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Everything posted by aneos

  1. ? what did he get the 1st warning for? wrong section or no tag?
  2. Destro warlock with VoidWalker. AoE stun. Burst damage --> 3 seconds = 15k dmg eykola... / Burst damage --> 3sec = 15k dmg 2 poly dynata DoT (pou den 8a prolaveis na ta kaneis giati 8a psofisoun oi alloi alla tespa) / 2 strong DoTs Shield which holds 8k dmg --> castable when stunned / CCed Aspida pou krataei 8k dmg kai mporeis na thn kaneis kai otan eisai stunned / sheeped (apo to VoidWalker) Healthstones (5-6k HP Heal se sena kai sthn omada sou an einai arena) / (5-6k HP heal for you and your team) Great Magic resistance (Imba against casters) Poly resistance se magika (imba enantiwn mages) Fear!!! greater stealth detection (From the VoidWalker) Detect Invisibility (can see mages) EDIT: you had to be kidding me m8... almost everything was already translated before the edit... and I did post in Greek but things like Healthstones (5-6k HP heal) but they are easily understandable in English too... anyway translated the whole post.
  3. WoW Anti AFK Honor Bot (With Source Code) should be in bot section IMO...
  4. dude it's as simple as that... /me asdf --> Freax asdf (if my name is Freax) so .... /me rolls for 100 (100-1) --> Freax rolls for 100 (100-1) but it's not yellow... it's going to be orange hope it helped
  5. HAHAHA!! I just tricked a guy 3 years older than me to pay me 5 euros so that I'd delete the virus that a guy (me in another e-mail) sent him... AHAHHAA! took me 2 minutes to make it xD
  6. I'll definitely try it... I got a Russian friend so he could help xD
  7. I SERIOUSLY don't want all that "Send this mail to 50 other people or your account will get haxz0red" in WoW!! I already keep getting those frustrating mails in my e-mail... some guys even send them in my MSN!!!
  8. warlocks didn't get any type of nerf... paladins are not even close to OP DKs are my breakfast... and you double-posted....
  9. ummmm... how can I find my UID? :S
  10. Thx... Downloading Warcraft 3 atm... Says it's v1.23 so guess it'll work. EDIT: Finally found a solution... Edited the registry =D anyway problem solved, I can play games on Garena normally now.. /Lock pls
  11. I have v1.22 I downloaded a patch to make it v1.23 but it doesn't work... I got to reinstall it :S
  12. I have garena on trust list. I right click his name on the right and click tunnel... 1.23? :S not sure :P How can I check it? EDIT: Checked and I have 1.22 How can I update it?
  13. I only played b.net so since the Tournament is held in Garena, I made an account there... But I got problems with joining games... I asked some guys there and they told me I had to Tunnel... Every time someone says they need people I Tunnel the host, Start the game, but still no games in the LAN ... Is there something else I must do before? thx in Advance...
  14. yeah, that's why blizzard made this achievement, and why they named it Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! ...
  15. =D time to blackmail the Guild leaders xD
  16. lol, shame I saw the post today and the list is closed >.< I'd really love to see some of you guys dead xD :) Anyway, Good luck from me to everyone that'll participate... (Skill is not enough, you do need luck no matter what...!!) And make sure to bring some photos of nice scores!!
  17. L2 has been copying WoW for the past 2 years IMO... ok, I can't blame NCSoft... now that L2 has copied 90% of WoW, it's finally become a nice game to play... My friends kept telling me of new, exciting things that L2 has added, and I realised that all that stuff were on WoW from the beginning...
  18. 8ymizei WoW? :S Apo to Interlude kai meta, oloi mou oi filoi arxizan na mou lene gia ta sygklonistika pragmata pou pros8etoun sto L2... Otan tous elega oti, ka8e pragma pou vazoun sto L2, to WoW to eixa apo otan arxise, me legan noob pou parathsa to L2 gia to WoW... Twra pou eida to post, kai eida oti pia to L2 to kanane kata 90% WoW ti na pw? =D Twra pou exoun valei olo to WoW mesa sto L2, arxizei kai ginetai endiaferon... Den lew, to L2 exei kapoia wraia xarakthristika, alla twra pia einai kyriws antigrammeno apo to WoW... Se ligo 8a valoun kainourgio race: Tauren...
  19. Gia ola ta parapanw kai oxi mono... Vevaia den yparxei periptwsh na gineis pote Hero alla den peirazei >.<
  20. Vasika, giati den kanete ena Sub-forum mono gia guides?
  21. Lolz... xD You can have a char lvl 50, and a char lvl 25... And place a bet with a friend that you'll levelup your 25 lvl char to lvl 50 in 1 day and then just log with the lvl 50 char and win the bet xD
  22. If this is the one that fakoykas shared that's hidden for 400 posts, and it works, you should hide + lock this one IMO...
  23. You must have enabled Particle Density and have graphics on high... Also you must completely zoom-in your char... The rod must be in the border that the bot sets in the beginning... If all that are ok, then it's going to be allright.... I once fished 2 days in a row without stop :P Filled 4 22-slot bags with fish for Fish Feasts, made a fortune ^^
  24. Instead of /random you can use /roll ... Not a single difference but I thought I should mention, 'cause on PuGs everyone says "/roll for this item" etc. and you could get confused...
  25. :O But you mean that if you send a mail with a char called "ASDFFDSA" and then delete the char, the guy that will get the mail will see that he got a mail from "ASDFFDSA" who doesn't exist, or from "Anonymous"?? :S
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