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Beware !! COPYCATS !!


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This post was long overdue by me.
It was about time for me, to write this post about certain Greek Administrators.
It got to my attention, that these certain Administrators have this tendency to copy parts, if not even whole ideas from my projects, and selling them as their own idea. I am talking about server features, projects with dynamic rates and etc.
With this post, I am not aiming to flame or attack these people, my whole idea is to shed some light on this case and mainly to warn all of the community in maxcheaters regarding Brazon, Fotis, L2saga and the AncientForever and a few others.
Yes, these are the gentlemen, which work together for around an year now, and copy every single project including the html files in the game. With the only idea in mind…TO MAKE LOTS OF $$$$. (which I wish them to achieve)
The truth is, that they are being friendly to everybody like Brazon usually does, but he is one of the scammers who works as a manager to most of the projects.
It all started when, they saw that our mutual dynamic rates project with L2noobwars and L2thegame had great success, so naturally, they decided to copy everything and launched it under the name https://l2centos.net/. They even went so far as to, copy all of our clan crests and modify the code to load from our websites.

You can be sure, that this is the work of this team.
Currently, they are planning to open yet again a fully copied project, whose files and ideas come from our own.   

A couple of months ago, I was chatting with him and I told him about my idea of opening a toplist for the L2 Community, I even sent him some photos of the design, which was custom made for me and bought from templstock. ( this is not an advertise for them)
So, there I am minding my own business, when a friend told me, that he had shared to his team about my idea, and that they had started to work on https://playl2.net/ with my logo FZ (which stands for freezone).


After that, I decided to open this website to check it out, and what did I saw ? You may ask.
I saw the same exact website with the same logo as mine, along with all of their servers added on the list.
I am not surprised, because there was this man in maxcheaters, who said that his name “L2-Memories” was being copied in playl2.net.
All I wanted to say to you guys is, that copying is the sincerest form of flattery. 😊
I wish you nothing, but health and luck in copying all of my soon to come projects, never mind if it is the L2mid, L2noobwars or L2thegame.





Edited by SkyLord
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anyone can buy this web Html 210 euros haha :D



Also copy right in a l2 server in 20 years old game :D



Edited by giannhs5
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The truth we need some activity so ye why not? What it's in the table copy cats? I'll take it. Feels bad.

Edited by SectoneART
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This is just circous,

One guy says people copy me, when he copy others (its called karma)

Notably l2noobwars, l2thegame copy.


The other guy opens a topsite for his own servers (legit as fuck) and steals another a logo that totally cost 25euro.


idk ... 2021 is weird

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They have bought it, but I want it to be clear, which logo is for which site, so I don’t get reports thinking I have stolen their logo, after I launch my website. 

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ppl running these l2j cashgrabs done possibly every shady thing they could by now, literally criminals ddosing each other

yet what crossed the line for you was stealing some generic idea and logo KEK

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@SkyLord Why am i getting mentioned here btw? What is this interlude crap that i don't even care about? 
Never Had a C6 server in my life and specially a copy of yours.
Regarding copyrights u have to pay to win copyrights over "YOUR" creation which you did not because you are cheap. 
So why u make drama topics just for attention. Some people can just do better work than you, don't just be sad about it but work harder.


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14 minutes ago, iOllie said:

@SkyLord Why am i getting mentioned here btw? What is this interlude crap that i don't even care about? 
Never Had a C6 server in my life and specially a copy of yours.
Regarding copyrights u have to pay to win copyrights over "YOUR" creation which you did not because you are cheap. 
So why u make drama topics just for attention. Some people can just do better work than you, don't just be sad about it but work harder.



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1 minute ago, AchYlek said:



Sorry yet again nothing to do with Interlude.
That doesn't prove nothing. Are two different owners behind those two. 
Stop being a fanboy achylek. 

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3 hours ago, iOllie said:


Sorry yet again nothing to do with Interlude.
That doesn't prove nothing. Are two different owners behind those two. 
Stop being a fanboy achylek. 

This is nothing more, than a simple report for all of those who are in the club.
I apologize, if I have offended you, I will remove you from the post. Believe me, I see that you are advertising their projects, but these people are not working hard for the projects as you say.
All that they are doing is to copy every single one of my steps and actions, regardless what it is for.
This is probably the only thing that they are good at.

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