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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. Hwid spoofer http://l2helper.com/Spoofer/
  2. got have nothing do with tales , so dont count this trash destiny server do u know some random server incoming with seven sings files and lionka with beta sevens singns files? ( oh wait they failed with copy / paste website) they trying fake server for fixing bugs like all time ( oh wait after 3 years their servers still same bugs) since sorin is useless tales is only balanced server in h5 scene, i will say its only gladi / tyr but best mage cp can win 9vs9 like in 2k15 i like this files bcs u dont need 4 supports in party at 15x+ rates
  3. Idk what u mean off-topic but they had stolen destiny website so isnt it reason for say its from destiny friends?
  4. @adidaskipowah go win betka?
  5. nice one, you wrote only home made server with 10 online
  6. I know Only you email, he posted you name almost with samé like you mail, so please gtfo
  7. so if you cant copy / paste website w/o mistake, how we can trust you server will have no bugs ? ;D
  8. i hate u, now i saw it also :D... was uploading it
  9. please there isnt 1 private server with more then 1000 online, (rpg club maybe and averia + dex + eglobal) but you will get 1,5k-3k , gosh wake up
  10. actually this guy using scam skype accs for advert this guy copy / paste website from destiny/liona and didnt even delete all icons lets image his server, 2 days beta with custom items? gl anyway seems i know you, thats why u dont want me write at this topic
  11. here we are? :D // just kidding seems bad copy / paste website http://www.l2got.eu/images/lionna_fav.png <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/lionna_fav.png">
  12. like vercetti care about classic lol i just saw at my skype spam from this skype name who wanted scams, anyway vice flaming also tales, so he is out. //classic mid rate is trash, so i dont care about this server me just posted this picture..
  13. no hate but actually advert your server with skypes who wanted scam its not good idea... this skype in past was posting fake donate list
  14. no slot for u at pink clan
  15. wait, isnt better spend 14e for bot, get equip while you are out of home and when you come home u only pvp? ah, your real life is better since you need sit near pc and farm mobs seems for Latino is 14e so much , for others its like 1-2h at work
  16. ye, this topic talking about everything
  17. sad storka, but those scamers got like 2-3 accs banned at mxc already :/
  18. ty, ah i see this script i share here in 2k15 ;D its not working in 90% of servers only homemade servers
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