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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. First describe your problem specificly. You've done nothing other than "help connection doesn't work". What doesn't work? auth? game? what? I'm sorry - but if you don't describe what you've done how the fuck are we supposed to get what's wrong? Get on with the information, to narrow down possibilities. Explain what you've done, what you've set, what goes wrong and where. Everything. PS: Barring all ports, ODBC correctly setup - dbo.server is usually the problem.
  2. It seems weird to be able to purchase anything - that is supposed to be a mark of "trustability". Infact it's an oxymoron to have staffers vote - and then require money for it.
  3. Aren't any of even remotely the same caliber. Aren't really any except patchworks of other stuff.
  4. ...but that doesn't respond to what i said. Setup yourself, ask setup questions. If you have the files, you run it and then discovers whats needed and more appropriately decide who\what\when you need to fund. (especially if it's c1 based).
  5. This has to the most stupidest comment ever. I'm not trying to patronize you - but you also sell a "complete protect h5 project" with ...catsguard stuff? ...and you recommend him to .... block the command name? Really? Do you know even know how those bots work? Why the fuck would the creator of the bot that monitors the chatsend, allow it to pass to the server ? It scares me people that are developers think this way.
  6. C1 is a beast of it's own. You should learn more about l2off and what is what. Such as - what can you do with the native scripts and AI - and what requires direct reverse engineering\codehooking. More so because all the c4 bad code handling\dupes\crashing is multiplied by 2. I would suggest you begin yourself - and post questions since if you do have the files already setting them up and running should be childs play. Then when you run into issues most of us will answer.
  7. Clearly a ban case - but finding your own work ripped and then looking at your signature quote is the grandfather of irony :P
  8. in other words your amped GM filter is enabled - and you didn't notice?
  9. There's no way of knowing without full disclosure - cause i know your not using native c4 alone. It's rather harmless clog normally- indicating the removal of a object from the threadmaps(duh?). If you disconnect instantly when going IG - you should first check if all configs are correct everywhere. Secondly consider if this happens due to new bad code or bad ai - particularly on user\object creation\enterworld. There's not many instances of using that string - so without getting debug on it and seeing what vtable\function is calling the Remove function it's a bit geusstimate since i haven't ever done much research in that area.
  10. I'm not your personal servant. His error is related to wrong DBPacket size\mismatch being sent from to l2server from cached causing automatic closure of DBSocket. Which should not really happen on native C4 - so vangath will have to way in and help a bit here. That or fully debug why cached is sending the values it's sending.
  11. No mention of what your using \ No mention of chronicle. No reasoning towards why that causes a disconnects specifically. You are off to a good start here.
  12. What's the error then? Bring it on - display the specific fix for him. Keep making useless posts and attacking people. You know where you'll end up again. PM on skype dumanist, i'll tell you and the public can wait for the great gateway's analysis\diagnosis. (Disclaimer: Gateway is totally not an alt to someone similar on the forum that brags about having massive knowledge and promises the world - while showing and sharing nothing).
  13. oh wait sorry. thought i had a protocol var in MXCGF. ill add it if you want.
  14. Nope. EDIT: TBH i can't imagine there being many if any changes to packets - since most arrived at freya. Using MXCGF you'd have already changed most packets that moved to newer formats for GF 87\Epilogue. So try with accepting all revisions of protocol and see what happens or just set protocol to match epilogue?
  15. Alternatively you could learn how to use the internet and download the files linked to in the video. put the russian thru google translate - get some rough idea and compare user.ini\skillgrp in your system to the data he has and see if there's some "switch" that does it. Client clearly supports it without any extra work. I don't understand why you wouldn't check the link as the first thing, seriously.
  16. Designing a public antibot is counter productive. If you want something secret - the less that knows how it works the better.
  17. Roxaz old stuff - and i think also shared here before. Can't really find the post tho. Features many tidbits from codeproject.com and other places. Great for learning :)
  18. It would take serious research - but i always wondered why people didn't change the encryption cipher used to read the .dat files. same concept as antibots - protecting gamserver traffic. But... yea i geuss that's alotta work just to protect static dat info :P
  19. 1. I never attack - i specificly say you may have goodwill... i just ask you to prove it. fair and simple. Examples of mods coded etc, since apparently AI you say - is childsplay. 2. Your first reaction is defaming\attacking - and then plead ignorance. 3. You claim to not know what MXC is - or me but specificly call me an AI text pusher which is common attack tools amongst regular "shady people". from a logical standpoint this gives us: a. Someone claiming to be able to do a certain type of development(Or not actually, your piss unspecific about what you can actually do) - problem being nearly zero of those types of people have appeared over the years because it's not fucking easy and takes time to research the application your targeting for change. b. You've somehow not found the biggest l2 forum for cheating\development but somehow had fair ammount of fun and games in other smaller forums. c. You insult me directly on MY ability - yet claim you don't know me. Most people here have a good idea of - what i can or cannot do. You exhibit the arrogant trait of a "type" of developer that overpromises because he's gotten his hands on certain things and thinks it's smooth sailing from here. To me you sound like you are clearly someone very familiar with this forum, me and the others. Yet won't prove anything you say and go to instant defence mode. Highly illogical for a complete stranger that wants to join the community and offer his services ;) So here's a challenge: Fix all GFNative Leak bugs\exploits - extend level to 99(Don't worry the table goes that high for players) and...maybe a custom areadata param for pvp or item requirement in the zone?
  20. In other words your leeching of someone else - because you got stuff your not supposed to have? You realize trying to talk bullshit about l2off to me - is the worst possible idea ever. Per forum guidelines you should not be able to resell either Vangath's work OR AdvExt - if someone managed to crack it. It's a pretty clear fact you haven't written the work yourself or your developer - because then you'd actively sell your product as legit work. Instead of a "BRANDLESS L2OFF INTERLUDE ALL WORK" type threads. Your complaint in essence - is invalid for how i interpret the rules.
  21. Who's going to buy from you - if you don't show them specificly some of your work? Saying i can do everything - accepting a paypal gift and disappearing doesn't require anything. And yes you must prove whomever decides to buy from you that your not one of the endless fakers\scammers before buying. There's alot of people claiming X Y without backing it up - and alot of incidents that never materializes into a complaint. Some of us want to avoid alot of the crap recently coming to the doorstep of MXC. Your not really showing yourself to be "real shitz" because you go to instance defence mode instead of read what i said. There's no personal attacks - there's a simple historic-data-based plea to not be a jackass and be honest. There's a reason you bought donator member instantly - because it helps perception without having to actually show anything for it.
  22. If you don't know where to start - you don't have near the required knowledge to do anything. Learn basic programming principles - and how cracking\rce + injection of code into processes work.
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