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Everything posted by aneos

  1. it works great m8 :) you'll see that it'll make lvling much easier!!
  2. ummm, basically I can make 10 reasons why make a Druid. and it'll be 10 better reasons that the priest's reasons. OK, priests are good, but they aren't THE best class...
  3. Dps: I’ll take destro warlock as an example, but this is applicable for every single caster class in wow. Requirements: Steam Tonk Controller, PvP trinket in the upper slot Make a macro: Code: /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Shadow Bolt(Rank 1)/use 13 Then immediately start spamming the hell out of your shadowbolt. What it does is simple, it will use the casting time your shadow bolt rank 1 (1.2s) for any spell you spam after clicking on this macro. Going lower than 1.2s (1.5s in fact) is not of any use, since you’re limited by the gcd anyways, hence the choice of sb rank 1. You will actually cast shadow bolts rank 11 at 1.2s cast speed. For mages, replace “Shadow Bolt(Rank1)” in the macro with scorch for example, and spam pyro/fb. The only limitation to this in raid is the aggro your tank will be putting out, and you cannot move a lot (so use this on tank and spank fights). So basically, choose any spell with a short cast time, place it in the second line of the macro, after after you trinketed out of the stun (it’s instant) start spamming the spell you want to use. Utility: You can use the cast time of any spell with low cast time (like scorch or shadow bolt rank 1) to summon people, open a portal, etc. The only limitation is that you need an enemy target. Example for nearly instant ritual of summoning: Code: /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Shadow Bolt(Rank 1)/use 13/cast Ritual of Summoning Nearly Instant portal: Code: /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Scorch/use 13/cast Portal: Orgrimmar Nearly Instant teleport (mage): Code: /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Scorch/use 13/cast Teleport: Orgrimmar credits to WoWbootybay.com
  4. I don't get it m8... can you explain it again pls?
  5. hmmm, basically if you say that it depends on the lag, then can't you lag up a bit before the boss, so you can cast spells even faster? :P
  6. aha..! ok I didn't know that sry :P but why don't you try this with many demonology warlocks? their felguards can keep the aggro all the time :P and they have great armor value... + warlocks do pretty good dps...
  7. ummm, the thing with the rogues... I think you can't kill a boss that fast, even with so much DPS... the boss will kill you no matter what... it will just kill the rogues one after the other...
  8. it is over 1 year old... :/ who unburied this?! :/ anyway I don't think any of these work anymore right?
  9. found out that it works with DKs flying mount too :D!!
  10. Re-Uploaded EDIT: http://rapidshare.com/files/218493206/Zygor_s_Horde_and_Alliance_1-80_in-game_Leveling_Guide.rar.html here's the Rapidshare Collector's Account... http://www.4shared.com/file/97237910/a674e7c/Zygors_Horde_and_Alliance_1-80_in-game_Leveling_Guide.html here's a 4shared link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YKM95TIQ and a megaupload link...
  11. ummm... what if the boss is not skinnable? ^^
  12. umm, what do you mean? can you edit it with better english pls m8? ^^
  13. well, I don't recommend that you ever do something like that... everyone will say that you're a ninja, and nobody will accept you in their groups... best thing to do is join a good guild >.< :P
  14. it's really simple... 1st. turn on aspect of the pack 2nd. ride the mount... that's it... all you have to do is have a multi-passenger mount (a mount that carries more than 1 person...)
  15. wtf m8 this is the WoW section... :P but even in L2 Dark avengers suck IMO >.< :D
  16. Requires to be a hunter, or have 1 hunter in your party... Also need a multi-passenger mount... (like "Grand Black War Mammoth") Hunter uses Aspect of the Pack... That was it, you got 130% speed... :) Don't know if it stacks with Paladin's crusader aura but it probably does...
  17. I've never played Halo, but a friend of mine recommended it to me, so I think I might start playing some online... Hope it's good... :P
  18. ok ppl that's EXACTLY what I would say about 1 year ago... I'd say that WoW has awful graphs, nothing interesting, and that L2 is the best game in the world and all that stuf... Well I saw some friends play WoW, but I'm talking about WoW on it's highest lvl, killing the highest and more difficult boss, and it was 10 times better than killing Antharas, or Baium... So I started playing WoW... I don't even think about starting playing L2 again... WoW is by far better than L2 (IMO)... And I say this, after playing L2 for over 3 years... Also, L2's PvP is spamming 2-3 buttons... WoW's PvP and arena is GREAAAAT...!!! ok, and if you have played WoW for 10 minutes and said "WTF LUL DIS GAME SUX HARD" and stuff like that then you'll never see why WoW is better than L2...
  19. Lo0LZ...?? anyway God of War 1 and 2 were pretty awsome IMO, and I guess God of War 3 will be even better :D So does anybody know when it will be released or if it has been released already?
  20. lineage 1 was good...? whatever, I got bored of L2 eventually so I hope L3 will be better and more interesting >.< :P
  21. I voted for WoW since I play WoW, but I also would like to vote for DotA too :P
  22. IMO Crysis has the best Graphics... But Assassin's creed and Far Cry 2 also have really good graphics!
  23. you've written it twice :/ at about half of the page, it continues... Check below. anyway nice share :)
  24. o.O so with this you can farm some expensive items like Crystallized fire too :D thx for sharing!! :D
  25. well you mean for PvP? well even when you PvP, if you got green items and let's say a warrior of your lvl comes, you can kill him just by using Judgement of Light and then Auto-Attacking... Well some ppl keep jumping around all the time too... And for lvling up, it's just the same ^^ BTW I saw a fight between a Holy Paladin and a Prot Paladin both lvl 80... IT LASTED 30 MINUTES!!! :P
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