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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Did you fix changeset 143 as i told you ? :D


Yup, he did :D


fixed the drop protection, only party must be affected, not clan (ty Finito for report and "the ride" :D)

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Rev 154 is out.


Changeset 154


Skill fixes && misc.



- builds.xml have been formated and cleaned. DP doesn't create a .zip anymore, nor try to update/clean it (faster compilation).

- .project is supposed to correctly "link" dp and core (you don't have to make manually the fix anymore). Ty Voqus.

- 2 items are now considered as quest items ("seductive whispers" and a "game of cards").



- Once sitted, you can only disable a toggle, not activate it anymore. Issues like using fakedeath during private shops weren't so cool... The initial feature (and bugs) has been introduced at revision 50.

- Slow reuse time is 7sec, not 2sec.

- Seal of Disease acts like a seal, not like a one man target && far-casting spell (Gracia behavior), ty Vonak.

- cancellation and such CANCEL skillType are now corrected. Formulas were linking to another skillType, CANCEL_DEBUFF, which isn't the good effect ;p. So from now, Mental Shield and such buffs should correctly add resistance to cancellation type skills. CANCEL skillType is now 100% effect success aswell. Ty Vonak and Sim for report.

- confusionVuln is now handled directly by derangementVuln. This property (confusionVuln) doesn't exist anymore.


You have to update skills XMLs.

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Revision 155-161 add :


- retail magical critical rate formula (based on l2p work)

- corrected Confusion effects (mobs are killing themselves and can go to another mob).

- unified project organization (on 4 commits instead of 1, like any bad project)

- added 6 teleports "quests", all tested and corrected using L2off htms.

- Correction of MANADAM effects, which now support MDOT. Effect is really supposed to burn some initial mana then to do a MDOT.

- Fixes the teleport skill from Blade of Splendor (VoS), which had 2 skillType (o_o).

- Fixes attack button on pet betray mod.

- Bypass shield's check on Hydro Blast's use (2007 L2Guru topics)

- fix macro items use deleting the itemUse fP. Even put at 1, it was making it bugging.


Thanks to the growing faCebook community, aCis page got now a decent URL ^^. Ty to all followers ! You can find it clicking here. I know it's named L2aCis, but faCebook doesn't allow 4 letters ;o. Project is aCis, not L2JaCis, not L2aCis... Just aCis !


Special mention to Vonak, who made me open a section only for him (skills report) !

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Ty Street, gl to L2Brick too :)



Current internal developement hotpoint, NPC skills reworked using L2off. Sry about quality, imageshack sux when it comes to slideshow.


Before : http://img215.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00080t.jpg


After : http://img7.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00066gn.jpg



The result is more or less +4k skills (24k skills -> 28k).

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Ty Street, gl to L2Brick too :)



Current internal developement hotpoint, NPC skills reworked using L2off. Sry about quality, imageshack sux when it comes to slideshow.


Before : http://img215.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00080t.jpg


After : http://img7.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=shot00066gn.jpg



The result is more or less +4k skills (24k skills -> 28k).

You have no dwarf in the ss....

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You have no dwarf in the ss....


Because I was testing 1st occupation human quest just before.


Any more useless questions ? :D

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I bump my stickied topic because 17792 views aren't enough (I want 22222) ! Rev 165.


XMLFactory, Formulas rework, baseStats deletion.


Ok, that does 3 days I didn't commit but there was a good reason (as always when I don't commit) ^_^". I was testing some experimental features, and some revert back. Some formulas have been corrected aswell, or "tweaked". Here's the list of changes :



- reverted baseStats.xml to IL stuff. Why ? Values/tables are calculated on the fly from core (no use of external technology = less ram/cpu consumption), and are more accurate (no rounded values).

- saveVs from skills have been deleted, and replaced by core side formula (= less data from skill as all skillTypes use same stats, aka MEN or CON, to be calculated). Many XMLs are concerned.



- That's EXPERIMENTAL feature. All XMLs are now loaded from a single instance. That means clean code (some XML refactor codes are cut per 1/3), and normally less objects created. The use is very simple aswell. From the moment, no problem has been discovered using it.

- armorsets' XML got a new structure (must be updated).



- a big rework has been made on Formulas.java. All Func have been moved in the folder named "funcs". Old funcs have been moved on a new folder "basefuncs".

- many formulas (mainly magical) got now proper logs. You can see them activating "Developer" option in server.properties. I hope it will help you to find eventual issues.

- some formulas have been reworked from scrap:

- calcAtkBreak (renamed calcCastBreak) has been improved and the use is more simple/generic. Mobs casts aren't broken so often (depending of IA, goes to 10% to 30% of player rate).

- calcHitMiss uses retail infos (verified from l2guru 2007 forum post / L2p bravehost).

- calcMagicEffect has been tweaked (because effects weren't noticeable at all : 10% fail only on a red mob). Effect has been x2. I think the formula is still "too kind" with players, anyway.

- resistances are now directly applied instead of lolcalculated (understand than 20 resist = 20% now instead of 24%, etc).

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Nice project im gonna test it as soon as you tell me how I can manage to connect an interlude gs to my freya ls. Any idea? Tried to modify the LoginServerThread of the il server already but without success somehow. :S

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    • not just a waste of time ..even waste of money ...  
    • Heya! I was looking for someone who can provide me with any solution for FPS increase on Interlude Client. I was interested in a working Clear Cache button and/or any patch that will increase the FPS of each player. Playing on Interlude for many years now, I can understand that a crowded place will drop your FPS by a lot which is making the game unplayable and unenjoyable. For example, Baium Epic Boss always had issues (not only) with FPS drops sometimes players are playing with pixels (images). If anyone has the expertise and knowledge about those things I would like him to contact me via Discord xthedarknessfear so we can discuss further because I obviously have some questions about Client Modification and how it's done. Will not answer anything here, hit me up on disc and let's discuss it! P.S: I'm also looking for a custom simple interface (small edits). If you can do both, you are my guy! Cheers!
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    • i have this feature: https://prnt.sc/rD9BYOi7QPB6 there is edited interface and one dll to make it working.
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