ncs.SpawN Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 48 minutes ago, Ehoq said: If a person is a patriot of his country, this does not mean that he is a fascist, since his country has done nothing bad to anyone. this thread need to add restrict to kids like you... as "you" said in previous videos.... you was ready to burn Moscow... but not Moscow is on fire right now... for now you are "awaits Nuclear on your head"... you truly belive in that... but fully Ukraine cost less then 1 Nuclear lauch... "you dont cost it". is not about money. its about people, who live there... but u dont know it.. you are sitting in safe zone...speak... about YOUR BRAVE PATRIOTISM! but as we can see you are at home... double standards... Fair enough... now you are getting what you deserve... KACAPS! KACAPS EVERYWHERE ! DAMNED RUSSIAN PROPOGANDA EVERYWHERE ! P.S. .. Please... not need to Ctrl+V my profile... is already shown... all can see, im from Russia. keep living in your "dreaming" it will end someday... and you need to "pay for this" but you dont care... you will blame Russia anyway... even if you need to pay to USA. you calling it "FIGHT FOR FREEDOM" no boi... is "FIGHT FOR MONEY" from Both sides.. from WHOLE WORLD! and nobody count on your position. here is also some kind of propoganda... Forgive title... is not mine. And Ukranian refugees here... is Russia... they are says "THANK YOU 10 TIMES PER 8 HOUR WORK DAY" I know what im talking about.... im in Rostov-on-Don. i meet em everyday. Another ardent fascist schizophrenic. Go shoot tiktok with Kadyrov. Sofa expert. I did not say that I would not need to invent Moscow. But the cruiser Moscow really went to the bottom. How many people survived there 20 out of 500? Chased them into the neck from near Kyiv, you decided to throw the underdogs to the Donbass. Not one large city could not be taken in a month and a half, the second army of the world ... And they shouted that we would take Kyiv in 3 days. But something went wrong, because we were ready and intelligence is working with a bang. Do you know why everything is up your ass? Because we have such concepts as honor, freedom, truth and justice, and you are far from it. Are you going to scare someone with a nuclear missile? For us, this war is sacred and it will be an honor for everyone to fall in the battle for freedom, truth and justice! I, like many of my friends, are just waiting for the signal to fight! But in return, you will definitely get who needs a country of terrorists nearby, which will unleash wars in 2022. But in a nuclear war, this can hardly be called life. Putin has already pushed back the development of the country by 10-20 years. He still has nothing to lose, he has cancer. By May 5 default is threatened. And you continue to elevate and be proud of him like a fool. You tell me why your warriors need toilets, dog kennels and used lingerie that they stole from near Kyiv? Isn't everything in your country so sad and deplorable? P.S. And now for the good news, as promised earlier. The Armed Forces of Ukraine went on a little counteroffensive, so now you can see a lot of interesting things every day. Quote
Ehoq Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 all what i read is like i watched "Ukraine Youtube" nothing by your side. wtf are you talking about... Putin's Godfater... cancer... "Default" on 5 of may... Your reply is just blame , so sad. you have no idea discussion looks like. as i said... NOTHING BY YOUR SIDE. YOU JUST CTRL+C => CTRL+V comments from NEXTA Telegram... dunno You Got "Moskva" well. is it strange to sink ? is it stange if "all people on board" is dead? i already show your "honor, freedom, truth and justice" in previous video. You try to injure me ... but your brain is dead. im done with you. Quote
