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melron last won the day on April 30

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    melron mxc

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  1. From a security standpoint, I would say yes, it is a concern. However, from a broader perspective, it is not an ideal approach. The code you provided establishes three separate database connections for a single click, which is highly inefficient. It would be more advisable to implement a manager that can handle all the necessary tasks and hold the relevant data, rather than querying the database each time. This approach would greatly improve the efficiency and maintainability of the code.
  2. You should consider to fix this code. I won't mention that it's coding style is before java 8, but I will mention the security issue of your bypasses. You can easily get any item with your desired enchant value
  3. Good luck with your sales buddy. You can re-design the html (action) part and the item engine. (You got a retail trade system )
  4. As An4rchy said, its not enough the 'read' part. You need to edit some other parts too. Also, i'm wondering.... these lines (the set part): else if ("production".equalsIgnoreCase(c.getNodeName())) { set.set("itemId", Integer.parseInt(c.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue())); .... } else if ("productionRare".equalsIgnoreCase(c.getNodeName())) { set.set("rareItemId", Integer.parseInt(c.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue())); ... } else if ("productionRare2".equalsIgnoreCase(c.getNodeName())) { set.set("rareItemId2", Integer.parseInt(c.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue())); ... } They are all parsing a number (Integer.parseInt(c.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue())) While they are reading the "id" node value which in your case (even the retail one) are not numeric values id="Vesper Helmet" id="Vesper Helmet Foundation" id="Custom Vesper Helmet Foundation" So, either i really can't understand the way the parsing works, or even your retail code is broken.
  5. The problem is that you are not a hero. Hero items can be equipped by hero players. In your case you have hero status but you are not a hero player. Olympiad manager and hero manager, can't recognize you
  6. I know, sometimes certain thoughts weigh on you and you just want to express them. Yes, I know that this has been happening for a long time, but it wasn't so noticeable for several reasons. However, the issue is that even if we say we don't provide support. (Just nobody). Τhings will only get worse due to the inadequate knowledge out there.
  7. But, "I wanna create a server just 4 fun, with my friends". The main problem here is not the preconfigured pack, but rather the ability for anyone to publish such a server. This is one of the main reasons why the game is dying. In my opinion, it's not a problem at all to lend a hand when a newbie can't find where to change the mana potions in the XML files. However, I do have a problem when they need modifications on the Java side and don't know what an IDE is, all while the server is in a live state with 10 people online. This is embarrassing, sad, and mainly a problem. It is really sad that anyone out there can publish a server within 20 minutes without having sources, using the phrase "the best server," and then (while these few ppl left) close it after 6 hours by saying "I will open another one in 2 months with crazy new features," when all they doing is changing 5 HTML and one buffer. Unfortunately, there isn't a rule about this (although I wish there were). So, you can't just avoid this issue (I'm sorry). P.S. A gift for you: https://prnt.sc/ExntaP6dKy9f
  8. It seems that there is a synchronization problem. The server is not communicating correctly with the client and has not received the correct coordinates concerning the player's location at the right time.
  9. Shouldn't we had to read Rationale's side of those reports?
  10. No clue then. But the logic is the same, take a look at your 4267 (Grade Penalty) ,4268 (Weight Penalty) skills at your xmls/database and just get the attribute that you need that refers to not remove on death case. On aCis, is like that: <set name="stayAfterDeath" val="true" />
  11. Would you mind to share with us what sources you are using?
  12. I guess so, since the only change on xmls concerns a new line, all you have to do is to adapt the java side to read that line on your items/skills
  13. Nice feature @LordPanic. You can create a lot of similar things to prevent bots with this packet. Just use your fantasy Well, since the coordinates are sent from the source to client, you can always check if the player can move to that point (by using geodata) and then send them to client. Its all about how you will structure it. The specific packet, it may be the best choice for antibot system (i'm not sure if any bot program can handle this packets and send the movement, but still is the best choice)
  14. It has nothing to do with the html. You should not convert your number to a scientific format and instead, you should use a fixed type. For example, the value 1.521e-003 is equal to 0.001521. int main() { double ex1 = 1.521e-003; cout << "Value = " << fixed << ex1 << endl; return 0; }
  15. Change the return to continue
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