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nice i see this project start to get some speed in development and the dev's make some nice work


Project has never been "slow". 141 revs in 6 months, it would be low for any other pack, but taking in consideration the number of line per commits, I would say compared to others packs, (and if others packs could commit only good things, lol) I'm around rev 800-900.


Changeset 141


Some formulas rework.


- Shields are supposed to block both magic && physic skills (L2Guru 2007 topics). I thought it was post IL, and for so, when I refactored skills I kicked this part of code. Now I got the good infos, I add it. So yeah, tanks aren't so weak in this chronicle :). For info, it works exactly like pdef, but add mdef and can do critic success (1 damage).

- Seeds have been corrected. I did 2-3 tests only but it worked for one fire/wind seeds combo, and 2 fire seeds, no reason it doesn't work for others combos. So from now, all skills are supposed to work correctly.

- Improved/reworked Attack serverpacket.

- Completion (removed quoted stuff from skillhandlers) of the NPC soulshot system. Current AI table is kinda messed in this case, as mobs with soulshots haven't any chance to use it, and mobs with chance haven't any soulshot. Freya, freya...



Tryskell a little question.

is if getting to have something more stable place custom or not you think?

sry for bad english


I didn't understand the main part of the message, aka the question :P. "Repeate por favor" :)


"Customs" I decide to keep are tested then corrected if it is bugged in any matter. Wedding manager, class masters have been reworked (weddingmanagerinstance by my own to avoid to use .commands, class masters following Freya but correcting one NPE issue).


If it wasn't the question, consider be more accurate or even use english && spanish :P.


PS2 : if all ppl were working on the same project, we could have a near L2Off pack before the end of the year. Or if someone can clone me... PM :D.


Not Great... it would just touch Perfection..


in future maby you will work with freya i hope :)





Changeset 143


Drop protection.


What to say more... It's the retail drop protection, which block others players to pickup your loots for 15 seconds. If someone is in your party or is from same clan, he got priority aswell.


tryskell - obstinate as a mule to fix this pack lol


I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing :).


Rev 145 adds 3 quests, and actually 2 others are ready to be commited and a 3rd in debug.




Ty fernando and DiNoR for the good help on quests, I appreciate it :). If that continue they will become better than me ;D

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