ncs.SpawN Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 39 minutes ago, Ehoq said: all what i read is like i watched "Ukraine Youtube" nothing by your side. wtf are you talking about... Putin's Godfater... cancer... "Default" on 5 of may... Your reply is just blame , so sad. you have no idea discussion looks like. as i said... NOTHING BY YOUR SIDE. YOU JUST CTRL+C => CTRL+V comments from NEXTA Telegram... dunno You Got "Moskva" well. is it strange to sink ? is it stange if "all people on board" is dead? i already show your "honor, freedom, truth and justice" in previous video. You try to injure me ... but your brain is dead. im done with you. What else can a quilted jacket in bast shoes write about. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the entire crew of the missile cruiser Moskva, hit by a Ukrainian missile and sunk in the Black Sea on April 13, survived. All were allegedly evacuated to other ships. But already today, the identification of the dead Russian sailors has begun in the media. As of April 16, the identity of one deceased was confirmed - midshipman Ivan Vakhrushev. He served in the 5th combat unit, responsible for the operational safety of the cruiser. According to his wife, 27 crew members of the Moskva are missing. First, the media reported that 14 sailors from the sunken cruiser were delivered to Sevastopol, the fate of the remaining 496 crew members is unknown. According to other sources, fifty sailors of "Moscow" were saved by the Turks, but the Turkish side has not yet confirmed this fact. More and more experts are inclined to the version that about five thousand sailors sank with the cruiser, along with commander Anton Kuprin. Quote
BruT Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 (edited) 18 hours ago, xdem said: This is very correct, unfortunately the masses are too stupid to understand that and will allow their leaders to a war that will bring very tough times. the thing is that masses are there only to work and talk they dont decide anything, even most of the country leaders are puppets and they do not decide anything at all they just read whats written on the paper, and about the war noone is that stupid to fight a bear xD Edited April 18, 2022 by BruT Quote
arm4729 Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 On 4/14/2022 at 8:49 AM, Ehoq said: okay... i will "join" also. first of all... i Respect all kind of Humans ( until they are will became as Demons ofc) Ruski are Savages... is the most popular "ticket" on me for the last 10 years at minumum... dunno.. im just 32 years old, maybe i was Savage more years ago... dunno. BUT... Lets speaks about History... really.. why not... we can back to "WAR IN Ukraine" anytime ofc. U are Welcome! Everytime... over and over.. again and again... Europe "try to undestand Ruski" OTHER WORLD : "Russia stack in Soviet times" RUSKI : Okay.. but why do you care to much about it? Maybe We are Glad in "Soviet Times" ? OTHER WORLD : "Russia dont produce any useful thing in WHOLE WORLD !" USELESS! RUSKI : yeah boy... you are facking right... America... they are HUGE ! they are produce IPhone...! AND THEY ARE LEFT YOU ! HAHA! And ofc you know well...MonoCrystals ("sapphire glass") ...this useless thing, what you calling touchscreen...more then 50% of em is Russian, Sub-Russian (in other countries) product...but u are knew it well, im sure on it. Price will grow up - Savages Fault. OTHER WORLD : okay... FACK YOU RUSKI ! IPhone is NOTHING ! WE CAN LIVE WITHOUT IT ! СARS ! CARS ! EAT THIS ! WHAT YOU GONNA SAY NOW BEACH? RUSKI : Copper... Russia is only #7 of Copper produce... but top exporter... same to aluminium, and other metals...yeah.. is nothing. drop... who cant become a river. Price will grow up - Savages Fault. Gas... is important isnt it? Gas in your cooktop is NOTHING... Gazprom call it "technologic miss" As Gas Monopolist to Europe... we are... Savages... keep transit it ( yeah, ofc we making money on it also, i know) , Ukraine do not pay for it... dunno why... not me...even Gazprom have no idea why not. Cuz they are "not Savages" probably. dunno. Europe said "SAVAGE SHOULD TRANSIT IT ! BUT WE ARE LEAVE U ! YES ! YOU UNDESTAND RIGHT ! BMW, M-BENZ! OTHER PREMIUM CARS ! FACK U ! Ukraine wont buy RUSKI gas.. they are getting "Europe Gas" , but first they are getting money from Europe to make a transit. Fair enough, isnt it ? Price will grow up - Savages Fault. and you (ruski) overprice Gasoline... damned Savage... OTHER WORLD : WHO CARES SAVAGE ? WE CAN RIDE HORSES ! OUR FATHERS DID IT WELL ! YOU WILL DIE WITHOUT US! WE ARE NOT ! INTERNET AND CELL NETWORK ! A DOG? WHAT NOW ? CAN YOU WOOF SMTHING ON IT ? RUSKI : GLONASS... is Russian "thing" ... 