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StinkyMadness last won the day on November 10 2024

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  1. SHHHHHH... don't ruin it Our original concept was to develop this as a website, but we decided to first assess the level of interest to determine if there’s enough engagement to justify enhancing it to its full potential.
  2. No worries at all about the credits! Just a quick question on who the customer is. Could you send me their name in a private message? Only three people should have access to the CommunityBoard I coded a few years back.
  3. I like my design from 2020
  4. That code is shared of "Server Shares & Files [L2J]" section. Requires Java source of the server and interface modification.
  5. With NPCDialogWnd.uc modification of Interface.u you can change the size of the window for each HTML: Use this: https://pastebin.com/iYs8AQQ7 and you will need also this one on UICommonAPI.uc:: function String StringBetween(String param, String iString1, String iString2) { local int varInt; varInt = InStr(param, iString1) + Len(iString1); return Mid(param, varInt, InStr(param, iString2) - varInt); } Inside the <html> tag you can add "WIDTH=X", "HEIGHT=X" or "IMAGE=X"
  6. private int _killCount; private long _killTime; public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target) { if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target)) { if (_killTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) _killCount = 0; _killCount++; _killTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000L; There is no need for any task @MegaCheat
  7. The skill you seeing are used by NPC and on client side they have default "icon.skill0000" icon so that one is parsed. If the skill icon equals to skill id the parser skip it on parsing as the java itself is generating that icon. "_icon = set.getString("icon", String.format("icon.skill%04d", _id));"
  8. I have seen this project during its building process, they trying everything and focusing on the gameplay a lot. Looks like an server that i can enjoy playing on my free time. Good luck felas.
  9. The code is not written by me... I just give him some hints on private messages to fix some major issue on his code.. Williams code it.. not me. Gosh... xD
  10. Reading whole HTML result its not the best way to find votes when the site support JSON results ofc.. but not all sites share JSON information's for global results. Also the Jsoup lib can be used for finding any information from URL not only votes and the class I shared its an simple example. You can grab any info with simple inspect line you want to grab. Anyway... its just a guide for jsoup, not code share. I hope one day all toplist sites provide JSON results for global votes like your site. GJ :)
  11. xDatEditor its open source tool : https://github.com/acmi/xdat_editor
  12. if (((int) player.distance3D(zone.getLastSpawn())) <= getInt("zoneRadius"))
  13. So, I found in my old HDD some files and maybe someone want to use this one. You can use the code to find current votes of vote sites. Here is the Java Class : https://pastebin.com/EtTxVrM4 And here are some example's for few sites: System.out.println("l2topzone.com: " + new ContentURL("https://l2topzone.com/lineage/server-info/6084/l2damage", "span.label.label-info").toInt()); System.out.println("l2.hopzone.net: " + new ContentURL("https://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/93067/l2-damage", "span.rank.tooltip.hidden").toInt()); System.out.println("l2network.eu: " + new ContentURL("https://l2network.eu/details/346/L2Exilium-World/", "span.btn-label.btn-label-right").toInt()); System.out.println("topservers200.com : " + new ContentURL("https://topservers200.com/lineage2/1/l2mad", "a#vote-btn.btn-vote > span").toInt()); System.out.println("l2.topgameserver.net : " + new ContentURL("https://l2.topgameserver.net/lineage/server-detail/250/L2Reborn", "div.votes-count > strong").toInt()); System.out.println("l2top.co : " + new ContentURL("https://l2top.co/server-info/L2Unity", "li.text4").toInt()); System.out.println("top.l2jbrasil.com: " + new ContentURL("https://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=djvogans", "div#adminctt b:contains(Entradas(Total):)").next().toInt()); System.out.println("l2votes.com : " + new ContentURL("https://l2votes.com/serverPage.php?sid=8", "a.votes").toInt()); System.out.println("itopz.com : " + new ContentURL("https://itopz.com/info/325312", "span.btn.badge.badge-secondary").toInt()); System.out.println("l2jtop.com : " + new ContentURL("https://l2jtop.com/server/exiliumworld/info/", "div.votes").toInt()); System.out.println("l2top.gr : " + new ContentURL("https://l2top.gr/?a=details&u=l2kot", "span.badge.badge-light").toInt()); // Example Output // l2topzone.com: 4878 // l2.hopzone.net: 21588 // l2network.eu: 11658 // topservers200.com : 4221 // l2.topgameserver.net : 50228 // l2top.co : 8418 // top.l2jbrasil.com: 36593 // l2votes.com : 2649 // itopz.com : 544 // l2jtop.com : 12897 // l2top.gr : 504 I guess everyone that is not lazy is able to add any website he want and create basic system for rewarding the players. To use the class you should import Jsoup.jar on your project : https://jsoup.org/download
  14. Perfect, I'm sorry that I gave you ready UI..
  15. You can customize your interface.u and interface.xdat to support the change of background from HTML. Here is an updated - clean version of Interlude interface that include the changes need for that background. https://mega.nz/file/wxdkUYzK#GMrMu8G5ec16-S8FHC8YUDJv6w74VUhsNyrK-NV_JMQ
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