog.
  14. If it's a repost delete it pls. I searched but couldn't find anything... Just watch the video it exlpains a lot! It's for alliance paladins around lvl 68-75. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6431083586751599262&hl=en
  15. My main is a warlock and it makes lvling up easy as hell if you're Demonology specced. But me and a friend of mine lvled up some alts recently and it was a combination of retribution paladin + Beast mastery hunter. It was pretty easy xp too, because the hunter did massive damage, and I also did damage + healed, so we wouldn't die even if a pack of 10 mobs came ^^ But if you have hunter + warlock then you'll have 2 pets and 2 massive DPS, so I guess it's gonna be even easier! :P
  16. Make the warlock use hellfire and then health funnel his pet. This will make him get in combat. So if you're in the arena and you have a warlock in your team, tell him to do this. When he gets in combat, heal him, or buff him and this will get you in combat too. This might sound useless, but if the opponent team has a Rogue, he won't be able to sap anybody since sap requires that your target is out of combat! BTW if this is a repost, delete it. I searched and didn't find anything like it.
  17. If this is a repost then delete it. I searched and didn't find anything... First, you will need a shaman or a friend who has a shaman and can do the enchants for you. Step 1: Get your low level weapon (it must be BoE to make this trick work) Step 2: Give the weapon (or if you want more, the weapons) to the shaman and let them put their enchants on it, when they're done the weapon will be soulbound. Step 3: To make it BoE again, attack mobs or die until it has 0 durability.Relog and the weapon will be BoE again.Trade it with your twink, repair and then relog.You will now have a lvl 80 Windfury enchant on your weapon!! Step 4: Get into the BG and pwn everyone! :P I don't know if it works with the DK's runeforging or with Rogue's poisons... EDIT: Also you can do the same thing for BoA shoulders, so if you are an inscriptor you can add the enchant to your shoulders and do the same. Also works with leg enchants, so a 19 lvl rogue twink could have "+30 stamina +15 resilience" on shoulders and "+45 stamina +15 agility" on legs, and a lvl 80 Windfury weapon enchant... BTW here's an armory link to a lvl 39 shaman twink that did this with pants enchant and shoulders enchant. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Frostwolf&n=Flavour
  18. well nice share m8, but I think everyone knows that you should do stuff like that... for example if you see someone coming you already know that you shouldn't use hacks in front of him...
  19. o.O pretty helpful! :) you made it?
  20. well since you lose the effect when you log out it's kinda useless, because you got to spend so much money on respeccing...
  21. guys this is the link to the updated 1-80 zygor guide http://rapidshare.com/files/176597197/Zygor_s_Horde_and_Alliance_1-80_in-game_Leveling_Guide.rar
  22. lol just 1 question... next to your post, under where your avatar should be, it says how many posts you have... well how can you have 0 posts?! :/ :P and welcome btw :P
  23. actually I'm thinking of donating too but I don't have a credit card :/ I think it's worth donating here, it's a great site :D but it would be better if I could send an SMS or something like that to donate...
  24. there is already a thread for this... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20242.0 there are probably more threads ^^
  25. If piracy didn't exist, then how would music be so popular? for example: a new album comes out... but who knows what it's like? you gotta illegally download it first, listen it, and if it's worth it you go buy the original CD too!
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