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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. Saga is parth of mouse too, I heard brazon left mouse team lf confirm
  2. there is no way talking with this retarded guy...
  3. 15x rate , salvation 79 lvl, if u dont know how lvl fast, dont cry lul
  4. i found this or nah i have mp reason to lie but i could tell you the whole story,mouse gave stalone broken vote system for no ddos on l2eoa (stalone didnt know was broken and gave it to claww trying to install it ) server didnt grow and closed.Someday after sorin.passion (admin of l2injustice) contacted me on skype about opening server(claww him told my skype),i told him im not interested to open but you can open with stalone and i could help you guys pay ddos protection etc.After few days Sorin told us that he meet revenger (mouse) in really life and would spy infomation and shit,then 1week before opening everything was ready he dumbed us for 1k euro. Stole files+website,L2Bfp was opened by then , Also mouse/sorin told me leave stalone and play on l2bfp and he would give me free item and shit for no ddos.i refused and they bought the best ddos protection at that time which was ddos-guard.net but still got ddosed and closed after few days.Stalone went work on 1hotel he was done with l2.Still had 1server to ddos which was l2eoa,so i went to ddos l2eoa,so mouse contacted me on skype and told me if i stop ddos he would open server with stalone,i agree on that which l2tales.com came out . Yeah im such asshole that i didnt backstabbed a friend )) didnt even asked 1euro form them.
  5. At mouse server they delete protection and u can log unlimited
  6. Every server doing this lul
  7. 2k19 and u now found gathering event?, rly totally retarded Guy
  8. fix rates at main website... but worth to try, classic was fine
  9. still who care about 40 more ppl vote lul gratz u will get 40 more useless greeks in server, give them free itemkas
  10. you spaming your all frands to vote at that site, lul how l2tales can have votes since noone even know about this trash site? 40 vs 70 vote rly rly good
  11. maybe you should stop give free items to every clan / cp and you will get some money from donate also
  12. stalonka is not so stupid for make another acc for flame you lol
  13. retard post full converz not only half, its was corrupt from gm (got kicked after) not from main admin like you do and donate for +6 sets 120 att is automatic at every h5 server lul
  14. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/218442-l2mid-skylord-gm-exposed/ https://maxcheaters.com/topic/220585-hi-im-skylord-mrscammers-2018-l2midcom
  15. nice its 2k14 times when there was mouse in gm team, those info i got from him since he was at my cp and he was selling it
  16. again u will give 10k donate to every clan for playing atleast 1 week? sad that video is already deleted from youtube :( next time leave tales alone
  17. who care, l2mid last 3 servers was online max 1 week from stalonka last 3 servers interlude was alived 3+ months anyway when new season, its 10 days already and again no ppl
  18. try instal this font , its from old patch and it was working http://rgho.st/6xCgpzFMJ
  19. @Lin2Dev abusing downvote for no reason, @Celestine @Designatix
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