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Everything posted by aneos

  1. Ulduar (to kalytero) Onyxia wipe ventrillo (gamw ta geloia!!) Ni Hao (A gold farmer's story) M.A.G.E (Warlocks are still the best) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2z2Sul2QW0 Just Loot It ok, there are more vids but I only posted the best ones here...
  2. omws to +5% dmg against beast (troll) +1% crit me ranged (troll) Berserk (troll) [+10% - 30% c.spd/atk.spd] +5% dmg me pets (orc) teleio gia orc warlocks enrage (orc) -15% stun duration (orc) +expertise me axe (orc) Will of the forsaken (undead) [immune se fear/charm/sleep gia 12 seconds] AoE stun (tauren) +5% health (tauren) +2% chance gia resist se ola ta magika (blood elf) [pianei akoma kai se boss] AoE silence +6% mana pisw (blood elf) [sto lvl80 einai gyrw sta 1000-1300MP) pisteyw einai kalytera apo twn alliance... den lew kai oi alliance exoune merika kala, alla mprosta stwn Horde...
  3. Horde, se opoion server kai na eisai... OPOU vreis alliance einai zwa! (toulaxiston etsi pisteyw egw kai olh mou h guild, kai oloi oi horde ston server mou, kai oloi mou oi filoi pou paizoun wow) mexri kai enas filos mou pou paizei wow kai einai alliance leei to'xei metaniwsei... mou leei oti oloi oi alliance einai m..................... Epishs pisteyw vevaia oti oi Horde exoun poly kalytera passive skills... ayta :)
  4. curse client is IMBA!! I use addons for every single thing in the game and it's really helpful :P
  5. hmm, nice guide, though very outdated... it's for lvl 60 m8, lvl cap is 80 now, and professions can go up to 450... and now alchemy makes a sh*tload of money with flasks ^^ BTW credits to?
  6. well did you put some stamina gems? xD :P :S btw with the patch 3.1.2 they nerfed Destruction PvP :((( now only affliction and demo for PvP...
  7. downloading now, I gotta try it xD btw, don't forget you can type /console cameradistancemaxfactor 5 to make the camera zoom out a bit, so you can see your char from further away
  8. a friend of mine is in fusion of stormscale :) he says the guild is very good, but they're alliance :(
  9. ok if I hadn't used I would have looked for a guide like this :)) but inside the instance there is absolute no risk of getting seen so it's safe :P but I'm just saying that with 3.1 patch, you don't have to fish in a specific spot to lvl your fishing, you can fish wherever you want, if you are lvl 1 you can still go and fish in the dalaran fountain for example...
  10. //disagree I just lvled fishing 1-450 in one night... after we called the raid, I went to dalaran, EMPTIED my bags ( I got 4 22-slot bags), got my fishing pole and went to Ignis the furnace master's fountain... left Pirox Fishbot there, and about 20 hours later I had my fishing at 450... :))
  11. You probably have seen many ppl go behind the AH in Orgrimmar and go like "WTF"?!?! Some ppl think that this is a mage-only trick BUT I found a way to do it with any class and any lvl... :) here's what to do for this trick: 1.) Make a new character or do it with your main doesn't matter... (any lvl, any race any character can do it.) 2.) Have a Mouse and keyboard xD 3.) Go to the Orgrimmar 4.) Go to the AH of Orgrimmar 5.) Now on the left side of the AH, you can jump 3 times and climb some "Invisible" stairs... you have to climb 3 "Invisible" stairs... e.g.: Jump once, get on the first step... Jump once more, 2nd step, and jump a 3rd time and you're on the 3rd step. 6.) DESTROY your Hearthstone... (Don't worry you can get a new one free) [Note: This also works if you've left your Hearthstone in your bank, or if it's on cooldown] 7.) Go down and right to the icon that has a question mark and click it... Select the "Character Stuck" option.. click the Stuck button... your character will cast a spell called "Stuck" when the cast finished you'll be behind the AH =] if you didn't understand a single thing I said just watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwoo6ngIGKk&feature=related
  12. m8... that's not a bug... that's something ALL warlocks know... when you mount and dismount your pet goes back to 100%MP and HP... when you resummon the pet it goes back to 100%MP and HP again... so it's not a bug, but it's pretty useful to know imo...
  13. well it's not bad tbh... better be over the level than below xD also you'll do the quests easier... and you can skip parts like when you're lvl 60 and the guide says you're 55 or something go forward to the 60-70 part... and also you could start questing at lower lvls than indicated, for example if you're lvl 68 and wanna lvl, go to the 70-80 guide not at the 68-70 :P
  14. well, for PvP best warlock is Undead --> Will of the forsaken for PvE I made a Blood Elf for the skill that restores 10% mana...
