I know this post is really big, but once you read it, you'll believe it's really worth it (at least I hope so)
I was playing on a server in WoW (not a private server, an Official WoW server, full of people)
I was a lvl 8 draenei shaman.
so, I saw a lvl 9 draenei shaman, followed by another 2 lvl 9 draenei shamans, who were AFK.
I said hi, and wrote a "/greet"
I got a hello by all 3 of them and then a "/hello" by all 3 of them.
they were still AFK
then I saw all 3 of them cast "Healing Wave" on me.
Nothing strange till here, right?
I realised that they all said "hello", wrote "/hello" and cast "Healing Wave" SIMULTANEOUSLY...
not 1 millisecond late.
then they all cast "Lightning Shield" simultaneously.
not 1 millisecond late as well.
then the 3 Draenei Shamans left.
but the 2 of them were still AFK and the one (that was in front, leading) was not AFK.
so, I believe that this is some kind of program which does the same moves, on all 3 accounts, which if you link with the "Refer-A-Friend" program, you can get to lvl 60 before you know it, since if you use 3 Hybrids (chars who can heal themselves, and DPS e.g.:Paladins, Druids) you can solo ANY instance you want...
if anyone has this kind of program, or has any idea of how I can create this kind of program please, post...