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Everything posted by melron

  1. Something like that will be more stable if (this instanceof L2PcInstance) { L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) this; if (player.getTarget() != null && player.getTarget() == player) if (skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.CHARGEDAM) { player.sendMessage("message"); return; } } but if you just wanted these 2 then take solomun's code its working ;)
  2. excuse me but.. i was looking in the code and just focused in method onAttack... there are some useless checks there... int percentage = (int) (hpPercentage * 100); if (percentage <= 70) { case 1 } else if (percentage <= 50) { case 2 } else if (percentage <= 30) { case 3 } case 2 - 3 will never be used... so How the code is working good even in another project? :/
  3. Open Eclipse Click Search type unhandled action type results: RequestActionUse ..... default: _log.warning(activeChar.getName() + ": unhandled action type " + _actionId);
  4. center doesnt work inside of a table... manage it with align (center,left,right) Edit: When you opening a table you are using Table Data (td) and Table Row (tr) . So the position must be change inside of the table using aligns and not center
  5. You can check how admin can give xp/sp . it isnt so hard ppl
  6. Μα ο frozen το εχει αυτό :P activeChar.getInventory().reloadEquippedItems();
  7. Κατι κάνεις λάθος τοτε... Δοκίμασε να φτιάξεις ενα σετ με υπάρχον items. Δλδ παρε majestic boots, nightmare gloves,tallum helmet , dc heavy πανω + κατω και σαν skill διάλεξε hydro blast π.χ Πήγαινε navicat armorset table κανε new line πέρασε τα και μετα πήγαινε και στο armorsets.csv και εκει new line και θα δεις οτι θα ειναι μια χαρά
  8. add me Στο skype than.gkin
  9. τα links ειναι dead. Τοτε, διέγραψε τελείως οτι αφορα PI απο zones.xml και απλα στο RequestRestartPoint.java βρες το σημέιο που παίρνει το location και με ενα loop δώσε respawns Edit. Δεν θα πιάσει ... Απλα κανε ενα clean up και πέρασε τα απο την αρχή να βρεις το πρόβλημα
  10. Κατι θα εχεις κάνει. Βάλε type ArenaZone απο TownZone , διέγραψε το κομμάτι <stat name="townId" val="19" /> θα γίνει έτσι <zone type="ArenaZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-4290" maxZ="-1290"><!-- Primeval Isle (Town Zone) --> <node X="10408" Y="-27395" /> <node X="12065" Y="-25334" /> <node X="12223" Y="-23159" /> <node X="10424" Y="-22340" /> <node X="9566" Y="-23131" /> <node X="9290" Y="-24261" /> <spawn X="10468" Y="-24569" Z="-3645" /> </zone> τράβα και ενα restart και δοκίμασε. Αν δεν δουλέψει τότε θυμήσου τι έκανες γιατι δεν χρειάζετε κατι άλλο αυτό που ζητάς
  11. υπάρχει DamageZone σαν zone type στα source σου?
  12. To avoid lag,spikes during mass pvp like siege etc.
  13. Get a life
  14. Seems like you are looking for a 'fail server' huh?
  15. What's your problem?
  16. στον frozen 2 πραγματα πρεπει να κανεις. new line @ armorsets.csv new line @ navicat
  17. Τι ακριβώς έκανες οταν σέταρες το σετ? Φένεται οτι εχεις κανει κατι λάθος
  18. try Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(clan);
  19. psakse ta tables sthn db sou an uparxei 'heira12' an nai, psakse na vreis an uparxei column -? event_stats,stats_full gt den ta vriskei to L2TvTEventNpcInstance pou exeis orisei se kapoio npc ws type den uparxei. checkare to instance pali
  20. Just awesome... +1 from me because you always creating unique things
  21. 1st, good job elfo. This package can be very interesting and usefull since it's working in real time. I'm just looking the posts and im wondering if they understood what they can do with this in their hands. Its not only the enchant boys ... You can manage your own usefull action in real time (if you dont like the enchant case just forget it) ... I will not say anything else , just use ur fucking mind
  22. ThreadPool.schedule(() -> protections.get(victim.getObjectId()).remove(killer.getObjectId()), 1000*60*15);
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