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Everything posted by aneos

  1. shame it was fixed! imagin killing ilidan or onyxia 1hit :P (after 20hours of gringing :D)
  2. i guess this won't work on official servers right?
  3. i guess GM island would be a nice place for holidays :D
  4. nice share m8 keep up! :P
  5. ok, if you find something similar for official servers, I'd love it! but for emu servers...
  6. it needs to be fixed up m8... too many sidedowns... it will be so annoying to use, that one would prefer to simply play the game without hacks :P
  7. this doesn't work on official servers, right?
  8. If you have a friend who is Alliance and you are Horde, and you want to get some money from him there is a simple way to do it. 1st Buy a Mining Pick from a vendor 2nd Go to Tanaris, and put this item in the AH for as much money as your friend wants to give you 3rd Tell your friend to go and buy this Mining Pick, since tanaris has an AH for both Alliance and Horde... you have your money :D (notice that Mining Picks don't need any deposit, so it costs you nothing to do this!)
  9. actually I leveled to lvl 59 with my friend who is a mage (Refer-a-friend), and my main is a warlock lvl 59, so I can repeatedly do this "exploit" without looking for mages, and explaining what we have to do to each of them :P I guess it's gonna help me out a lot
  10. ok, pretty clever, but most people know it now and (at least in my server Neptulon) netherweave cloth stacks cost 5-7g
  11. tried it on wowscape too, didn't work for me either....
  12. that's why I put the " before exploit...
  13. TOTALLY works! I tried it... it took me more than 20 minutes to figure out how to use it, but after I did, I just sat there, eating my souvlakia (Greek food), and watched my char fish!!
  14. Thanks a lot m8 ;) The fishing bot saved me !!! :D
  15. i believe that he thought the addons were part of the game, and that you lowered your graphics and it all became like that... anyway nice "Exploit" m8 ;)
  16. m8 this thing is too good ;) but is it usable on official servers??
  17. you made a mistake m8 warlock won't die in 5-6 seconds... he will die in less than 3... or at least he won't be able to do anything, since cheap shot (in subtelty talent) does 4sec stun and gives 3 combo points, then the rogue does 2 backstabs, and the warlock is down, or is left with 20-30%HP, in which case you just do an "Eviscerate" and the Warlock DIES... but if the Warlock sees you before you use Cheap shot, then the Rogue dies before he knows it.............. anyway, nice thinking Destiny
  18. I think it's a very good exploit, but GMs and guys who can detect invisibility will see you, so you'd better kill whatever you can fast! :P
  19. it's COMPLETELY useless (in my opinion)... you will get 0 honor... you will waste your 1H cooldown of the summon EVERY single one you kill will report you... you will get banned/kicked before you know it...
  20. clever, it could work on official servers but GMs won't just give you back money from other chars... so the chances that it will succeed are less than 50%
  21. good but useless unless you wanna make a "temporary" twink lvl 19 :P
  22. actually it's like fooling GMs... which comes in handy ;) so nice share m8 ;)
  23. doesn't the boar ever die? :/
  24. I have been playing Lineage for over 4 years, and I started playing WoW about 1 month ago and I see the difference... WoW is (in my opinion) by far better than Lineage, for many reasons. anyway, webm0nst3r nice share, though I think that generally if you cast a spell with cast time at least 1 second, and the global cooldown ends before you finish the cast, you can cast any instant spell WHILE casting the first spell. for example you're a Moonkin casting Wrath. The moment the global cooldown ends, you press moonfire button, and moonfire will be cast to the opponent, the moment wrath is finished being cast without refreshing the global cooldown (wrath will also damage the opponent) at least that works for me in WoW Official servers
  25. guys carbonite isn't as nearly as good as QuestHelper + Lightheaded so go to http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7017-LightHeaded.html and http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/quest-helper.aspx download both addons and enable them. Here's what they do. Quest helper creates icons on the map, depending on where the monsters are, and also creates routes on how to get to these mobs. LightHeaded shows you comments from the site "WoWhead.com" directly in your client. There are at least 2-3 comments for each quest, which say exact coordinates, and tactics. hf ;)
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