  15. well you know, pretty good way to lvl your weapon skills... BUT... it says go to DM North... why am I supposed to know what DM North means m8? can't you say the WHOLE f*cking word? (if you didn't write it, then it goes to the one that wrote it)
  16. if you had your own shop you wouldn't have to exploit it... you'd just take a gamecard, and go home xD if the shop is yours, you don't really care :P
  17. that's what I'm talking about... hunter's pet is not nearly as good as Warlock's pet... and also, hunters can heal theirpet for a very low amount of health... on the other hand, at lvl 60 warlocks can heal their pets for over 800 per second! and when warlocks heal their pet it takes 30% less damage ^^... BTW, I played with unholy DK now, and I think that he is also very good at lvling up, and I'll place him at 2nd place after warlock...
  18. Ok, let's take naxxramas for an example... Say you want to join a group... but the leader says that you must have the achievement... and you don't have it :S how sad... well not anymore xDD I found a fun little script where you can make ANY fake achievement you want, and link it as your own... you can even edit the date ^^ xD OK, let's say you want an "Immortal" achievement... here's the script... /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffffff00\124Hachievement:2186:"..strsub(UnitGUID("player"),3)..":1:5:7:9:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295\124h[The Immortal]\124h\124r"); or a Naxxramas25 cleared achievement... /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffffff00\124Hachievement:577:"..strsub(UnitGUID("player"),3)..":1:5:7:9:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295\124h[Heroic: The Fall of Naxxramas]\124h\124r"); hahaha... anyway all you need to do, is copy the script and paste it in /say chat ALONE...!!! if you include anything else you will get something like "Oh look!! /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffffff00\124Hachievement:577:"..strsub(UnitGUID("player"),3)..":1:5:7:9:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295:4294967295\124h[Heroic: The Fall of Naxxramas]\124h\124r");" IN YOUR CHAT!! you must write it in /say chat, and then Shift+Click the achievement, to link it to somebody... How to make any achievement you want: go to wowhead.com and find the achievement you want... then on the URL bar, take the last numbers (for example 577 for naxxramas25, or 2186 for Immortal) and paste them in the script where it says "124Hachievement:xxxx:" (note that xxxx must be replaced with the numbers) then, where it says [Heroic: The Fall of Naxxramas], add the name of the achievement EXACLTY as it appears in-game... to change the date, go to :1:5:7:9: it means, 5th month, 7th day, 9th year (7 - may - 2009)... so you can make it something like :1:2:11:9: if you want it for 11 - February - 2009... then just paste it, and there you go, you got your fake achievement!! xD also, you can do this for other ppl... let's say I want to make an achievement for my alt called "Mograinne"... where it says ..strsub(UnitGUID("player") replace the word "player" with the name of the char EXACTLY as it's written... and there you go xDD!! here are some screenshots in case you don't believe me... http://img87.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=wowscrnshot051109235215.jpg
  19. you can also go to www.wowhead.com find the item you want, and then click the "Link" button... copy what's in the little box... afterwards, go to WoW, and paste it in the /s chat... then just Shift + Click the achievement / item where you want it (like /w or /raid)...
  20. hmm... I didn't really see anything that great about it xD :P same as an auto-clicker... but I had forgotten that I could use an auto-clicker too xDD :P anyway still does it's job :P EDIT: lol it automatically adds you in a BG, and also automatically accepts res if you die xD it's pretty good after all :)
  21. aneos

    [REQUEST] AFK bot

    umm... I downloaded it, but it doesn't really have any options... :S do I just run it?
  22. haha really nice share dude...!! xD I hope that in a year or too, I'll be saying to my friends: hey, guys wanna go play some MxCW? (maxcheaters wars) instead of DotA...! ;P
  23. btw, it's not necessary to have wowmatrix... you can also just download them and put them in World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons but wowmatrix is pretty good....
  24. btw, guys they're not called raid bosses xD anyway, with a lock, 2-man quest is like 0-man quest... at lvl 80, boss with 100k HP is boss which will be dead in 30 seconds ^^
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