24 of Ruski Thing.. whos fly around world... yes.. is global.. not TCP/IP, CDMA... actually... no single contry cant "TURN OFF" in Internet in another country...only "selfmade" Maybe Price will not grow up - but anyway Savages Fault. OTHER WORLD : YOUR MONEY ! IS NOTHING ! "DEFAULT IS COMING" RUSKI : yeah... it will be... "tech default" i would like to say... cuz NON-SAVAGE countries block "our money" nevermind... we always can "print more" if we cant.. we will ask USA how to... i thing they can share the "secret" when they miss of Monocrystals... Price will grow up FOR US - non-Savages progress. OTHER WORLD : PFFF! DOG ! YOU REALLY THINK YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT ? EVEN WITHOUT THIS "COMFORT" WE STILL CAN BREATH ! UNTILL WE CAN WORK! EAT ! SLEEP ! WE ARE IMMORTAL ! RUSKI : DUNNO ! We will see... what you can do without "savage wheat, rice, corn." no.. you dont it... not in basics... but in 90% of product... we are export it to ya.. as primary exporter... Price will grow up - Savages Fault. btw... fertilizer... is ours Savage's also... Price will grow up - Savages Fault. OTHER WORLD : DAFAQ ! OKAY ! OKAAAAY ! YOU ARE MAKING WAR ! ALL WARS ! NUCLEAR WEAPON ! CUZ OF YOU... RUSKI : Im just 2nd exporter of Weapon in whole world... you know whos 1st.. pretty sure... Blame ME Savages for Nuclear weapon i can launch at anytime i want ? there was only 1* lauch in world history... and u know you know whos 1st.. pretty sure... Vietnam...Iraq... know whos 1st.. pretty sure... be 2nd isnt GOOD ! i know it well.. im Ruski Savage atleast. Price will be HUGE FOR IT - Savages Fault. "Russia only destroy!" OTHER WORLD : YOU THINK ? IF YOU ARE BIG COUNTRY! ONE OF THE MOST WARPOTENTIAL ! YOU CAN OCCUPATE SMALL COUNTRIES LIKE UKRAINE ? RUSKI : YES... IS TRUE ! WE DONT CARE ABOUT UKRAINE ! SAME AS YOU ! IS KIND OF OLYMPIC GAMES... SOMEDAY THEY WILL BE ON RUSLAND...THEY WAS ON RUSLAND... AND AS WE CAN SEE NOW EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE AGAIN ! 99% of RUSSKI ACCEPT IT. THIS IS OUR "TRUTH"... good it... or not... you need to be RUSKI to undestand what i feeling in thing moment... it is sad sometimes... but i accept it with honor. okay.. stop with this history... boring... about myself.. im Ruski.. live in Rostov-on-Don , is one of closest region to Ukranian's Border. Nothing special of me... typical... one of 143 million Savages... One typical savage... who "build" his "international friendship" , learn Englich ( as you can see my proper grammar) by himself, not in school ( our contry dont focus on it much). i HAS a lot of friends in whole world... USA, Greece, Italia, Egypt, Israel, post-CIS countries even Ukraine... help to em.. so much as i could, no matter... money... knowledge, dialogue.. i dont care. BUT ! 90% of em "spit in my face" cuz im RUSKI Savage. All my "clan" in l2... Ukranians... almost... spit... cuz im ruski... cuz i have no idea how use any kind of automatic weapon, fly on jet.. use any artiliery... they are blame me for it... they are curse me, my family, my 2 years dauther .. cuz noone of em use any kind of weapon , cuz i , BOMB THEM ! BUT "BUTCHA" THEM. One week ago i has dialogue with one guy... good boy... he was very positive, he asks me for help.. some problems with modding in l2... "warm dialogue" nothing special, about 2-3 days. i help him. gave him knowledge i knew... and know what? my mistake was when i ask him "where you from" and he said "UA" and you? i type it.. RU Savage... know what? it was his last msg i got in discord : Translate* I hope you, your family... all your Ruski Savage world will die from cancer. soon there will be world without Russia. yeah... "Ruski propaganda Works..." If you are read it untill the end... thank you. and now you can hate me, delete my post maybe, i will accept it. im glory and honor with my world.. with my people. and with my Country! NO MATTER HOW IT ENDS ! I WILL STAY WITH EM. Here no story how "ALMOST" European Country WIN Russian Savages in War... Here is story... how Savages "NATO" did their own propaganda... Here is story... how Savages "NATO" do not let RUSKI Olympic Sportsmen njoy the "party" cuz they are RUSKI ! dont let em use RUSKI FLAG, or RUSKI ANTHEM... Here is story... how Savages "NATO" sank "Kursk" and RUSKI ATE THIS, Cuz they wont WW3 with em... Here is story... how Savages "NATO" sank "Moskva" and RUSKI DONT EAT IT...ofc NATO...Ukraine dont have any kind of weapon to do this.... but yeah "Ruski propaganda Works..." you wont belive in at. Here is story... how Savages "NATO" say "RUSKI BOMB SCHOOL AGAIN" It is Facts... "Facts captured on Ukranian phones... where their infantry making selfies with a huge weapon in School.. Yeah... they are... they dont even need to know which one... Ukranians will show targets...." "Ruski propaganda Works..." you wont belive in at. Here is story... how Savages "NATO" fails in Syria, and mad on Ruskies...maybe is kind of Vendetta.. dunno... we dont fail...we dont know this feel...yeah... "Ruski propaganda Works..." Here is story... how Savages "NATO" gave lethal weapon even from their own storage... If RUSKI will do the same to Syrian ( for example) it will be 10000% WRONG ! yeah... "Ruski propaganda Works..." Here is story... how Savages "Ukraine" beat "Ruski people" on streets in Europe... and no single injured Ukranian here, in Russia... yeah... "Ruski propaganda Works..." And much more... "Ruski propaganda Works..." you wont belive in at. KEEP HATE ME ! CUZ GUYS LIKE ME BRING THE NEW WAR HERE ! GUYS LIKE ME OVERPRICED YOUR GAS, TAKING PRODUCTS FROM YOUR MARKETS ...SOON... ! and atleast... Here is story... how Savages "NATO" will use NUCLEAR WEAPON on Ruski... SCREEN IT ! "Ruski propaganda Works..." you wont belive in at. and be sure...RUSKI START THIS WAR ! ("Ruski propaganda Works..." you wont belive in at.) BUT RUSKI DO EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO THE END IT... HATE ME ! BLAME ME ! THIS DO NOT WORK FOR ME ANYMORE. IM ALMOST DONE. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE... Ehoq.. one of ~150 mil. Savages. ™ Message to one of ~150 mil. Savages : Please , someone should kill Putin , i mean it man. Maybe is not RUSIA fault , maybe is not NATO fault , but you guys are only ones who can stop him.. maybe he is a puppet idk , but you can kill him... look what happen in Sirya years ago ? America destroyed it and blame on ISIS , now blame is on a single man you guys should do smth about this 1 Quote
BruT Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 2 hours ago, arm4729 said: Message to one of ~150 mil. Savages : Please , someone should kill Putin , i mean it man. Maybe is not RUSIA fault , maybe is not NATO fault , but you guys are only ones who can stop him.. maybe he is a puppet idk , but you can kill him... look what happen in Sirya years ago ? America destroyed it and blame on ISIS , now blame is on a single man you guys should do smth about this Why dont you do it yourself then? try to enter his fortress xD Quote
arm4729 Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 You should follow how Ceausescu fall in Romania. Quote
BruT Posted April 18, 2022 Posted April 18, 2022 (edited) 14 minutes ago, arm4729 said: You should follow how Ceausescu fall in Romania. Comparing Romania with Russia is the funniest thing i've ever heard Ceausescu didn't had the power to destroy the world xD Edited April 18, 2022 by BruT Quote
