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Everything posted by aneos

  1. tried it too, but I don't think it made a difference of over 4-5 secs... :/
  2. lol thx a lot m8!! I already knew Pascal (which is really easy TBH...) and I wanted to find more! thx a bunch!!!
  3. Diablo 3 is the game I'm waiting for... BTW a newer version of PACMAN should DEFINITELY be released... something with a story or something like that! :P
  4. well Sims 2 was fun, at least you played for 10-15 hours and then get bored... most other games get you bored at 2-3 hours of gameplay... :/
  5. well, it's march 2009... has it been released?
  6. Mafia 1 with such awful graphics was liked by so many... Imagine what's gonna happen when Mafia 2 comes out!! :D
  7. guys does anybody know if Assassin's Creed 2 will be released after all? I finished Assassin's Creed 1 approx 4-5 months ago and I wanna play the 2nd part too!
  8. otan epaiksa to fable 1 porw8hka! to termatisa se 1 mera kai meta den hksera ti na kanw!!!! Anyway, looking forward to Fable 2!!!
  9. well, I suggest that you get mining to 450, and then start selling titansteel bars ^^
  10. are you kidding?! I barely get 800-900 KB/s from direct downloads... and 1/6 of your speed is 700 KB/s ? you're saying that your actual download speed is about 700 * 6 = 4,2MB/s ? anyway nice downloader I lost my WoW DVD and had to reinstall WoW, so it helped me too ;)
  11. guys this guide rocks... I've been using it and it makes xp easy as hell... if it's your first char I strongly recommend it... It's updated now too and it gets you to lvl 80...
  12. well guys if you play Lineage and start WoW you will get bored no matter what... on Lineage you spam some buttons and get yourself a PvP... In WoW it's extremely different... What's more in WoW there are Battlegrounds and an Arena... Lineage's arena sucks compared to WoW's...
  13. IMO if you want a PVP spec the best is this http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jcEMqIIIsfRzzho0xZbxM
  14. wow gj m8...! but how come each site has completely different top 10? :P
  15. did you get after lvl 5 or something like that? good stuff begin when you finally hit lvl 80 tbh...
  16. well since hunter's got the pet, he can survive whole packs of mobs... but hunters don't have any kind of heal, except for bandages... paladins though are pretty good, they got much armor, much dps, they can heal, and they have aoe skills too... warriors are also good for lvling, but they're kind of complex... so try hunters imo...
  17. actually I had a trial account... I had made 5g when I was at lvl 20, but because after all I decided to change my account I sent a ticket to the GM... then when I got the mail, I didn't open it, I created a new message, put in the 5g and some herbs i had gathered, and wrote down the name of a friend of mine... when i pressed "send", an error message said "Trial accounts can't use this function". so, I think it doesn't work anymore... :/
  18. Guys Diablo 3 is the game that will get all the players that will quit WoW... at least I believe that's what blizzard wants... since WoW was released over 4 years ago, most ppl will stop playing it soon... so when Diablo 3 will be released everyone that quit WoW will start it...! :P
  19. 1.)World of Warcraft 2.)Lineage 2 3.)Medievil (pretty old though...) 4.)Counter Strike 5.)Crash Bandicoot 6.)Mafia 7.)Tekken 8.)Mortal Combat 9.)DotA 10.)Prince of Persia (I would add another 10, if I could...! :P )
  20. xaxa, all 3 vids were great! good job! :P
  21. ok, you can't call ppl that buy wow gold for money noobs... you can say that they waste their money, though... but now that prices are soooooo low, even I am thinking of buying some! :P BTW, the chances to be baned for buying gold are 0% - 1%... since GMs sell gold too... no GM will ban you for buying gold from him ^^...
  22. pantws genika 8a sou aresei poly to WoW...!! :P alla gia na dokimaseis ftiakse ena trial...
  23. I'd choose a warrior, because my first char was a druid... but I got pretty bored of him and made a pala ^^ then got bored of pala and made a warlock ^^ then i played on a friend's account for a while, because my time had expired and I played with his warrior... he was lvl 45, but still I enjoyed playing with a warrior! pretty good dps, good armor, good hp, but he can't get healed... :/
  24. anyway nice share, 'cause i was looking for it ^^ thx a lot
  25. se kanw ban giati agorazeis pragmata sto L2 >.<
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