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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. you didnt get those features copy and paste from redmoon? :D even sieges
  2. yea nice no fake flood, just im wordering why all your forum members "Viewing unknown page," also incoming clans from old seasons is not good idea...
  3. so what? isnt it e-global server and u only coop with them? like averia... 3 servers and get atleast 2k online ;D
  4. dex get carried by eglobal/averia, so now his server dont have 200online max
  5. you know that every h5 server using .fb command for reward? u write good comment with your nick and ingame you get reward.
  6. Members Online:8 Guests Online:243 Robots Online:6 Total Visitors:257
  7. real l2destiny page was deleted during fake likes / coments so stalonka made new page and was saying this ;D there is destiny magic, after 5 min
  8. Admin of hopzone is gm at destiny
  9. nice, i will write something at pm and make screen :OO for sure its your box
  10. 1k real is not bad for h5 when there mucho classic server / e global and innov paying twitch for baning free server streamers
  11. actually u like this magic? from 277 vote to almost 2k in few h :O
  12. yea its time to cry destiny is fail server since 2k16-18
  13. what big community? ;D its got best h5 comnunity ever... but yea they didnt use phantom, fake vote etc.... so its seems like dead but still there is fun sad that innova bought at twitch banning all free server streams but u know that feel when u got deleted all fake votes like destiny?
  14. i think he mean feature from gracia+ that you can shift your items to chat
  15. after so much years i still have question, for what is good rbs rok, valdstone, enira, can someone say me that ?:D even at google cant find it found only this.. https://www.ign.com/wikis/lineage-ii/Gracia_Aerial_Hunting_Grounds
  16. pvp barakiel 100vs100 ;d and not roa there
  17. ye, they paid for block adr but they still giving free items to every cp / clan ;D w/e everytime it was blocked max for 1 week
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