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Everything posted by aneos

  1. polles fores >.< Exeis krypsei gkomena sthn ntoulapa gia na mhn thn dei h allh gkomena? =D
  2. OK, then I would recommend you to lower the posts needed to 150 or something. 250 is too much if you want my opinion. For the full guide I'd definitely hide it for 250, but not for a leveling guide + a talent building guide.
  3. video works perfectly for me...
  4. ok, so since we already got a pretty good 1-80 leveling guide, guess we only need the guide for money and PvP right? Well that's what missing dude :S Not that an alternative leveling guide is bad to have, but the guide is half :S
  5. umm... are you sure that's the whole guide? I only found the lvling guide, the talent guide, and the daily guide... Isn't the guide supposed to have a PvP section, and an Auction House section? :S
  6. I've searched A LOT for this guide and I just can't find it without needing to pay :S And don't forget tags dude! :P
  7. yeah I know it's a good addon :P It's perfect actually =D anyway I've decided to post a guide on ALL ulduar bosses and their hard-modes (since I've done them all =D ) and nice tips on raiding addons and UIs I've used over the past ;)
  8. -O-M-G-!!!! You spammer!! xD anyway if you need any help configuring it tell me... Or i could post a "guide" on SpartanUI and more helpful addons for a good raiding UI if you want...
  9. PiroxFishBot did a very good job for me, I hope this one's as good :P
  10. well it's very good for halloween... I used all my 10 chars to sell the wands and make a big profit! :P
  11. SpartanUI... You can find it at SpartanUI.com :P also has a forum and stuff... but to get your UI to be good it needs some configuration... but it's by far the best UI addon I've ever used...
  12. yeah but he can be an -OMG- DPS :P (That's my char and my UI on Neptulon EU) check this: Recount is on the low-left corner.
  13. Doomguards can't be Enslaved anymore :( And Ghouls are undead... You can only enslave Demons :P
  14. Guys, forget about carbonite and quest helpers :P With patch 3.2 we'll have an auto-Quest helper in the map automatically xD from http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/underdev/testrealm.html and BTW Zygor's guide is still the best xD
  15. Auctioneer is a very helpful addon. When I was lvl 55 I had 5k gold. It's not that without Auctioneer you can't make money, but it turns out to be a very useful addon. Also btw IMO the best way to make money now at lvl 80 is simply doing daily quests every day. (After you've gotten loremaster of Northrend because more dailies get unlcked...) I got 2 LvL 80s, and I make 800g each day from dailies in about 2 hours... + some greens that I Disenchant and sell... So now that I got my epic flying mount in both chars, and my lvl 76 alt and a 16k-gold Mammoth I decided to give the remaining 20k gold to my guild since I quit WoW >.<
  16. I've already made a request, and then a guide... just search the forum m8... Ok, so the program used is called "Octopus"... I'm not sure of where to find it now 'cause it's too old... :S
  17. umm... guys did anybody test it? :P 'cause I don't want to run a *.bat file on my PC if it's not safe and I don't have an anti-virus.
  18. add ArkInventory to general addons! it's an inventory addon where your bags become 1 bag, and you can sort them out... So you can put the Quest items on the left, the Soulbound items on the right, the consumables at the middle etc. Also you can see your bank from anywhere you are (you can't get any items though, you can just check what you have) and you can access your other player's inventory/bank from your main char.
  19. well guys, you know that there is no place to lvl fishing faster right? :P if you fish at barrens from 1-450 it won't make a difference from changing spot all the time to fit your level... so you can just use a fishbot in an instance to lvl... That's why we're a cheater's forum :P We don't use normal ways of lvling =D
  20. ... I was doing a 3-man quest, which wanted me to kill some 70k HP mobs... I did it as destro spec with the Voidwalker... as I was killing the mob, when the mob was at 50% a huntard came and attacked me... he started with a pet's stun. When the stun was over I did the following 3 spells: Immolate = 3k crit Chaos Bolt = 10k crit Conflagrate = 11k crit ... took me about 4 seconds to kill him, and he had only done like 2k dmg to me... I guess his gear wasn't very good, but I was killing a mob with 70k HP and then i also killed a hunter ^^
  21. Well m8 I tried using it, but it just won't work... :S and it's all in German I couldn't understand a thing ^^ :P Are you sure it works on retail?
  22. I hope I won't get banned for using it :P
  23. btw hunters don't do insane DPS :P on an Obsidian Sanctum run (no drakes up) a hunter 4/5 t8.5 and 1 t8 and generally pretty imba gear did 5200... a mage of about the same gear did 5500 and I did 5900 (Teh Warl0ck powah) =D I was very lucky with the crits though (I saw on recount I had a total of 45%crit while normally it's 25%)but still I believe hunters don't do such insane damage... but priests are IMBA for healing... especially now with ulduar...
  24. well the Nether drake mounts guide is very nice...!
  25. well generally in 25mans actually there are some standards... for example in each 25man raid you must have an Elemental Shaman (totems) and a Metamorphosis Warlock (+5% crit, 13% spell damage, soulstone, healthstone, Demonic Pact)... Both are necessary... Also in 25man raids you need every single buff you can get, so you need at least: 1 Druid, 1 Priest, 2-3 Paladins etc... Hunter's are necessary for Misdirection and generally stuff like that... So in general every class is needed for raids, but if you keep pugging then you'll never clear anything imo... ^^ But healers are chosen first >.<
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