Ehoq Posted April 19, 2022 Posted April 19, 2022 (edited) @ncs.SpawN "You tell me why your warriors need toilets, dog kennels and used lingerie that they stole from near Kyiv?" yeah...get some "ruski propoganda" Are they Russian? isnt it? There are people? who blame em? but what we can see? they are ready to "upload video on Youtube" DO IT ! RELEASE YOUR ANGER! IM A RUSSIAN ! IM A DEMON! KILL ME! BUT NO... THERE IS FEAR ONLY... NOT ABOUT UNITY ! NO FREEDOM ! FEAR! CORRUPTED ! CORRUPTED AS ALL HUMANS CAN BE ! YOU ARE WELCOME ! "YOU THINK YOU ARE BORN? NO BOI... YOU WERE BUILD! BUILD BY SOVIETS! MAYBE IN BLOOD... AGREE! AGREE! BUT YOU ARE STAB "SOVIETS" AND GRAB YOUR FREEDOM! Edited April 19, 2022 by Ehoq Quote
TommyVersace Posted April 19, 2022 Posted April 19, 2022 Leave them Ehoq. No matter what you said, their answer will be: this is Russian propaganda. They think that's EU/Ukraine mass media is the truth-only. They think Arestovich / Gordon and ect are the only truth-tellers. No matter what they said, this is truth. Many times Arestovich was caught with fakes in his tg/Instagram, even with his daily trash-talks in Youtube What about Gordon? Have you seen his video, where he said: "Everybody in EU meets Ukrainians as a Gods!". After this 2 propaganda truth-tellers it's not a surprise for me to meet such MxC users with their comments. Quote
ncs.SpawN Posted April 19, 2022 Posted April 19, 2022 8 minutes ago, Ehoq said: @ncs.SpawN "You tell me why your warriors need toilets, dog kennels and used lingerie that they stole from near Kyiv?" yeah...get some "ruski propoganda" Are they Russian? isnt it? There are people? who blame em? but what we can see? they are ready to "upload video on Youtube" DO IT ! RELEASE YOUR ANGER! IM A RUSSIAN ! IM A DEMON! KILL ME! BUT NO... THERE IS FEAR ONLY... NOT ABOUT UNITY ! NO FREEDOM ! FEAR! CORRUPTED ! CORRUPTED AS ALL HUMANS CAN BE ! YOU ARE WELCOME ! "YOU THINK YOU ARE BORN? NO BOI... YOU WERE BUILD! BUILD BY SOVIETS! MAYBE IN BLOOD... AGREE! AGREE! BUT YOU ARE STAB "SOVIETS" AND GRAB YOUR FREEDOM! This is the people poisoned by your propaganda. These are the people who should live in Russia behind a big iron curtain. Why support Putin and the war all those who are only from Russia, but because you have such a nature. You are used to behaving like pigs everywhere, you get drunk in resorts and start a brawl. You steal towels, paper, pots. Now in Ukraine you steal carpets, toilet bowls, washing machines, lingerie, dog kennels... Shame, not nation... Quote
Ehoq Posted April 19, 2022 Posted April 19, 2022 (edited) 11 minutes ago, TommyVersace said: Leave them Ehoq. No matter what you said, their answer will be: this is Russian propaganda. They think that's EU/Ukraine mass media is the truth-only. They think Arestovich / Gordon and ect are the only truth-tellers. No matter what they said, this is truth. Many times Arestovich was caught with fakes in his tg/Instagram, even with his daily trash-talks in Youtube What about Gordon? Have you seen his video, where he said: "Everybody in EU meets Ukrainians as a Gods!". After this 2 propaganda truth-tellers it's not a surprise for me to meet such MxC users with their comments. naah. i will "represent Russian" as they want to look at Russian. Here, in Rostov, i meet some injured Soldiers, Ahkmat, i close to central hostipital...they are walk in a park here, where i live. and know what... There was dialogue... without Camera, i would like to.. but he said "not needed - truth is camera already, not on yours, but is on camera, release will be soon... its about time" And he said... yeah... civilian dying... you cannot stop it when you try to fight against "Ukraine"... cuz they are sit in town... they are goes where people live and kick back Civilians out of their houses, to stay Civilian "on Russian Aim" and they are keep firing. Video like this... is not a show.. or any kind of advertise... is truth... they are "hide" into "social arcitecture", and when they are getting shot.. they are cry how "Russian can be so BAD" Edited April 19, 2022 by Ehoq Quote
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